Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022

About My Middle School

The middle school that I studied in was the local township middle school.

That year, the school enrolled three classes of new students. Each class had around 60 students who came from different elementary schools in the town.

I was placed in class one. I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village. I also didn't know how other students performed in their academic grades for the same reason.

After my classmates and I had the first midterm exam, I knew I was a top student because I got first place in my class. In the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the number one, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

Studying in middle school was not like studying in elementary school. The former required me to stay at school, but the latter didn't.

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sports and music. But music was only taught in grade one.

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number one in my school in the high school entrance exam. But I hadn't chosen to study in a provincial key high school instead, so I chose to study in a specialized secondary school. Because choosing to study in a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

That was what my current job came from. Working for the government for decades was because I did very well in that exam. So, even though I am at such an old age, I still learn, because I always believe that learning can bring us good fortunes.


ThatOne year, the school enrolled three classes of new students.

"that year" implies that you're talking about a specific year already mentioned, but you haven't talked about any specific point in time so far (in the US middle school is ~3 years, so middle school alone doesn't help narrow it down to "that specific year")

I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village.

perhaps i'm overthinking

"town" to me is still somewhere small, but if there are multiple different schools (at least 3 so far?) in this town i would call it a city instead. your school could be in a village/town still, but this new(?) school i think is moreso in a city

I also didn't know how other students performed in their academic gradesally for the same reason.

or: I also didn't know how other students' grades were for the same reason

In the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the number one, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

so he got 1st out of his class, but then did he get 1st or 2nd out of the entire grade? or did he just score really well, like 100%, and you meant "number one" figuratively? i don't entirely understand so i'm not sure how to rephrase :v

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sportsgym, and music.

oxford/serial comma is grammatically optional but man it just looks weird to me without it

also side note: in the US, the "sports" subject in school is usually called Physical Education, or Phys. Ed (said like "fizz ed") for short. in elementary/middle school though, we usually just said "gym" or "gym class."

and one final note... the subjects themselves don't need to be capitalised, unless they are the name of a language. but the names of an individual class is capitalised. (history doesn't need to be capitalised because it's just a general reference to the subject. History 101 does need to be capitalised because it's the name of a specific class)

But music was only taught in grade one.

school systems in every country are so different so this isn't an error at all, especially since there are more people who speak english as a second language than natively, but just curious - what age group is that? in america, "grade one" or first grade would be 5-6 years old haha

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number onescored the best in my school in the high school entrance exam.

think this is what you mean?

Because cChoosing to study in a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

you should put a comma at the end of your last sentence and join this sentence to the previous one. or, get rid of the word "because" like i wrote

That was whahow I got my current job came from.


nice story :) i don't know enough about i'm assuming china's education system to be able to say much but i hope i helped somewhat

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village.

It was really a town, which had several elementary schools in different villages. For example, the town had 30 villages, and every five villages had an elementary school, thus the town had six elementary schools. New students in middle school didn’t know each other because they came from different elementary schools and these schools are far from each other, unless students came from the same elementary school.

motte's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


It was really a town, which had several elementary schools in different villages. For example, the town had 30 villages, and every five villages had an elementary school, thus the town had six elementary schools. New students in middle school didn’t know each other because they came from different elementary schools and these schools are far from each other, unless students came from the same elementary school.

ahh ok. so a village is technically just a small town. but where i live, villages are very far-spread, so townships (governing bodies for towns) often have to include multiple other villages so that those small villages have some form of government, even though that village really isn't related to the town at all... it's kind of confusing lol but i get what you mean i think i'm in the same boat.

although 30 villages does sound like a lot - maybe "county" would be a better word? i think there are about 30 towns in my county... it's like a step above a town/city/village, but not yet a full state/province. in america at least.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


In the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the number one, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

At that time, after an exam, students had a score in total, and they would be ranked based on how many scores they got. If you got the highest score, you would be the number one. So if you got the number one (you got the highest score in the exam) in your class, you may also be the number one or number two in the entire grade because students were not only ranked in their class, but also ranked in the entire grade (three classes.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


But music was only taught in grade one.

Back then, elementary school for five years, middle school for three years, and high school for three years. I meant grade one for middle school. If you combined together with elementary school, it was grade six. Now elementary school is six years.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


When I graduated from middle school, I got the number onescored the best in my school in the high school entrance exam.

I meant I got the highest score in the exam in the school.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sportsgym, and music.

Well, it was gym or P. E.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 23, 2022


ahh ok. so a village is technically just a small town. but where i live, villages are very far-spread, so townships (governing bodies for towns) often have to include multiple other villages so that those small villages have some form of government, even though that village really isn't related to the town at all... it's kind of confusing lol but i get what you mean i think i'm in the same boat. although 30 villages does sound like a lot - maybe "county" would be a better word? i think there are about 30 towns in my county... it's like a step above a town/city/village, but not yet a full state/province. in america at least.

Village is village, it's not a town.
Let me give you a general view of the government’s pattern in China.
China >provinces >prefecture level cities/regions >counties/districts >townships >villages.
China governs 34 provinces/autonomous regions/municipalities directly under the central government/special administrative regions.
A province governs about 15 prefecture level regions/cities.
A prefecture level region/city governs about 6 counties.
A county governs about 30 townships.
A township governs about 100 villages.
A village has about 400 people.

