Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 27, 2022

Alpaca is in Action

The alpaca is a cute animal that is living in South America. I don't know when it was brought into China. Chinese people name it Grass Mud Horse which shares the same pronunciation as "fuck y**" in Chinese.
Many people in Shanghai demonstrated against the Zero-Covid policy and against the explanation of why over 10 people were fired to death at home because they were locked by the local government.
The story came on a street in Shanghai this morning.
A young, courageous, and clever girl took three alpacas walking in Shanghai. All the people there understand the meaning except the alpacas themselves. The policemen there were nervous and fooled by the intelligent girl, and I don't know
what's will be done to the girl, hope she was safe and lucky.
I give a thumb to her.


The alpaca is a cute animal that is livinglives in South America.

" living" refers to a specific entity eg. "Mark is living in South America."

In your sentence, "the alpaca" is a general noun, so "lives" is better.

Chinese people name it Grass Mud Horse which shares the same pronunciation as "fuc**k y**ou" in Chinese.

The correct word to censor in this phrase is "fuck", which is the swear. Censorship isn't formalised, so you can do it any way you want, but the first letter must be retained:
f***, f**k, f*ck

Many people in Shanghai demonstraprotested against the Zero-Covid policy and against the explanation of why over 10 people were fired to death at homkilled in a fire because they were lockedforced to stay in by the local government.

The verb form "fire" as in "fired" refers to firing a gun, ie. being shot.

The story camehappened on a street in Shanghai this morning.

All the people there understanood the meaning except the alpacas themselves.

what's will be done to the girl,. I hope she wasill be safe and lucky.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 27, 2022


Thank you! "living and lives", "how to censor a word", "firs is most for gun". :)

Alpaca is in Action

The alpaca is a cute animal that is living in South America.

The alpaca is a cute animal that is livinglives in South America.

" living" refers to a specific entity eg. "Mark is living in South America." In your sentence, "the alpaca" is a general noun, so "lives" is better.

I don't know when it was brought into China.

Chinese people name it Grass Mud Horse which shares the same pronunciation as "fuck you" in Chinese.

Many people in Shanghai demonstrated against the Zero-Covid policy and against the explanation of why over 10 people were fired to death at home because they were locked by the local government.

Many people in Shanghai demonstraprotested against the Zero-Covid policy and against the explanation of why over 10 people were fired to death at homkilled in a fire because they were lockedforced to stay in by the local government.

The verb form "fire" as in "fired" refers to firing a gun, ie. being shot.

The story came on a street in Shanghai this morning.

The story camehappened on a street in Shanghai this morning.

A young, courageous, and clever girl took three alpacas walking in Shanghai.

All the people there understand the meaning except the alpacas themselves.

All the people there understanood the meaning except the alpacas themselves.

The policemen there were nervous and fooled by the intelligent girl, and I don't know

what's will be done to the girl, hope she was safe and lucky.

what's will be done to the girl,. I hope she wasill be safe and lucky.

I give a thumb to her.

Chinese people name it Grass Mud Horse which shares the same pronunciation as "fuck y**" in Chinese.

Chinese people name it Grass Mud Horse which shares the same pronunciation as "fuc**k y**ou" in Chinese.

The correct word to censor in this phrase is "fuck", which is the swear. Censorship isn't formalised, so you can do it any way you want, but the first letter must be retained: f***, f**k, f*ck

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