abc90377's avatar

July 13, 2024

Bluetooth headphone

Today, when I was on the bus, I saw a Bluetooth headset box was left between the gap of two seats. I should have taken it out and given it to the driver, but instead, I ignored it. I regret this a bit now and hope the owner eventually got it back.


Bluetooth headphones

Headphones almost always has an "s" on it.

Today, wWhen I was on the bus today, I saw a Bluetooth headset box was left between the gap of two seats.

Sounds more natural, less poetic.


Good writing, though!

abc90377's avatar

July 15, 2024


Thank you so much!

Bluetooth headphones

Today, when I was on the bus, I saw a Bluetooth headset box that was left between the gap of two seats.

I should have taken it out and given it to the driver, but instead, I ignored it.

I regret this a bit now and hope the owner eventually got it back.

abc90377's avatar

July 15, 2024


Thank you so much!

Bluetooth headphone

Bluetooth headphones

Bluetooth headphones

Headphones almost always has an "s" on it.

Today, when I was on the bus, I saw a Bluetooth headset box was left between the gap of two seats.

Today, when I was on the bus, I saw a Bluetooth headset box that was left between the gap of two seats.

Today, wWhen I was on the bus today, I saw a Bluetooth headset box was left between the gap of two seats.

Sounds more natural, less poetic.

I should have taken it out and given it to the driver, but instead, I ignored it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I regret this a bit now and hope the owner eventually got it back.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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