BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 24, 2022

A Question

If you would be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinkg about asking: are you happy? but the question probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too." So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask. Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.
I would like to focus not in how I feel but how I react.
That's the reason why I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?"

So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?


If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinkgthought about asking: are you happy?

but the questionanswer probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

here naturally i might say "yes, sometimes I am, but not always." meaning you feel other emotions too.

So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask.

Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.

I would like to focus not in how I feel, but how I react.

That's the reason why I would ask:, "what have you learnted in these ten years?

learnt is correct i think but it's weird to use IMO


nice job!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


Thank you sommuch! 😊

BlackGlasses's avatar

Jan. 4, 2023


Thank you so very much! 😊

If you wcould be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinkgthought about asking:, are you happy?

but the questionThe answer, however, probably would be like, "yYes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions, too."

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

That's the reason why I would ask:, "wWhat have you learnt in these ten years?".


So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?



BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


I'm grateful for these amazing corrections! Thank you very much and have a nice day.

A Question

If you wcould be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

Reading this back yes it can be misinterpreted and it isn’t the best sentence, however this has become the norm way to say this sentence (so I recommend it to you!)

At first, I was thinkg about asking: When thinking about this question, I first thought asking myself, ‘are you happy?’.

bBut the questionanswer probably would be something like "yes, sometimes I am, but sometimes I feel other not-so-happy emotions, too."

‘ Not-so…’ is a common colloquial phrase

“She was not-so early.” (AKA she was late)

It is like a euphemism I believe, yes! I can give you more examples if you need!

Instead, by that phase/time of my life, I would like to be actively learning and growing from my mistakes.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

That's the reason why , if given the opportunity, I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?”.


So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?


I would ask myself if I’ve travelled the world, am fluent in at least a few languages and have moved out and am in my dream career ! Well done Li, amazing work!!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Thanks for correcting me! I hope you travel the world and become fluent in several languages. :)
Have a nice day!

A Question

If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinking about asking: are you happy?

but the questionanswer would probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask.

Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

That's the reason why erefore I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?

"learned" is more common in the US.


So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?


What a great question! Good writing!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Thank you very much for correcting me again. :)
Have a nice day!

A Question

If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

This is subjunctive tense.

At first, I was thinking about asking:, are you happy?

but the questionThe answer, however, probably would be like, "yYes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions, too."

So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask.

Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

That's the reason why I would ask: instead, "wWhat have you learnt in these past ten years?


So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?


The same question! Good thinking and well done!

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


Thank you so much again, Mari.
Have a nice day!

A Question

If you would be able to ask to yourself a question in(the you ten years from now)/(yourself ten years from now) a question, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinkg about asking: "are you happy?,"

but the question probably would be likanswer would probably be "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask.

Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

That's the reason why I would ask: "wWhat have you learnt/learned in these ten years?

Depending on what type of English you are studying, the past tense of "learn" is different. I am from the US, so "learned" is used, but it seems that people from the UK use "learnt."

So, what question would you ask to (yourself inten years)/(the you ten years) from now?


Good topic! If I would probably ask something similar: "What advice would you give me now that you wish you have gotten then?" But honestly, I would rather not ask anything at all. I want to just have life come at me unexpectedly, even if some of it may not be all sunshine and rainbows.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Dec. 29, 2022


What an interesting perspective! Thanks for these corrections. :)

A Question

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If you would be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

If you would be able to ask to yourself a question in(the you ten years from now)/(yourself ten years from now) a question, what would you ask?

If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

This is subjunctive tense.

If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

If you wcould be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

Reading this back yes it can be misinterpreted and it isn’t the best sentence, however this has become the norm way to say this sentence (so I recommend it to you!)

If you wcould be able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

If you would bere able to ask to yourself a question in ten years from now, what would you ask?

At first, I was thinkg about asking: are you happy?

At first, I was thinkg about asking: "are you happy?,"

At first, I was thinking about asking:, are you happy?

At first, I was thinking about asking: are you happy?

At first, I was thinkg about asking: When thinking about this question, I first thought asking myself, ‘are you happy?’.

At first, I was thinkgthought about asking:, are you happy?

At first, I was thinkgthought about asking: are you happy?

but the question probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

but the question probably would be likanswer would probably be "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

but the questionThe answer, however, probably would be like, "yYes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions, too."

but the questionanswer would probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

bBut the questionanswer probably would be something like "yes, sometimes I am, but sometimes I feel other not-so-happy emotions, too."

‘ Not-so…’ is a common colloquial phrase “She was not-so early.” (AKA she was late) It is like a euphemism I believe, yes! I can give you more examples if you need!

but the questionThe answer, however, probably would be like, "yYes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions, too."

but the questionanswer probably would be like "yes, sometimes I am, but I feel other emotions too."

here naturally i might say "yes, sometimes I am, but not always." meaning you feel other emotions too.

So I realised that maybe that's not the best question to ask.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Instead, I would like to learn and grow from my mistakes.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Instead, by that phase/time of my life, I would like to be actively learning and growing from my mistakes.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I would like to focus not in how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not ion how I feel but how I react.

I would like to focus not in how I feel, but how I react.

That's the reason why I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?

That's the reason why I would ask: "wWhat have you learnt/learned in these ten years?

Depending on what type of English you are studying, the past tense of "learn" is different. I am from the US, so "learned" is used, but it seems that people from the UK use "learnt."

That's the reason why I would ask: instead, "wWhat have you learnt in these past ten years?

That's the reason why erefore I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?

"learned" is more common in the US.

That's the reason why , if given the opportunity, I would ask: "what have you learnt in these ten years?”.

That's the reason why I would ask:, "wWhat have you learnt in these ten years?".

That's the reason why I would ask:, "what have you learnted in these ten years?

learnt is correct i think but it's weird to use IMO


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!



So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?

So, what question would you ask to (yourself inten years)/(the you ten years) from now?

So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?

So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

So, what question would you ask to yourself in ten years from now?

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