Tammy's avatar

May 10, 2024

Beyond bubble tea

One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai. She had never visited China before and wanted to know the popularity of bubble tea here.

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese people.

That is brewing tea by themselves.

Many adults in China have more than one tea set. Maybe it's a complex with different functional parts or just a simple cup.

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside China? I think it's because the taste of it depends on too many things.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment. The timing of drinking is also crucial.

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.










One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai.

ALSO POSSIBLE: She hads never visited China before and wanted to know thehow popularity of bubble tea herewas.

Your version is also fine.

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese peopleSUGGESTION: Combine the next 2 sentences into 1 sentence like this - I told her that bubble tea is popular is popular in some parts of China especially during the hot summer months, most Chinese prefer tea without the jelly-bubbles during colder seasons.

NOTE: I am guessing here. I cannot imagine enjoying bubble bubble tea in Habrin in the winter, but perhaps in Hainan in the summer?

That is brewing tea by themselves.[SEE ABOVE]

Many adults in China have more than one tea set.

Maybe it's a complex with different functional parts or just a simple cup.

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?SUGGESTION: Specify *which* type is popular: jasmine, oolong, pekoe, etc. (You seem to be describing tea sets, not tea itself.)

I think it's because the taste of itALSO POSSIBLE: Perhaps preferences depends on too many thingdifferent factors.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment.

The timing of drinking is also crucial.

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.

Tammy's avatar

May 10, 2024


Thank you for the corrections and feedback.

Bubble tea is definitely popular all around China. Most brands in Shanghai also have stores in Harbin.

Beyond bubble tea

One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai.

She had never visited China before and wanted to know thehow popularity of bubble tea was here.

After explaining the domestictalking about the bubble tea market in Shanghai, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese people.here:

"explaining the domestic bubble tea market" sounds a little official, like you presented figures and talked about the bubble tea economy

That is brewing tea by themselves.

I would combine this with your last sentence

Many adults in China have more than one tea set.

Maybe it's aIt could either be complex with different functional parts or just a simple cup.

Why isn't this type ofway of enjoying tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?

I think it's because the taste of it depends on too many things.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment.

The timing of drinking is also crucial.

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.


Absolutely! It also depends on the quality of the teapot. It's an art that I don't think many people outside of Asia are aware of, lol

Tammy's avatar

May 10, 2024


Thank you!

Definitely! The water used to brew tea is important too-- I forgot to mention this point in my entry.

Beyond bubble tea

One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai.

She had never visited China before and wanted to know the popularity of bubble tea here.

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese people.

That is brewing tea by themselves.itself.

Many adults in China have more than one tea set.

Maybe it's a complexfull set with different functional partcontainers or just a simple cup.

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside of China? as bubble tea?

I think it's because the taste of it depends on too many things.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment.

The timing of drinking it is also crucial.

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.

Tammy's avatar

May 10, 2024


Thank you!

Why do we use "itself" here? I didn't catch that. Could you explain it to me, please?

Beyond bubble tea

One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai.

She had never visited China before and wanted to know the popularity of bubble tea here.

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese peopleChinese people usually enjoy their tea in a different way.

yours was correct, but I made it more natural

That is brewing tea by themselves.

'by' can be removed

Many adults in China have more than one tea set.

Maybe it's a complex withIt may have many different functional parts or just be a simple cup.

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?

I think it's because the taste of it depends on too many things.

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment.

The timing of drinking is also crucial.

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.

Tammy's avatar

May 10, 2024


Thank you for the corrections and feedback!

To brew a good cup of tea, you need to have quality tea leaves, use water at the optimal temperature, and pour it at the precise moment.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That is brewing tea by themselves.

That is brewing tea by themselves.

'by' can be removed

That is brewing tea by themselves.itself.

That is brewing tea by themselves.

I would combine this with your last sentence

That is brewing tea by themselves.[SEE ABOVE]

Many adults in China have more than one tea set.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Maybe it's a complex with different functional parts or just a simple cup.

Maybe it's a complex withIt may have many different functional parts or just be a simple cup.

Maybe it's a complexfull set with different functional partcontainers or just a simple cup.

Maybe it's aIt could either be complex with different functional parts or just a simple cup.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside of China? as bubble tea?

Why isn't this type ofway of enjoying tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?

Why isn't this type of tea as popular as bubble tea outside China?SUGGESTION: Specify *which* type is popular: jasmine, oolong, pekoe, etc. (You seem to be describing tea sets, not tea itself.)

I think it's because the taste of it depends on too many things.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I think it's because the taste of itALSO POSSIBLE: Perhaps preferences depends on too many thingdifferent factors.

The timing of drinking is also crucial.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The timing of drinking it is also crucial.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

It's hard to make it into a standard product that can be sold.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese people.

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese peopleChinese people usually enjoy their tea in a different way.

yours was correct, but I made it more natural

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After explaining the domestictalking about the bubble tea market in Shanghai, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese people.here:

"explaining the domestic bubble tea market" sounds a little official, like you presented figures and talked about the bubble tea economy

After explaining the domestic bubble tea market, I told her that there was a more prevalent practice of enjoying tea for the Chinese peopleSUGGESTION: Combine the next 2 sentences into 1 sentence like this - I told her that bubble tea is popular is popular in some parts of China especially during the hot summer months, most Chinese prefer tea without the jelly-bubbles during colder seasons.

NOTE: I am guessing here. I cannot imagine enjoying bubble bubble tea in Habrin in the winter, but perhaps in Hainan in the summer?

Beyond bubble tea

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

One of my friends once asked me about bubble tea in Shanghai.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She had never visited China before and wanted to know the popularity of bubble tea here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She had never visited China before and wanted to know thehow popularity of bubble tea was here.

ALSO POSSIBLE: She hads never visited China before and wanted to know thehow popularity of bubble tea herewas.

Your version is also fine.

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