Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 16, 2023

Bitcoin(6) - A True Trasanction Screenshot

Today, I am going to post a true bitcoin transaction receipt screenshot and try to make a description.
It's my first time analyzing a bitcoin transaction receipt, my goal is to practice English writing, and I am not sure if the explanation is correct or not.
I launched a transaction on February 10, and emptied all rest of the bitcoins on because the website is going to shut down its service within a year.

As soon as I submitted the transfer inquiry, I was able to check the process on the internet. The picture illustrated there were 7 transactions on this chain. I was on second from the bottom, the top one was amazing at 660, which was equal to over 14M USD. The rest 6 traders including me were not more than one bitcoin. The picture let me understand why some experts have said the bitcoin is a financial game of billionaires, very few of them hold the majority of this kind of crypto, so they master the price.

More and more countries are preparing some policy to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they are difficult to monitor their transactions and can not collect taxes from it.

Traditional paper and cryptocurrency are actually in a struggle now. We have a famous saying that "Humans are dying for seeking of money while birds are dying for food."


Bitcoin(6) - A True Transanction Screenshot

Today, I am going to post a screenshot of a true bitcoin transaction receipt screenshot and try to make a descriptionbe it.

It's my first time analyzing a bitcoin transaction receipt, m. My goal is to practice English writing, andwriting in English so I am not sure if themy explanation iswill be correct or not.

I launched a transaction on February 10, and emptitransferred all the rest of themy bitcoins onfrom because the website is going to shut down its service within a year.

As soon as I submitted the transfer inquiry, I was able to check the process on the internet.

The picture illustrated there wereshow 7 transactions on this chain.


IMine was onthe second from the bottom, t. The top one was amazingly high at 660, which was equal to over 14M USD.


The rest of the 6 traders including mine were not morefor less than one bitcoin.

The picture let me understand why some experts have said theat bitcoin is a financial game of billionaires, because very few of them hold the majority of this kind of crypto, so they masterdetermine the price.

More and more countries are preparing some policyes to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they areit is difficult to monitor their transactions and taxes can not be collect taxesed from it.

Traditional paper and cryptocurrency are actually in a struggle now.

We have a famous saying that says, "Humans are dying forwhile seeking of money whileas birds are dying for food."



Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 16, 2023



Bitcoin(6) - A True Transanction Screenshot

Today, I am going to post a true bitcoin transaction receipt screenshot and try to make a description.

It's my first time analyzing a bitcoin transaction receipt, my goal is to practice English writing, and I am not sure if the explanation is correct or not.

I launched a transaction on February 10, and emptied all rest of the bitcoins on because the website is going to shut down its service within a year.

As soon as I submitted the transfer inquiry, I was able to check the process on the internet.

The picture illustrated that there were 7 transactions on this chain.

I was on second from the bottom, the top one was amazing at 660, which was equal to over 14M USD.

The rest 6 traders including me were not more than one bitcoin.

The picture let me understand why some experts have said the bitcoin is a financial game of billionaires, very few of them hold the majority of this kind of crypto, so they master the price.

More and more countries are preparing some policy to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they are difficult to monitor twheirn it comes to transactions and can not collect taxes from it.

I don't think "their" would be correct in this case

Traditional paper and cryptocurrency are actually in a struggle now.

We have a famous saying that "Humans are dying for seeking of money while birds are dying for food."

You could also use "that says"


Interesting journal! Have a nice day :)

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 16, 2023


Thank you for your corrections! :-)

Bitcoin(6) - A True Trasanction Screenshot

Bitcoin(6) - A True Transanction Screenshot

Bitcoin(6) - A True Transanction Screenshot

Today, I am going to post a true bitcoin transaction receipt screenshot and try to make a description.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today, I am going to post a screenshot of a true bitcoin transaction receipt screenshot and try to make a descriptionbe it.

It's my first time analyzing a bitcoin transaction receipt, my goal is to practice English writing, and I am not sure if the explanation is correct or not.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's my first time analyzing a bitcoin transaction receipt, m. My goal is to practice English writing, andwriting in English so I am not sure if themy explanation iswill be correct or not.

I launched a transaction on February 10, and emptied all rest of the bitcoins on because the website is going to shut down its service within a year.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I launched a transaction on February 10, and emptitransferred all the rest of themy bitcoins onfrom because the website is going to shut down its service within a year.

As soon as I submitted the transfer inquiry, I was able to check the process on the internet.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The picture illustrated there were 7 transactions on this chain.

The picture illustrated that there were 7 transactions on this chain.

The picture illustrated there wereshow 7 transactions on this chain.


I was on second from the bottom, the top one was amazing at 660, which was equal to over 14M USD.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

IMine was onthe second from the bottom, t. The top one was amazingly high at 660, which was equal to over 14M USD.


The rest 6 traders including me were not more than one bitcoin.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The rest of the 6 traders including mine were not morefor less than one bitcoin.

The picture let me understand why some experts have said the bitcoin is a financial game of billionaires, very few of them hold the majority of this kind of crypto, so they master the price.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The picture let me understand why some experts have said theat bitcoin is a financial game of billionaires, because very few of them hold the majority of this kind of crypto, so they masterdetermine the price.

More and more countries are preparing some policy to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they are difficult to monitor their transactions and can not collect taxes from it.

More and more countries are preparing some policy to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they are difficult to monitor twheirn it comes to transactions and can not collect taxes from it.

I don't think "their" would be correct in this case

More and more countries are preparing some policyes to regulate and limit the use of bitcoin since they areit is difficult to monitor their transactions and taxes can not be collect taxesed from it.

Traditional paper and cryptocurrency are actually in a struggle now.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

We have a famous saying that "Humans are dying for seeking of money while birds are dying for food."

We have a famous saying that "Humans are dying for seeking of money while birds are dying for food."

You could also use "that says"

We have a famous saying that says, "Humans are dying forwhile seeking of money whileas birds are dying for food."

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