prisci's avatar

Dec. 16, 2022


I have no Idea what I write . I am Sorry today I have anything to tell. My text will always boringly and lame.



I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I a'm Ssorry, today I don't have anything to tell.say. (Or: I don't have anything to talk about)

My text will always be boringly and lame.

Not at all! Don't worry :)


Good job! Don't worry about your entries being boring - we all have boring days sometimes :)


I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I am Ssorry today I have anynothing to tell you.

My text will always boringly and lame.


I have a hard time of thinking of things too write too :)

I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I am Ssorry t. Today I have anynothing to tell.

My texts will always be boringly and lame.


I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I am Ssorry, today I don’t have anything to tellsay.

My text willis always boringly and lame.


Sometimes coming up with a topic is hard. But don’t worry, even writing a little bit is good practice! :)





I have no Idea what I write .

I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I have no Iidea what Ito write .

I am Sorry today I have anything to tell.

I am Ssorry, today I don’t have anything to tellsay.

I am Ssorry t. Today I have anynothing to tell.

I am Ssorry today I have anynothing to tell you.

I a'm Ssorry, today I don't have anything to tell.say. (Or: I don't have anything to talk about)

My text will always boringly and lame.

My text willis always boringly and lame.

My texts will always be boringly and lame.

My text will always boringly and lame.

My text will always be boringly and lame.

Not at all! Don't worry :)

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