Jack's avatar

Nov. 17, 2022

About Covid Test

If people's Covid are negative, they shouldn’t have done the Covid test.

If people's Covid are positive, there will be two situations.

One is that they don't have any symptoms and probably Covid will turn negative within a few days.

In my opinion, if a so-called disease has no symptoms, then it's not a disease, and the people with it are actually healthy.

Another situation is that people whose Covid are positive and they have some symptoms.

For these people, even though the government doesn't require them to do the Covid test, they will do the test positively because they already have symptoms. They need to go to hospitals to see a doctor.

The Covid test that is being held in China every day nowadays is totally unnecessary and it's a stupid idea.

In addition, sending people with Covid positive to hospitals to be treated is enough. What the hell has to do with others? Lockdown completely shouldn’t have happened in the pandemic.


For these people, even thoughif the government doeshadn't required them to [do thea Covid test, they will do the test posi |get tested for Covid], they would have [done the test | gotten tested] proactively because they already have symptoms.

"Even though" in your original sentence meant that the government really doesn't require them to get a test. For a hypothetical situation like this one, use "even if," instead.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 18, 2022


Thank you very much.

About the Covid Test

If people's Covid are negativesomeone tests negative for Covid, they shouldn’t have donetaken the Covid test.

If people's Covid are positivesomeone tests positive for Covid, there will be two situations.

One is that they don't have any symptoms, and probably Covid will turnthey will probably test negative within a few days.

In my opinion, if a so-called disease has no symptoms, then it's not a disease, and the people with it are actually healthy.

Another situation is that people whose Covid are positivethey test positive for Covid, and they have some symptoms.

For these people, eEven though the government doesn't require them to do the Covid test, they will do the test positivelyse people will do it because they already have symptoms.

They need to go to a hospitals to see a doctor.


The daily Covid test that is being held in China every day nowadays isare totally unnecessary, and it's a stupid idea.

In addition, sending people with Covid positive to hospitals to be treated is enough.

What the hell hasdoes it have to do with others?

Lockdown completely shouldn’t have happened in the pandemic.


Good job! Make sure to remember that for some nouns like "Covid test" certain verbs sound more natural. In this case, people typically say something like "I take a Covid test."

Jack's avatar

Nov. 17, 2022


Thank you very much.

About Covid Test

About the Covid Test

If people's Covid are negative, they shouldn’t have done the Covid test.

If people's Covid are negativesomeone tests negative for Covid, they shouldn’t have donetaken the Covid test.

If people's Covid are positive, there will be two situations.

If people's Covid are positivesomeone tests positive for Covid, there will be two situations.

One is that they don't have any symptoms and probably Covid will turn negative within a few days.

One is that they don't have any symptoms, and probably Covid will turnthey will probably test negative within a few days.

In my opinion, if a so-called disease has no symptoms, then it's not a disease, and the people with it are actually healthy.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Another situation is that people whose Covid are positive and they have some symptoms.

Another situation is that people whose Covid are positivethey test positive for Covid, and they have some symptoms.

For these people, even though the government doesn't require them to do the Covid test, they will do the test positively because they already have symptoms.

For these people, eEven though the government doesn't require them to do the Covid test, they will do the test positivelyse people will do it because they already have symptoms.

For these people, even thoughif the government doeshadn't required them to [do thea Covid test, they will do the test posi |get tested for Covid], they would have [done the test | gotten tested] proactively because they already have symptoms.

"Even though" in your original sentence meant that the government really doesn't require them to get a test. For a hypothetical situation like this one, use "even if," instead.

They need to go to hospitals to see a doctor.

They need to go to a hospitals to see a doctor.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The Covid test that is being held in China every day nowadays is totally unnecessary and it's a stupid idea.

The daily Covid test that is being held in China every day nowadays isare totally unnecessary, and it's a stupid idea.

In addition, sending people with Covid positive to hospitals to be treated is enough.

In addition, sending people with Covid positive to hospitals to be treated is enough.

What the hell has to do with others?

What the hell hasdoes it have to do with others?

Lockdown completely shouldn’t have happened in the pandemic.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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