galoarellano1987's avatar

Oct. 22, 2024

A strange day

Yesterday, I had a strange day, because in home there was a problem.
As I have a boy with autism, my dad and my mom help me with the care of him. However, some ocations my brother became angry with this help for my parents to me.
I hope can go to my house the next year, although this decition come some economic problems or logystics problems.
I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente more.

At the end, the day has gone and the calm return to home althought in my mind still there are thoughs about the problem.

Thanks for read my post.


Yesterday, I had a strange day, because inat home there was a problem.

As I have a boyson with autism, my dadmom and my momdad help me with the care of him.

Not grammatically, but it's more idiomatic to say "mom and dad" instead of "dad and mom"

However, on some occatsions, my brother became angry withat this help for my parents togive me.

I hope I can go to my house the next year, although this decitsion comes with some economic problems or logyistics problems.

I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente more.

At the end, the day has gone and the calm return to homeThe day has ended, and I am back home, calm, althought in my mind still, there are still thoughts about the problem.

Yesterday, I had a strange day, because in home there was a problem at home.

As I have a boy with autism, my dadmom and my momdad help me with thtake care of him.

It’s more natural here to say ‘my mom and dad’ or ‘my parents’

However, some occatsionsally my brother becamegets angry withat I get this help forom my parents to me.

I hope I can go to my house the next year, although this decitsion comes with some economic problems or logyisticsal problems.

I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente morbeing more patient in the meantime.

In the meantime = while you wait (for things to improve)

AtIn the end, the day has gone and the calm return tois over and everything is calm at home again althought in my mind still there are still thoughts about the problem.

You could also say: ‘although in my mind I’m still worrying about the problem.’

Thanks for reading my post.

Thanks for (verb+ing …)


Sounds like yesterday was a bit of a rough day for you. Hang in there! I’m sure things will get better

A strange day

Yesterday, I had a strange day, because in home there was a problem.

Yesterday, I had a strange day, because in home there was a problem at home.

Yesterday, I had a strange day, because inat home there was a problem.

As I have a boy with autism, my dad and my mom help me with the care of him.

As I have a boy with autism, my dadmom and my momdad help me with thtake care of him.

It’s more natural here to say ‘my mom and dad’ or ‘my parents’

As I have a boyson with autism, my dadmom and my momdad help me with the care of him.

Not grammatically, but it's more idiomatic to say "mom and dad" instead of "dad and mom"

However, some ocations my brother became angry with this help for my parents to me.

However, some occatsionsally my brother becamegets angry withat I get this help forom my parents to me.

However, on some occatsions, my brother became angry withat this help for my parents togive me.

I hope can go to my house the next year, although this decition come some economic problems or logystics problems.

I hope I can go to my house the next year, although this decitsion comes with some economic problems or logyisticsal problems.

I hope I can go to my house the next year, although this decitsion comes with some economic problems or logyistics problems.

I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente more.

I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente morbeing more patient in the meantime.

In the meantime = while you wait (for things to improve)

I have faith in God that everything in my life will improve, so I need to practice the skills of being patiente more.

At the end, the day has gone and the calm return to home althought in my mind still there are thoughs about the problem.

AtIn the end, the day has gone and the calm return tois over and everything is calm at home again althought in my mind still there are still thoughts about the problem.

You could also say: ‘although in my mind I’m still worrying about the problem.’

At the end, the day has gone and the calm return to homeThe day has ended, and I am back home, calm, althought in my mind still, there are still thoughts about the problem.

Thanks for read my post.

Thanks for reading my post.

Thanks for (verb+ing …)

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