TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 2, 2023

Akkalime - Artist / Streamer

On the night of the last day of 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.
The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drew and made live 2D models.
I like watching art live-stream by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes them draw something by a request of a viewer.
I redeemed it and requested them to draw my Live 2D character.
This was the first time an artist except the illustrator of my character drew him, so I was really excited.
The redeem was called “Doodle”, so I expected a simple drawing.
I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been impressed enough and happy.
However, they spent over an hour to draw my request, and of course the drawing was amazing.

I have been in a bad mood recently.
There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good things.
So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

However, because of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jazz music and their generosity and kindness to use artistic skills for me, mere one of the viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really good mood.
I got to like them more.
I fell asleep listening to them talking and missed the end of the live-stream though, lol.

Check out the related link in the notes section.

The live stream VOD


On the night of the last day of 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drew and made live 2D models.

I like watching art live-stream by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

I redeemed it and requested them to draw my Live 2D character.

The redeem was called “Doodle”, so I expected a simple drawing.

I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been impressed enough and happy.

However, they spent over an hour to drawing my request, and of course the drawing was amazing.

I have been in a bad mood recently.

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy about, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good things.

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

However, because of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jjazz music and their generosity and kindness to use artistic skills for me, merely one of the viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really good mood.

I got to like them more.

I fell asleep listening to them talking and missed the end of the live-stream though, lol.

Check out the related link in the notes section.

TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 3, 2023


Thank you very much, Visualsilva!

Akkalime - Artist / Streamer

On the night of the last day ofNew Year's Eve 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

Similar to 大晦日 in Japanese, you can say the last day of a year is "New Year's Eve."

The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drewaws and madekes live 2D models.

Since this VTuber is still doing this line of work, past-tense wouldn't fit here.

I like watching art live-stream by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

I like watching art live-streams by artists in general, and, combined with the fact that Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

The corrected sentence is fixed, but I personally think it is too long and clunky and would split it like so: "I like watching art live-streams by artists in general. And combined with the fact that Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, I visit their live-stream as much as I can."

On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes themwhere they will draw something by a request of a viewer.

"Make" makes it seem forced (though it sort of is) so I softened the language this way. I am also not entirely sure, but I feel that "redeem" might not be the correct word. I don't go on Twitch, so I wouldn't know. But I think I would phrase it along the lines of "redeemable option by donation."

I redeemed it and requested for them to draw my Live 2D character.

This was the first time an artist exceptbesides the illustrator of my character drew him, so I was really excited.

The redeem was called “Doodle, so I expected a simple drawing.

Any punctuation that follows something in parantheses will always go inside the parentheses.

I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been thoroughly impressed enough and happy.

I feel that this would be better word choice here.

However, they spent over an hour to draw my request, and, of course, the drawing was amazing.

I noticed that the other correction said to avoid using "however" in the start of sentences. But that simply isn't true. It is certainly taught this way in the American education system in my experience, but it is not true at all. Forcing yourself to confine to that 'rule' will sometimes ruin the flow and overall nuance that you originally wanted to convey.

More info here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/can-you-start-a-sentence-with-however#:~:text=However%20may%20be%20used%20to,stop%20worrying%20about%20using%20however.

There are surely many other conjunctions in English that have this idea of using them to start a sentence being no good. When you encounter any of those, I'd advise for you to do some research because many of them are surprisingly okay to use in that way.

I have been in a bad mood recently.

Both 'recently' and 'lately' are fine. I hear both 'recently' and 'lately' in the US. It's not a matter of fact of one being more used in the US. They do have slightly different meanings, however. I probably can't give a super thorough comparison here, but a quick google search will probably help. Here's a stack exchange post on the topic: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/32571/difference-between-recently-and-lately

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy about, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good thingseverything good.

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

"Shite" is definitely more UK English. "Shit/crap" would be more American English.

HoweverIn the end, though, because of Akka's Jazz-filled chill live-stream with Jazz music andalong with their generosity and kindness to use their artistic skills for me, mere without hesitation, one of their mere viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really goodreat mood.

Changed the transition in the beginning since you already used 'however' before and 'good' to 'great' since you also used that two sentences before.

I gotrew to like them even more.

I fell asleep listening to them talking and missed the end of the live-stream though, lol.

Check out the related link in the notes section.


I don't really watch streamers all too much, but it seems like you found a gem of an individual! Also, I'm not sure if you're using the pronoun "they" for the reason of "they" being an all gender-inclusive pronoun, but if you are sure of the person's gender then use "he/she."

TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 3, 2023


Thank you so much for the corrections and the very detailed notes! I'll check the links later!

>you found a gem of an individual...
True. I had followed them on Twitter for a while because their art is high quality , and they started live-streaming, so there was no choice but visiting them!

About their pronoun, I think they are biologically female considering their voice. When someone asked them their pronoun, they answered that they are fine with all of them, he/she/they, so I use "they" in this post.

On the night of the last day ofNew Year’s Eve 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

You mean New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2022), right?

TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 3, 2023


On the night of the last day ofNew Year’s Eve 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

Yes, I meant "December 31, 2022." Thank you very much, JoeTofu!

Akkalime - Artist / Streamer

On the night of the last day of 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drew and made live 2D models.

I like watching art live-streamed by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.


On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes them draw something by a request of a viewerper a viewer's request.

I redeemed it and requested them toat they draw my Live 2D character.

"To request that ..." We don't often use a direct object with it because it's often implied or inferred.

This was the first time an artist, except thefor the original illustrator of my character, would dreaw him, so I was really excited.

The redeem was called “Doodle, so I expected a simple drawing.

I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been impressed enough and happy.

However, tThey spent over an hour, however, to draw my request, and, of course, the drawing was amazing.

