Dec. 20, 2022
December 19, 2022
Today my good friend came to my home for pleasure. I was very happy. I would plan to do my homework this afternoon, but I also planned to play with her. We planned with her all this afternoon . I felt ashamed,because I didn't do any homework all afternoon.
A Bad tThing
This sounds more natural for a title in the US.
December 19, 2022
Today my good friend came to my home for pleasureto keep me company.
or, even better:
Today my good friend came to my home.
I was very happy.
I woulhad planned to do my homework this afternoon, but I also planned to playspend time with her.
We plannyed with her all thisgames all afternoon .
I felt ashamed, because I didn't do any homework all afternoon.
Well written!
Bad tThing
Titles should be captalized for every word (general rule, but there are exceptions).
Today, my good friend [came to my home for pleasure]/[came over] to hang out.
A more natural way of saying "came to my home" is "came over." To say come over for pleasure, you can say "to play" or more naturally, "to hang out."
I wasThis made me very happy.
I think saying it this way connects it better to the previous sentence. Because your friend came over to hang out, you were very happy as a result.
I would planned to do my homework this afternoon, but I also had planneds to play with her.
We planned with ended up playing together all this afternoon .
"Planned" does not make sense here, did you mean "play?" "Ended up" shows that you regret doing this since you wanted to do homework too. You don't need "this" between "all" and "afternoon."
I felt ashamed, because I didn't do any homework all afternoon.
See, over here you didn't need to use "this" between "all" and "afternoon."
I used to do this all the time too, haha. The important thing is eventually getting to finish the homework before too late.
Bad thing Bad Titles should be captalized for every word (general rule, but there are exceptions). A Bad This sounds more natural for a title in the US. |
December 19, 2022 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Today my good friend came to my home for pleasure. Today, my good friend [came to my home A more natural way of saying "came to my home" is "came over." To say come over for pleasure, you can say "to play" or more naturally, "to hang out." Today my good friend came to my home or, even better: Today my good friend came to my home. |
I was very happy.
I think saying it this way connects it better to the previous sentence. Because your friend came over to hang out, you were very happy as a result. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I would plan to do my homework this afternoon, but I also planned to play with her. I I |
We planned with her all this afternoon . We "Planned" does not make sense here, did you mean "play?" "Ended up" shows that you regret doing this since you wanted to do homework too. You don't need "this" between "all" and "afternoon." We pla |
I felt ashamed,because I didn't do any homework all afternoon. I felt ashamed See, over here you didn't need to use "this" between "all" and "afternoon." I felt ashamed |
中文:今天我的好朋友来找我玩,我非常的开心,我本来打算明天下午做作业的,但是我还是打算和他玩,我们一下午都在玩游戏,我还知道很惭愧,我一整个下午都没有做作业。 |
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