BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 19, 2022

Apps for Selfcare

Hello everyone! Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for selfcare and self love because, as you now, selfcare and selflove are not selfish.

I hope you find this information useful. :)

How We Feel
This is an app that help us to identify our emotions during a day. After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.
I highly recommend this app. This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our life. Also, you can use this app with your friends.

This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion. She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and she improved drastically in a few days.
This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter if it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app is a tracker of the amount of water you drink. The desing is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, if you know more apps for selfcare and selflove, I would love to hear your suggestions.


Apps for Selfcare

Hello everyone!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self care and self love because, as you now, self care and self love are not selfish.

I hope you find this information useful.


How We Feel

This is an app that help us tos people identify ourthe emotions they experience during atheir day.


After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.

I highly recommend this app.

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

Also, you can use this app with your friends.


This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and she improved drastically in a few days.

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goals, too (no matter if it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).


This app is a tracker of the amount of water you drink.

The desing is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, if you know more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestionsthem.


Beautiful !

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


Thank you so much! :)
Have a nice day.

Apps for Self-care

Hello everyone!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self-care and self -love because, as you now, self-care and self-love are not selfish.

This is an app thato help us toyou identify your emotions during athe day.

When we're talking about something, like an app, we usually say third-person "you." I think in Spanish it would be similar to saying "se usa esta aplicación" even though when you write it in English, it feels more like tú usas, you know what I mean?

This app is especially useful when weyou are facing hard moments in our life.

This app gives you some challenges to improve self -esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to help you accomplish your personal goal (no matter if it's stop quit smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app is a tracker oftracks the amount of water you drink.

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, if you know more apps for self-care and self-love, I would love to hear your suggestions.


Great job! I hadn't heard about the apps before. Thanks for sharing!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 21, 2022


Thank you so much! I hope you will find these apps useful.

Apps for Sself care

Self shouldn't be capitalized here, 'selfcare' isn't proper English, it should be 'self care' or self-care'

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self care and self love because, as you now, self care and self love are not selfish.

I see that when you stated 'self love', you spelled it correctly by spliting the two words, by the way, selfish is an actual word and wouldn't be split.

I hope you find this information useful.


How We Feel

This is an app that help us to identify our emotions during athe day.

sounds ackward

After you've identified them, this apps (these apps) gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.

You can use 'this app' or 'these apps' depending on whether or not you want to pluralize 'app(s)'. It sounds like you are talking about a single app (this app) but then again you may be talking about more than 1 app (these apps).

I highly recommend this app.

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

You used 'we' earlier in the statement, you need to pluralize life.

Also, you can use this app with your friends.


This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and, she improved drastically in just a few days.

Ackward wording

This app gives you some challenges to improve your self esteem but you can also create your own challenges andto invite some friends to help you accomplish your personal goals (no matter if it's stopping smoking, to passing a test, etc).


This app is a tracker ofor the amount of water you drink.

The desing is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, if you know of more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestions.


Good job writing. I never heard of 'desing' and had to look up it's meaning. Thank you for the information on its useage.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 21, 2022


Thank you so much!
😂 It was typo, what I wanted to say was "design."

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 21, 2022


Apps for Sself care

I didn't know that. Thank you very much for your detailed explanations.

tim315's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


I didn't know that. Thank you very much for your detailed explanations.

Maybe I shouldn't correct your journals from now on. You speak English so well, I think I check your work extra hard as compared to others. I apologize for being so strict. Tim
Tal vez yo no correcta tus diario desde ahora. Tú hablas inglés ya bien, pienso que yo correcta tus trabajar muy dura compared a otras. Discuparse para hago ya esticto. Tim

I'm so impressed with your English and I really appreciate your comments being in my native language that I would like to try and correct Spanish speakers seeking to speak English, in their native language. This is my first try so don't laugh too hard.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 22, 2022


Maybe I shouldn't correct your journals from now on. You speak English so well, I think I check your work extra hard as compared to others. I apologize for being so strict. Tim Tal vez yo no correcta tus diario desde ahora. Tú hablas inglés ya bien, pienso que yo correcta tus trabajar muy dura compared a otras. Discuparse para hago ya esticto. Tim I'm so impressed with your English and I really appreciate your comments being in my native language that I would like to try and correct Spanish speakers seeking to speak English, in their native language. This is my first try so don't laugh too hard.

Tim, you're really an amazing person. I'm grateful for all of your corrections and your detailed feedback.
My English is not perfect, there are a lot of things that I need to improve and I thank you for being so strict. I want to help you to improve your Spanish and I'm so happy that you want to correct others in Spanish. I'm proud of you.
If you don't correct my journals it's ok! I'll correct yours either. 😊

tim315's avatar

Dec. 23, 2022


Tim, you're really an amazing person. I'm grateful for all of your corrections and your detailed feedback. My English is not perfect, there are a lot of things that I need to improve and I thank you for being so strict. I want to help you to improve your Spanish and I'm so happy that you want to correct others in Spanish. I'm proud of you. If you don't correct my journals it's ok! I'll correct yours either. 😊

Gracias Lii

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


No, gracias a ti, Tim. :)

Apps for Selfcare

Hello, everyone!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for selfcare and self love because, as you now, selfcare and selflove are not selfish.

I hope you find this information useful.


