May 27, 2024
I got home a few minutes ago and want to share a pleasant little thing with you.
There is a pot of gardenia on my windowsill. It's with several buds right now.
I just found out that one of the buds is going to bloom.
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
So happy!
A Pleasant Little Thing
I got home a few minutes ago and want to share a pleasant little thing with you.
There is a pot of gardenia on my windowsill.
It's with has several buds right now.
I just found out that one of the buds is going to bloom.
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
SI’m so happy!
That sounds really nice! Good job with the sentences too!
I got home a few minutes ago and wanted to share a pleasant little thing with you.
NOTE: The past tense should be used here.
ALSO POSSIBLE: There is a pot ofwith gardenia on my windowsill.
It's withCLEARER: It has several buds right now.
ALSO POSSIBLE: I just found out that one of the buds is going towill bloom soon.
Maybe I will see athis flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
Nice! Seeing a flower is a small source. Seeing a flower wilt can also remind that all things are fleeting.
It's with has several buds right now.
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
or "a blossom" or a "blossoming flower"
SI'm so happy!
What a lovely moment!
A Pleasant Little Thing
I got home a few minutes ago and wanted to share a pleasant little thing with you.
There is a pot of gardenia pot on my windowsill.
Or: gardenias in a pot
It's with has several buds right now.
I just found out that one of the buds is going to bloom.
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
SI'm so happy!!
Good luck! I hope you see one tomorrow :)
A Pleasant Little Thing
I got home a few minutes ago and want to share a pleasant little thing with you.
There is a pot of gardenia on my windowsill.
It's with has several buds right now.
I just found out that one of the buds is going to bloom.
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning.
SI'm so happy!
Thanks for sharing such a cute story! Well done
A Pleasant Little Thing This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
I got home a few minutes ago and want to share a pleasant little thing with you. This sentence has been marked as perfect! I got home a few minutes ago and wanted to share a pleasant little thing with you. I got home a few minutes ago and wanted to share a pleasant little thing with you. NOTE: The past tense should be used here. This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
There is a pot of gardenia on my windowsill. This sentence has been marked as perfect! There is a Or: gardenias in a pot ALSO POSSIBLE: There is a pot This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
It's with several buds right now. It It It
It |
I just found out that one of the buds is going to bloom. This sentence has been marked as perfect! This sentence has been marked as perfect! ALSO POSSIBLE: I just found out that one of the buds This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Maybe I will see a flower in a blossom when I get up tomorrow morning. Maybe I will see a flower in Maybe I will see a flower Maybe I will see a flower in or "a blossom" or a "blossoming flower" Maybe I will see Maybe I will see a flower |
So happy!
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