Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 11, 2022

American Stock

I was told that American Stock is the largest and most active stock market in the world three years ago. I could not resist how exciting I could earn money at home , I opened a stock account and started to trade stock in American market.
I earned about 30% profit in the first year, I felt happy and exciting , I thought I was a genius and intelligent stock expert.
But in the next 2 years, my stock lost around 60%. I get to know the best investment for me is deposit cash in bank, do nothing.


I could not resist howthe exciting I couldement of earning money at home ,. I opened a stock account and started to trade stock in the American market.

I earned about 30% profit in the first year, I felt happy and exciting , ed. I thought I was a genius and /intelligent stock expert.

Genius and intelligent are synonymous. It's best to pick one to avoid redundancy.

I get to knowdiscovered/realized that the best investment for me is to deposit cash in bank, and do nothing.

Get to know is not wrong but it just sounds a bit off. Also, try to apply parallelism, hence the past tense in all sentences.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 11, 2022


Thank you ! :)

American Stock

I was told that American Stock is the largest and most active stock market in the world three years ago.

I could not resist how exciting I could earn money at home , I opened a stock account and started to trade stock in American market.

I could not resist howthe exciting I couldement of earning money at home ,. I opened a stock account and started to trade stock in the American market.

I earned about 30% profit in the first year, I felt happy and exciting , I thought I was a genius and intelligent stock expert.

I earned about 30% profit in the first year, I felt happy and exciting , ed. I thought I was a genius and /intelligent stock expert.

Genius and intelligent are synonymous. It's best to pick one to avoid redundancy.

But in the next 2 years, my stock lost around 60%.

I get to know the best investment for me is deposit cash in bank, do nothing.

I get to knowdiscovered/realized that the best investment for me is to deposit cash in bank, and do nothing.

Get to know is not wrong but it just sounds a bit off. Also, try to apply parallelism, hence the past tense in all sentences.

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