Dani's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

A suspicious man

After the second *call up* from a woman this week, the police started to *look into* around the neighborhood. Some witness tell them about a *prowler* seen wandering during the last nights. In a *hazy* night the police finally found the man. It *turn out* (can I replace it for worked out or came out with the same meaning?) to be a man looking for its dog *cub*. He only was going out at nights because he has to work during the rest of the day.

I write this text to use and learn new vocabulary (*words*). They are no related words, so the story may sound a bit strange in some cases.


After the second *call up* from a woman this week, the police started to *look into* aroundsearch the neighborhood.

look into the neigborhood is not a verb for this context, there is not a verb "call up"

It *turned out* (can I replace it for worked out or came out with the same meaning?) to be a man looking for hits dog's *cub*.

"worked out" is to have a problem come to an end, but "turned out" means something unknown was revealed. Worked out can't be used here. Came out has other meanings so it can't be used as well.

He was only was going out at nights because he hasd to work during the rest of the daydaytime.

Since it's a story, we have to conjugate the verbs in the past.

"daytime" gives the meaning better.

Dani's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022


Thank you. I'll keep in mind the advices

A suspicious man

After the second *call up* from a woman this week, the police started to *look into* around the neighborhood.

After the second *call up* from a woman this week, the police started to *look into* aroundsearch the neighborhood.

look into the neigborhood is not a verb for this context, there is not a verb "call up"

Some witness tell them about a *prowler* seen wandering during the last nights.

In a *hazy* night the police finally found the man.

It *turn out* (can I replace it for worked out or came out with the same meaning?) to be a man looking for its dog *cub*.

It *turned out* (can I replace it for worked out or came out with the same meaning?) to be a man looking for hits dog's *cub*.

"worked out" is to have a problem come to an end, but "turned out" means something unknown was revealed. Worked out can't be used here. Came out has other meanings so it can't be used as well.

He only was going out at nights because he has to work during the rest of the day.

He was only was going out at nights because he hasd to work during the rest of the daydaytime.

Since it's a story, we have to conjugate the verbs in the past. "daytime" gives the meaning better.

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