About My Middle School

The middle school that I studied in was the local township middle school.

That year, the school enrolled three classes of new students.

Each class had around 60 students who came from different elementary schools in the town.

I was placed in class one.

I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village.

I also didn't know how other students performed in their academic grades for the same reason.

After my classmates and I had the first midterm exam, I knew I was a top student because I got first place in my class.

InFor the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the nNumber oOne, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

Studying in middle school was not like studying in elementary school.

The former required me to stay at school, but the latter didn't.

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, mMath, English, pPolitics, hHistory, gGeography, pPhysics, cChemistry, bBiology, sSports and mMusic.

Since these are names of class subjects, we capitalize the first letter of each.

But musicMusic, however, was only taught in grade one.

We try to avoid beginning a sentence with "but" or "however" when we write.

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number one in my school iwas ranked first on the high school entrance exam.

This is more how'd we say it in the US.

But I hadn't chosen to study inat a provincial key high school, however, so instead, so I chose to study inat a specialized secondary school.

Because choosing to study inat a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

That was whatfrom where my current job came from.

Working for the government for decades was because I did very well ion that exam.

So, even though I am at such an old agemuch older now, I still learn, because I always believe that learning can bring us good fortunes.


Very well written.

About My Middle School

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The middle school that I studied in was the local township middle school.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

That year, the school enrolled three classes of new students.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

ThatOne year, the school enrolled three classes of new students.

"that year" implies that you're talking about a specific year already mentioned, but you haven't talked about any specific point in time so far (in the US middle school is ~3 years, so middle school alone doesn't help narrow it down to "that specific year")

Each class had around 60 students who came from different elementary schools in the town.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I was placed in class one.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I didn't know anyone else in my class because I was the only one who came from the elementary school in my village.

perhaps i'm overthinking "town" to me is still somewhere small, but if there are multiple different schools (at least 3 so far?) in this town i would call it a city instead. your school could be in a village/town still, but this new(?) school i think is moreso in a city

I also didn't know how other students performed in their academic grades for the same reason.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I also didn't know how other students performed in their academic gradesally for the same reason.

or: I also didn't know how other students' grades were for the same reason

After my classmates and I had the first midterm exam, I knew I was a top student because I got first place in my class.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

In the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the number one, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

InFor the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the nNumber oOne, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

In the following midterm exam and final exams in my class, I also got the number one, which was also the first place or the second place among students in the three classes of the same grade.

so he got 1st out of his class, but then did he get 1st or 2nd out of the entire grade? or did he just score really well, like 100%, and you meant "number one" figuratively? i don't entirely understand so i'm not sure how to rephrase :v

Studying in middle school was not like studying in elementary school.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The former required me to stay at school, but the latter didn't.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sports and music.

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, mMath, English, pPolitics, hHistory, gGeography, pPhysics, cChemistry, bBiology, sSports and mMusic.

Since these are names of class subjects, we capitalize the first letter of each.

During middle school, I had 11 subjects: Chinese, math, English, politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sportsgym, and music.

oxford/serial comma is grammatically optional but man it just looks weird to me without it also side note: in the US, the "sports" subject in school is usually called Physical Education, or Phys. Ed (said like "fizz ed") for short. in elementary/middle school though, we usually just said "gym" or "gym class." and one final note... the subjects themselves don't need to be capitalised, unless they are the name of a language. but the names of an individual class is capitalised. (history doesn't need to be capitalised because it's just a general reference to the subject. History 101 does need to be capitalised because it's the name of a specific class)

But music was only taught in grade one.

But musicMusic, however, was only taught in grade one.

We try to avoid beginning a sentence with "but" or "however" when we write.

But music was only taught in grade one.

school systems in every country are so different so this isn't an error at all, especially since there are more people who speak english as a second language than natively, but just curious - what age group is that? in america, "grade one" or first grade would be 5-6 years old haha

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number one in my school in the high school entrance exam.

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number onescored the best in my school in the high school entrance exam.

think this is what you mean?

When I graduated from middle school, I got the number one in my school iwas ranked first on the high school entrance exam.

This is more how'd we say it in the US.

But I hadn't chosen to study in a provincial key high school instead, so I chose to study in a specialized secondary school.

But I hadn't chosen to study inat a provincial key high school, however, so instead, so I chose to study inat a specialized secondary school.

Because choosing to study in a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

Because choosing to study inat a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

Because cChoosing to study in a specialized secondary school meant that I already got the opportunity to work for the government after three years of studying there.

you should put a comma at the end of your last sentence and join this sentence to the previous one. or, get rid of the word "because" like i wrote

That was what my current job came from.

That was whatfrom where my current job came from.

That was whahow I got my current job came from.

Working for the government for decades was because I did very well in that exam.

Working for the government for decades was because I did very well ion that exam.

So, even though I am at such an old age, I still learn, because I always believe that learning can bring us good fortunes.

So, even though I am at such an old agemuch older now, I still learn, because I always believe that learning can bring us good fortunes.

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