tsukeyyy's avatar

March 17, 2024

About the HeLa cells

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that shows. 1. Who is that woman in the picture? 2. What the background shows?
The article answered the first question that I asked, this women named Henrietta lacks ,and there is a special cells lived in her body. The scientists found that cell and they made many new medical discoveries with it. Now they have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells. The article didn’t answer the second question: what the background shows. But I found the answer after I searched it. That blue triangle are the HeLa cells. They’re beautiful.


About the HeLa cells

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that is showsn.

1. Who is that woman in the picture?


What the background shows?

The article answered the first question that I asked, this women named Henrietta lacks ,and there is aare special cells that have lived in her body.

The scientists have found that cell and they have made many new medical discoveries with it.

Now they have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

The article didn’t answer the second question: what the background shows.

But I found the answer after I searched it.

That blue triangle are the HeLa cells.

They’re beautiful.

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that shbelows.

1. Who is that woman in the picture?

What does the background shows?

The article answered the first question that I asked, this womenan was named Henrietta lLacks , and there is aare special cells that lived in her body.

The scientists found that cell and they made many new medical discoveries with it.

Now they have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

The article didn’t answer the second question: what the background shows.

But I found the answer after I searched it.

That blue triangle are the HeLa cells.

They’re beautiful.


There is actually quite an interesting and controversial backstory to them. HeLa cells were Henrietta's cervical cancer cells and her doctors used them without her permission, but we can't deny the many scientific discoveries that we made with them. They are very easy to work with. HeLa cells are what I started out with when I first learned to do lab work in my undergraduate studies.


About the HeLa cells

So aAt the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that showsn.

1. Who is that woman in the picture?


What does the background shows?

More natural this way

The article answered the first question that I asked, t. This women named Henrietta lacks , and there is aare special cells liveding in her body.

lacks [object], you forgot to put it in.

The scientists found thate cell and they made many new medical discoveries with it.

Now they have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

The article didn’t answer the second question: what the background shows.

But I found the answer after I searched for it.

That blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

They’re beautiful.

So aAt the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that is showsn.

"so" makes no sense at the start of your first sentence.

"so" is used to connect two related sentences.

1. Who is thate woman in the picture?

What is shown in the background shows?

The article answered themy first question that I asked, this women. The woman's named is Henrietta lLacks , and tshere is a had special cells lived in her body.

The sScientists founanalyzed thate cells and they made many new medical discoveries with itfrom them.

Now they haveThey were able to madke a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

The article didn’t answer themy second question:, what the background shows.

But I found the answer after I searched for it.

Thate blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

They’re beautiful.


Good job.

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that showsn.

1. Who is thate woman in the picture?

Slightly better to use "the" here.

What is (shown) in the background shows?

The article answered the first question that I asked, this womean namedis Henrietta lLacks , and tshere is a had special cells lived in her body.

Woman = singular, women = plural

The sScientists founanalyzed thatose cells and they made many new medical discoveries with itfrom them.

Now tThey have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

Saying "now" implies this was just recently done.

The article didn’t answer themy second question:, what the background shows.

But I found the answer (myself) after I searched for it.

Thatose blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

They’re beautiful.


Good job

What the background shows?

What is (shown) in the background shows?

What is shown in the background shows?

What does the background shows?

More natural this way

What does the background shows?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

About the HeLa cells

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that shows.

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that showsn.

So aAt the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that is showsn.

"so" makes no sense at the start of your first sentence. "so" is used to connect two related sentences.

So aAt the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that showsn.

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that shbelows.

So at the beginning of the article, I asked two questions about the image that is showsn.

1. Who is that woman in the picture?

1. Who is thate woman in the picture?

Slightly better to use "the" here.

1. Who is thate woman in the picture?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That blue triangle are the HeLa cells.

Thatose blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

Thate blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

That blue triangles are the HeLa cells.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The article answered the first question that I asked, this women named Henrietta lacks ,and there is a special cells lived in her body.

The article answered the first question that I asked, this womean namedis Henrietta lLacks , and tshere is a had special cells lived in her body.

Woman = singular, women = plural

The article answered themy first question that I asked, this women. The woman's named is Henrietta lLacks , and tshere is a had special cells lived in her body.

The article answered the first question that I asked, t. This women named Henrietta lacks , and there is aare special cells liveding in her body.

lacks [object], you forgot to put it in.

The article answered the first question that I asked, this womenan was named Henrietta lLacks , and there is aare special cells that lived in her body.

The article answered the first question that I asked, this women named Henrietta lacks ,and there is aare special cells that have lived in her body.

The scientists found that cell and they made many new medical discoveries with it.

The sScientists founanalyzed thatose cells and they made many new medical discoveries with itfrom them.

The sScientists founanalyzed thate cells and they made many new medical discoveries with itfrom them.

The scientists found thate cell and they made many new medical discoveries with it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The scientists have found that cell and they have made many new medical discoveries with it.

Now they have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

Now tThey have made a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

Saying "now" implies this was just recently done.

Now they haveThey were able to madke a polio vaccine with HeLa cells.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The article didn’t answer the second question: what the background shows.

The article didn’t answer themy second question:, what the background shows.

The article didn’t answer themy second question:, what the background shows.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

But I found the answer after I searched it.

But I found the answer (myself) after I searched for it.

But I found the answer after I searched for it.

But I found the answer after I searched for it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They’re beautiful.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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