Student123's avatar

July 8, 2024

Bonjour. Comment ca va?

🙏 🥹 m’aider

Bonjour. Comment ca va?

J m’apelle Jay. Je suis de America 🇺🇸. Je estudie espagnol et francais. Je traivelle beacoup en une hôpital. J habite a New York. J’parle anglaise, espagnol et russe. En langcorrect, Je participe en les textes.

Bonne journee. 👋


Bonjour. Comment cça va ?

Space before and after : ; ? ! « » %
You need a cédille <ç>, otherwise the word would be pronounced /ka/

🙏 🥹Merci de m’aider
. ¶


Original, this smiley-sentence mix, I think this is the first time I see it here. Still, I wrote what the sentence would be in plain French

Comment cça va ?

Je m’appelle Jay.

Je suis de Americaviens des États-Unis 🇺🇸.

"Amérique" to refer solely to the United States is pretty old-fashioned. Most people just say "États-Unis" or "USA"
"venir de" would also sound better than "être de"

Je es'apprends/J'étudie l'espagnol et le francçais.

Je+vowel = j'
"estudier" would be Middle French (spoken some centuries ago), not modern one, sadly
There would be a small nuance of meaning between "étudier" and "apprendre". Acquiring a language to speak it is rather "apprendre" to me, but both can be interchangeable
Language names require articles (and they're all masculine) => LE français, LE russe, LE hindi, LE mandarin...

Je traivevaille beaucoup endans une hôpital.

"hôpital" is masculine

J 'habite aà New York.

a = has; à = on, at (preposition)
Just like in Spanish, accents and diacritics in general are compulsory in French

Je parle anglaise, espagnol et russe.

"j'" is only used when the first sound of the following word is a vowel (it's not standard in any other case, although it can be written this way to reflect oral speech)

En lSur LangcCorrect, Je participe en lj'écris des textes.

All websites, apps, softwares etc require the preposition "sur" => SUR LangCorrect, SUR Twitter, SUR Discord...

participer À quelque chose
"participer aux textes" would sound weird in this context though

Bonne journeée.

Student123's avatar

July 8, 2024


Merci Beaucoup

Bonjour. Comment ca va?

Bonjour. Comment cça va ?

Space before and after : ; ? ! « » % You need a cédille <ç>, otherwise the word would be pronounced /ka/

🙏 🥹 m’aider Bonjour.

🙏 🥹Merci de m’aider
. ¶


Original, this smiley-sentence mix, I think this is the first time I see it here. Still, I wrote what the sentence would be in plain French

Comment ca va?

Comment cça va ?

J m’apelle Jay.

Je m’appelle Jay.

Je suis de America 🇺🇸.

Je suis de Americaviens des États-Unis 🇺🇸.

"Amérique" to refer solely to the United States is pretty old-fashioned. Most people just say "États-Unis" or "USA" "venir de" would also sound better than "être de"

Je estudie espagnol et francais.

Je es'apprends/J'étudie l'espagnol et le francçais.

Je+vowel = j' "estudier" would be Middle French (spoken some centuries ago), not modern one, sadly There would be a small nuance of meaning between "étudier" and "apprendre". Acquiring a language to speak it is rather "apprendre" to me, but both can be interchangeable Language names require articles (and they're all masculine) => LE français, LE russe, LE hindi, LE mandarin...

Je traivelle beacoup en une hôpital.

Je traivevaille beaucoup endans une hôpital.

"hôpital" is masculine

J habite a New York.

J 'habite aà New York.

a = has; à = on, at (preposition) Just like in Spanish, accents and diacritics in general are compulsory in French

J’parle anglaise, espagnol et russe.

Je parle anglaise, espagnol et russe.

"j'" is only used when the first sound of the following word is a vowel (it's not standard in any other case, although it can be written this way to reflect oral speech)

En langcorrect, Je participe en les textes.

En lSur LangcCorrect, Je participe en lj'écris des textes.

All websites, apps, softwares etc require the preposition "sur" => SUR LangCorrect, SUR Twitter, SUR Discord... participer À quelque chose "participer aux textes" would sound weird in this context though

Bonne journee.

Bonne journeée.


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