BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022

Assignment 2: Meanwhile.

Hello! I hope you're doing well :)

Thank you for always correcting me.

Today I'm doing a assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.


The theft occurred between 6 pm and 8pm. What were you doing when the thieved were stealing your neighbor's house? Mention three consecutive activities. Use first, after that and then

First I took a shower

After that I brushed my teeth.

Then I studied phisics.

Who do you live with? What were they doing before, during and after the theft? Mention three persons and two activities of each one.

I live with my mom, my brother and my grandmother.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching the TV.
During the theft she searched some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.
After the theft she sleeped for a while.

My brother was playing videogames before the theft.
During the theft he did some exercise.
After the theft he maked coffe.

My mom went shopping before the theft.
My mom was cooking when the theft was occuring.
My mom was taking a shower after the theft.

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbor

Did you lost something important?

Is your house in disorder?

How do you feel about this theft?


Assignment 2: Meanwhile.


I hope you're doing well :)

Thank you for always correcting me.

Always implies it is the same correctors, you are making a general entry to the public, english users never usually make this assumption, this would only be said naturally to a particular person e.g. you’re just sending your journals to one person in particular.

Today I'm doing a assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.


The theft occurred between 6 pm and 8 pm.

What were you doing when the thieveds were stealing from your neighbor's house?

“She was stealing from the store.”
“He was stealing from his sister.”

Australian/British: neighbours (from now on I am going to assume you are aiming for an America dialect)

Mention three consecutive activities.

Use first, after that and then

First I took a shower

After that I brushed my teeth.

Then I studied phiysics.

Who do you live with?

What were they doing before, during and after the theft?

Mention three persons and two activities of each one.

I live with my mom, my brother and my grandmother.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching theTV / was watching a program on TV.

During the theft she was searcheding for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

“Ella fue a buscar” “She was searching”.

In English, with regards to a specific object, we always say “searching for”:

‘She was searching/looking for her dog.’

After the theft she sleepedpt for a little while.

Dormí - she it he slept

My brother was playing videogames before the theft.

During the theft he didwas doing some exercise.

More natural.

Estaba hacer ejercicio - he was doing exercise

After the theft he makedde some coffee.

My mom went shopping before the theft.

My mom was cooking when the theft was occurring./when the theft occurred.

My mom was taking a shower after the theft.

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbor

Did you loste something important?

Is your house in disorder?

How do you feel about thise theft?


Buen trabajo! I think you would benefit from searching up words you are unsure of or making a word list, as majority of your mistakes were based on spelling ! :) also, like the corrector above, I think you would also benefit from tense work, maybe uploading a journal with some tense sentences that we could correct would be best !

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


What were you doing when the thieveds were stealing from your neighbor's house?

Haha, sorry, from now on I will specify the dialect in my journals.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


During the theft he didwas doing some exercise.

Es "estaba haciendo ejercicio" :)
¡Gracias por tus correcciones!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


¡Thank you again! I will help you with your journals too :)

frannie_'s avatar

Oct. 30, 2022


Oh haha thank you lol!


Today I'm doing an assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.

What were you doing when the thieved weref was stealing your neighbor's house?

Then I studied phiysics.

During the theft, she was searcheding for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

After the theft, she sleepedpt for a while.

During the theft, he didwas doing some exercise.

your sentence, although not grammatically wrong, would be better this way.

After the theft he makede coffee.

My mom was takingtook a shower after the theft.

Did you loste something important?


pay close attention to your tenses.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


Thank you!

What were you doing when the thieveds were stealing your neighbour's house?

"Neighbour" has an extra "u" in Canadian, British, and Australian English. If you are aiming to use American English, then ignore this spelling correction.

Then I studied phiysics.

Mention three persons and two activities ofor each one.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching the TV.

During the theft, she searched for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

After the theft, she sleepedpt for a while.

During the theft, he did some exercise.

After the theft, he makede coffee.

My mom was cooking whilen the theft was occurring.

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbour

Did you loste something important?

Is your house in disorder?

This doesn't sound natural. I think you were trying to say, "Is your house messy?" But please reply with what you might have wanted to say.

How do you feel about this theft?

You could also say, "How did you feel about this theft?" if you wanted to know what they were feeling during the event.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


Is your house in disorder?

Yes, that's what I wanted to say. Thank you :)

BlackGlasses's avatar

Oct. 29, 2022


Thank you so much!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Assignment 2: Meanwhile.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I hope you're doing well :)

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Thank you for always correcting me.

Thank you for always correcting me.

Always implies it is the same correctors, you are making a general entry to the public, english users never usually make this assumption, this would only be said naturally to a particular person e.g. you’re just sending your journals to one person in particular.

Today I'm doing a assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.

Today I'm doing an assignment where I need to imagine that my neighbour was robbed and then answer some questions about it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The theft occurred between 6 pm and 8pm.

The theft occurred between 6 pm and 8 pm.

What were you doing when the thieved were stealing your neighbor's house?

What were you doing when the thieveds were stealing your neighbour's house?

"Neighbour" has an extra "u" in Canadian, British, and Australian English. If you are aiming to use American English, then ignore this spelling correction.

What were you doing when the thieved weref was stealing your neighbor's house?

What were you doing when the thieveds were stealing from your neighbor's house?

“She was stealing from the store.” “He was stealing from his sister.” Australian/British: neighbours (from now on I am going to assume you are aiming for an America dialect)

Mention three consecutive activities.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Use first, after that and then

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

First I took a shower

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After that I brushed my teeth.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Then I studied phisics.

Then I studied phiysics.

Then I studied phiysics.

Then I studied phiysics.

Who do you live with?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

What were they doing before, during and after the theft?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Mention three persons and two activities of each one.

Mention three persons and two activities ofor each one.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I live with my mom, my brother and my grandmother.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching the TV.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching the TV.

Before the theft, my grandmother was watching theTV / was watching a program on TV.

During the theft she searched some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

During the theft, she searched for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

During the theft, she was searcheding for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

During the theft she was searcheding for some chocolates in the kitchen cabinet.

“Ella fue a buscar” “She was searching”. In English, with regards to a specific object, we always say “searching for”: ‘She was searching/looking for her dog.’

After the theft she sleeped for a while.

After the theft, she sleepedpt for a while.

After the theft, she sleepedpt for a while.

After the theft she sleepedpt for a little while.

Dormí - she it he slept

My brother was playing videogames before the theft.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

During the theft he did some exercise.

During the theft, he did some exercise.

During the theft, he didwas doing some exercise.

your sentence, although not grammatically wrong, would be better this way.

During the theft he didwas doing some exercise.

More natural. Estaba hacer ejercicio - he was doing exercise

After the theft he maked coffe.

After the theft, he makede coffee.

After the theft he makede coffee.

After the theft he makedde some coffee.

My mom went shopping before the theft.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My mom was cooking when the theft was occuring.

My mom was cooking whilen the theft was occurring.

My mom was cooking when the theft was occurring./when the theft occurred.

My mom was taking a shower after the theft.

My mom was takingtook a shower after the theft.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbor

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbour

Write three questions that you would ask to your neighbor

Did you lost something important?

Did you loste something important?

Did you loste something important?

Did you loste something important?

Is your house in disorder?

Is your house in disorder?

This doesn't sound natural. I think you were trying to say, "Is your house messy?" But please reply with what you might have wanted to say.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

How do you feel about this theft?

How do you feel about this theft?

You could also say, "How did you feel about this theft?" if you wanted to know what they were feeling during the event.

How do you feel about thise theft?

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