We avoid using "however" at the beginning of sentences in writing.


I have been in a bad mood recentlately.

Your sentence is correct but this is how we say it in the US.

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good things.

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

However, bBecause of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jazz music and their generosity and kindness to use their artistic skills for me, who was merely one of their viewers, however, without hesitation, I couldan say I ended my 2022 in a really good mood.


I got to like them more.

I fell asleep listening to them talking and missed the end of the live-stream though, lol.

Check out the related link in the notes section.



TarYosh's avatar

Jan. 3, 2023


Thank you very much for your helpful corrections and notes, mari-san!

Akkalime - Artist / Streamer

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On the night of the last day of 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On the night of the last day ofNew Year’s Eve 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

You mean New Year’s Eve (December 31, 2022), right?

On the night of the last day ofNew Year's Eve 2022, I was watching a live-stream on Twitch.

Similar to 大晦日 in Japanese, you can say the last day of a year is "New Year's Eve."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drew and made live 2D models.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The streamer was Akkalime, a Filipino artist / VTuber who drewaws and madekes live 2D models.

Since this VTuber is still doing this line of work, past-tense wouldn't fit here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I like watching art live-stream by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

I like watching art live-streamed by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.


I like watching art live-stream by artists in general, and Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, so I visit their live-stream as much as I can.

I like watching art live-streams by artists in general, and, combined with the fact that Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, I visit their live-stream as much as I can. The corrected sentence is fixed, but I personally think it is too long and clunky and would split it like so: "I like watching art live-streams by artists in general. And combined with the fact that Akka is a really nice person and one of my favorite streamers, I visit their live-stream as much as I can."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes them draw something by a request of a viewer.

On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes them draw something by a request of a viewerper a viewer's request.

On their Twitch channel, there is a redeem called “Doodle” that makes themwhere they will draw something by a request of a viewer.

"Make" makes it seem forced (though it sort of is) so I softened the language this way. I am also not entirely sure, but I feel that "redeem" might not be the correct word. I don't go on Twitch, so I wouldn't know. But I think I would phrase it along the lines of "redeemable option by donation."

I redeemed it and requested them to draw my Live 2D character.

I redeemed it and requested them toat they draw my Live 2D character.

"To request that ..." We don't often use a direct object with it because it's often implied or inferred.

I redeemed it and requested for them to draw my Live 2D character.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This was the first time an artist except the illustrator of my character drew him, so I was really excited.

This was the first time an artist, except thefor the original illustrator of my character, would dreaw him, so I was really excited.

This was the first time an artist exceptbesides the illustrator of my character drew him, so I was really excited.

The redeem was called “Doodle”, so I expected a simple drawing.

The redeem was called “Doodle, so I expected a simple drawing.

The redeem was called “Doodle, so I expected a simple drawing.

Any punctuation that follows something in parantheses will always go inside the parentheses.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been impressed enough and happy.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I guess even if they had drawn a simple rough sketch in five minutes, I would have been thoroughly impressed enough and happy.

I feel that this would be better word choice here.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, they spent over an hour to draw my request, and of course the drawing was amazing.

However, tThey spent over an hour, however, to draw my request, and, of course, the drawing was amazing.

We avoid using "however" at the beginning of sentences in writing. 凄い!

However, they spent over an hour to draw my request, and, of course, the drawing was amazing.

I noticed that the other correction said to avoid using "however" in the start of sentences. But that simply isn't true. It is certainly taught this way in the American education system in my experience, but it is not true at all. Forcing yourself to confine to that 'rule' will sometimes ruin the flow and overall nuance that you originally wanted to convey. More info here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/can-you-start-a-sentence-with-however#:~:text=However%20may%20be%20used%20to,stop%20worrying%20about%20using%20however. There are surely many other conjunctions in English that have this idea of using them to start a sentence being no good. When you encounter any of those, I'd advise for you to do some research because many of them are surprisingly okay to use in that way.

However, they spent over an hour to drawing my request, and of course the drawing was amazing.

I have been in a bad mood recently.

I have been in a bad mood recentlately.

Your sentence is correct but this is how we say it in the US.

I have been in a bad mood recently.

Both 'recently' and 'lately' are fine. I hear both 'recently' and 'lately' in the US. It's not a matter of fact of one being more used in the US. They do have slightly different meanings, however. I probably can't give a super thorough comparison here, but a quick google search will probably help. Here's a stack exchange post on the topic: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/32571/difference-between-recently-and-lately

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good things.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy about, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good thingseverything good.

There are good things that I appreciate and I should feel happy about, but there are also things that make me feel negative and they easily overshadow good things.

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

"Shite" is definitely more UK English. "Shit/crap" would be more American English.

So, I thought my 2022 was going to end while I felt like shite.

However, because of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jazz music and their generosity and kindness to use artistic skills for me, mere one of the viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really good mood.

However, bBecause of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jazz music and their generosity and kindness to use their artistic skills for me, who was merely one of their viewers, however, without hesitation, I couldan say I ended my 2022 in a really good mood.


HoweverIn the end, though, because of Akka's Jazz-filled chill live-stream with Jazz music andalong with their generosity and kindness to use their artistic skills for me, mere without hesitation, one of their mere viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really goodreat mood.

Changed the transition in the beginning since you already used 'however' before and 'good' to 'great' since you also used that two sentences before.

However, because of Akka’s chill live-stream with Jjazz music and their generosity and kindness to use artistic skills for me, merely one of the viewers, without hesitation, I could end my 2022 in a really good mood.

I got to like them more.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I gotrew to like them even more.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I fell asleep listening to them talking and missed the end of the live-stream though, lol.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Check out the related link in the notes section.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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