Co's avatar

Oct. 7, 2024

A stranger

I want to raise a habit to talk with a stranger: in a shop, in a street, in a train. How to say Roman Liberov at the interview(in the youTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine russian classic writter such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, there are english subtitles), you every day need: one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stress. I like a small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you have heard. Maybe it will your new friend? Or this contact help you in a career? Either you can meet true love! I dont know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and stey friendly as possible as you can.


A sStranger

I want to raisestart a habit tof talking with a strangers: in a shops, ion athe street, ion a trains.

How to sayLike Roman Liberov at the interview(in the youTube writesaid in an interview (on YouTube, search Roman Liberov vDud - he examine russiananalyzes classic Russian writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, t. There are eEnglish subtitles), you every day need:you come across one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stressor.

I like a small- talk with strangers, because you never know what you have'll heard.

Maybe ithey will become your new friend?

Or this contact will help you in ayour career?

EitheOr you canould meet your true love!

I don't know, but I guess you mightwould be open to new people incoming into your life and steay friendly as possible as you can.

"as possible" and "as you you can" are both okay, but you can only have one.


That's a good habit to have, I think. I'm pretty shy so I don't often talk to strangers unprompted, but I like it when people strike up conversations with me while I'm out

Co's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


Thanks a lot! I remember 2 phrasal verb: come across - you go and BAM, you see something
strike up conversation - start to talk with somebody

Scooter's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


I'm glad to help! :)

A stranger

I want to raismake a habit tof talking with a stranger: in a shop, ion a street, in a train.

How to sayAs Roman Liberov at thesaid in an interview (in the yYouTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine rs Russian classic writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky,; there are eEnglish subtitles), you every day you need: one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stress.

I like ahaving small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you havemay heard.

Maybe ithe/she will be your new friend?.

Or thise contact will help you in a career?.

Either you can meetYou can even find true love!

I don't know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and steay friendly as possible as you can.

Co's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


Thank you! I like “make a habit of”, I remember this phrase 🤠


I want to raise acultivate the habit tof talking with a strangers: in a shop, in a street, inor a train.

How to sayI want to know how to talk about Roman Liberov at thein an interview(in the youTube write (on YouTube type in 'Roman Liberov vDud' - he examine russians classic Russian writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, and there are even English subtitles), you eEvery day need:, you need to make one new acquaintance, do one new challenge and eliminate one stress.

I like ato engage in small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you havecould heard.

Maybe it willyou can meet your new friend?

Or this contact help you in afind help in your career?

Either you can meetYou might even find true love!

I dont know, but I guess you mightshould be open to new people in your life and steyay as friendly as possible as you can.


Bravo! Continue practicing daily and your English skills will flourish

Co's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


I write words such as flourish, to engage in and to eliminate - I am so glad to learn new phrase 🤍🙌🏻🕊️

A sStranger

I want to raisedevelop a habit to talk with aof speaking to stranger:s in a shops, in athe street, ior on a train.

Saying “develop a habit” sounds better here :)

How to sayI want to know how to talk about Roman Liberov at thein an interview(in the y (On YouTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine rs Russian classic writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, there are english subtitles), you e. Every day need:you need to make one new acquaintance, and do one new challenge and eliminate one stress.

I like ato have small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you have hwill leardn.

Maybe ithey will be your new friend?

Or this contact could help you in a career?

EitheOr you can meet your true love!

I dont know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and steybe as friendly as possible as you can.


I hope you are able to start talking to more strangers! I believe it helps with being more social and having courage.

Co's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


Thanks for your comments and wish - I will be try to do my best 😋

A stranger

A sStranger

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

A sStranger

I want to raise a habit to talk with a stranger: in a shop, in a street, in a train.

I want to raisedevelop a habit to talk with aof speaking to stranger:s in a shops, in athe street, ior on a train.

Saying “develop a habit” sounds better here :)

I want to raise acultivate the habit tof talking with a strangers: in a shop, in a street, inor a train.

I want to raismake a habit tof talking with a stranger: in a shop, ion a street, in a train.

I want to raisestart a habit tof talking with a strangers: in a shops, ion athe street, ion a trains.

How to say Roman Liberov at the interview(in the youTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine russian classic writter such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, there are english subtitles), you every day need: one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stress.

How to sayI want to know how to talk about Roman Liberov at thein an interview(in the y (On YouTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine rs Russian classic writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, there are english subtitles), you e. Every day need:you need to make one new acquaintance, and do one new challenge and eliminate one stress.

How to sayI want to know how to talk about Roman Liberov at thein an interview(in the youTube write (on YouTube type in 'Roman Liberov vDud' - he examine russians classic Russian writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, and there are even English subtitles), you eEvery day need:, you need to make one new acquaintance, do one new challenge and eliminate one stress.

How to sayAs Roman Liberov at thesaid in an interview (in the yYouTube write Roman Liberov vDud - he examine rs Russian classic writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky,; there are eEnglish subtitles), you every day you need: one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stress.

How to sayLike Roman Liberov at the interview(in the youTube writesaid in an interview (on YouTube, search Roman Liberov vDud - he examine russiananalyzes classic Russian writters such as Osip Mandelstam and Joseph Brodsky, t. There are eEnglish subtitles), you every day need:you come across one new acquaintance, one new challenge and one stressor.

I dont know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and stey friendly as possible as you can.

I dont know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and steybe as friendly as possible as you can.

I dont know, but I guess you mightshould be open to new people in your life and steyay as friendly as possible as you can.

I don't know, but I guess you might be open to new people in your life and steay friendly as possible as you can.

I don't know, but I guess you mightwould be open to new people incoming into your life and steay friendly as possible as you can.

"as possible" and "as you you can" are both okay, but you can only have one.

I like a small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you have heard.

I like ato have small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you have hwill leardn.

I like ato engage in small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you havecould heard.

I like ahaving small-talk with strangers, because you never know what you havemay heard.

I like a small- talk with strangers, because you never know what you have'll heard.

Maybe it will your new friend?

Maybe ithey will be your new friend?

Maybe it willyou can meet your new friend?

Maybe ithe/she will be your new friend?.

Maybe ithey will become your new friend?

Or this contact help you in a career?

Or this contact could help you in a career?

Or this contact help you in afind help in your career?

Or thise contact will help you in a career?.

Or this contact will help you in ayour career?

Either you can meet true love!

EitheOr you can meet your true love!

Either you can meetYou might even find true love!

Either you can meetYou can even find true love!

EitheOr you canould meet your true love!

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