How We Feel

This is an app that helps us (to) identify our emotions during athe day.

After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand why you're feeling the way you are and to improve your well being.

This is terrific.

I highly recommend this app.

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

Also, you can use this app with your friends.


This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

She created this app in order to get better and toby asking for help and she improved drastically in a few days.

Wow, nice!

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter ifwhether it's to stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).


This app is a tracker ofor the amount of water you drink.

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, i. If you know of more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestions.


Very well done! Thanks, too, for all of these reminders!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 21, 2022


Thanks! I'm very grateful for your corrections you've made.

Apps for Self-care

Hello everyone!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self-care and self -love because, as you know, self-care and self-love are not selfish.

Most "self" words use a hyphen to connect the two words eg. "self-actualisation, self-absorbed" etc.

I hope you find this information useful.


How We Feel

This is an app that helps us to identify our emotions during athe day.

After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.

I highly recommend this app.

This app is especially useful when we are faexperiencing hard moments in our life.

"facing" would be used with words like "problem" or "situation" eg. "facing a difficult problem" or "facing a tough situation".

AlsoFurthermore, you can use this app with your friends.


This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and she improved drastically in a few days.

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter ifwhether it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).


This app is a tracker of the amount of water you drink.

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

That's all, if you know more apps for self-care and self-love, I would love to hear your suggestions.


Good writing, and thanks for the recommendations!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 21, 2022


Thank you so much! I hope you find these apps useful. 😊

Apps for Selfcare

Apps for Self-care

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Apps for Sself care

Self shouldn't be capitalized here, 'selfcare' isn't proper English, it should be 'self care' or self-care'

Apps for Self-care

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hello everyone!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Hello, everyone!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for selfcare and self love because, as you now, selfcare and selflove are not selfish.

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self-care and self -love because, as you know, self-care and self-love are not selfish.

Most "self" words use a hyphen to connect the two words eg. "self-actualisation, self-absorbed" etc.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self care and self love because, as you now, self care and self love are not selfish.

I see that when you stated 'self love', you spelled it correctly by spliting the two words, by the way, selfish is an actual word and wouldn't be split.

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self-care and self -love because, as you now, self-care and self-love are not selfish.

Today I want to show you some of my favorite apps for self care and self love because, as you now, self care and self love are not selfish.

I hope you find this information useful.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

How We Feel

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This is an app that help us to identify our emotions during a day.

This is an app that helps us to identify our emotions during athe day.

This is an app that helps us (to) identify our emotions during athe day.

This is an app that help us to identify our emotions during athe day.

sounds ackward

This is an app thato help us toyou identify your emotions during athe day.

When we're talking about something, like an app, we usually say third-person "you." I think in Spanish it would be similar to saying "se usa esta aplicación" even though when you write it in English, it feels more like tú usas, you know what I mean?

This is an app that help us tos people identify ourthe emotions they experience during atheir day.


After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

After you've identified them, this apps gives you some strategies to understand why you're feeling the way you are and to improve your well being.

This is terrific.

After you've identified them, this apps (these apps) gives you some strategies to understand and to improve your well being.

You can use 'this app' or 'these apps' depending on whether or not you want to pluralize 'app(s)'. It sounds like you are talking about a single app (this app) but then again you may be talking about more than 1 app (these apps).

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I highly recommend this app.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our life.

This app is especially useful when we are faexperiencing hard moments in our life.

"facing" would be used with words like "problem" or "situation" eg. "facing a difficult problem" or "facing a tough situation".

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

You used 'we' earlier in the statement, you need to pluralize life.

This app is especially useful when weyou are facing hard moments in our life.

This app is especially useful when we are facing hard moments in our lifeves.

Also, you can use this app with your friends.

AlsoFurthermore, you can use this app with your friends.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

This app was created by Jane Mc Gonigal, a game designer who suffered a concussion.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and she improved drastically in a few days.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

She created this app in order to get better and toby asking for help and she improved drastically in a few days.

Wow, nice!

She created this app in order to get better and to ask for help and, she improved drastically in just a few days.

Ackward wording

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter if it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter ifwhether it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goal (no matter ifwhether it's to stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app gives you some challenges to improve your self esteem but you can also create your own challenges andto invite some friends to help you accomplish your personal goals (no matter if it's stopping smoking, to passing a test, etc).

This app gives you some challenges to improve self -esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to help you accomplish your personal goal (no matter if it's stop quit smoking, to pass a test, etc).

This app gives you some challenges to improve self esteem but you can also create your own challenges and invite some friends to accomplish your personal goals, too (no matter if it's stop smoking, to pass a test, etc).


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app is a tracker of the amount of water you drink.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This app is a tracker ofor the amount of water you drink.

This app is a tracker ofor the amount of water you drink.

This app is a tracker oftracks the amount of water you drink.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The desing is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The desingn is super cute and it motivates you to keep drinking water!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That's all, if you know more apps for selfcare and selflove, I would love to hear your suggestions.

That's all, if you know more apps for self-care and self-love, I would love to hear your suggestions.

That's all, i. If you know of more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestions.

That's all, if you know of more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestions.

That's all, if you know more apps for self-care and self-love, I would love to hear your suggestions.

That's all, if you know more apps for self care and self love, I would love to hear your suggestionsthem.

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