zaozao's avatar

Nov. 9, 2022

A lovely aunt who works in the canteen

I was in a really good mood, because I used a fantastic app “reddish”, through which people express their ideas about a variety of questions. Different people say different things. The way they express themselves makes me laugh;) And I effectively learnt a lot of new words from reading their comments. After scrolling through the app for a while, I went to the canteen having lunch. A lovely aunt, about 45 years old, as a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costume was pretty. And she even served me more food than another one.


I was in a really good mood, because I used a fantastic app “reddisht”, through whichwhere people express their ideas about a variety of questions.

The way they express themselves makes me laugh;). And I effectively learnted a lot of new words from reading their comments.

People use both learnt and learned but learned is supposedly seen as more correct.

A lovely aunt, abrout 45nd fourty-five years old, asnd a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costume was pretty.

And she even served me more food than another onethers.

zaozao's avatar

Nov. 9, 2022


Super thank you for correcting this. 😊

The way they express themselves makes me laugh;) And I effectively learnt a lot of new words from reading their comments.

i don't think "effectively" changes the meaning of this sentence, and it sounds more natural to leave it out.

After scrolling through the app for a while, I went to the canteen havingto have lunch.

if you went to the canteen having lunch, it implies that you were currently having lunch while you went there.
but more likely i'm assuming you meant you went to the canteen for the purpose of (to) have lunch there.

A lovely auntwoman, about 45 years old, as a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costumeoutfit was pretty.

Seems odd to refer to somebody as an aunt when you aren't related to them? that's all. somebody having a sibling who has a kid just doesn't make someone worthy of having the title "aunt" in any given situation by any person, i'm assuming this is some cultural difference lol

also, costume implies you were dressed up. like in a cosplay or for halloween or something. which wasn't too long ago so maybe you were in a costume! but i think outfit is what you'd be more likely to mean the other 11 months of the year lol, it refers to your general appearance and clothing.

And she even served me more food than another onethers.

"another one" makes it sound like she gave you more food than a single other person, which is likely to happen to anybody in a lunch line staffed by real people. human error :p

"the others" says that she gave you more food than every other person she gave food to. Although, i think to say "she served me more food than every other person / everyone else" makes it kinda aggressive, like as if she gave you 2 or 3 times as much food. so "the others" i think is the best version

zaozao's avatar

Nov. 9, 2022


And she even served me more food than another onethers.

Oh I got it. Super thank you for telling me this.

zaozao's avatar

Nov. 9, 2022


A lovely auntwoman, about 45 years old, as a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costumeoutfit was pretty.

Yeah I’d say that it’s cultural difference. 🙈

A lovely aunt who works in the canteen

I was in a really good mood, because I used a fantastic app “reddish”, through which people express their ideas about a variety of questions.

I was in a really good mood, because I used a fantastic app “reddisht”, through whichwhere people express their ideas about a variety of questions.

Different people say different things.

The way they express themselves makes me laugh;) And I effectively learnt a lot of new words from reading their comments.

The way they express themselves makes me laugh;) And I effectively learnt a lot of new words from reading their comments.

i don't think "effectively" changes the meaning of this sentence, and it sounds more natural to leave it out.

The way they express themselves makes me laugh;). And I effectively learnted a lot of new words from reading their comments.

People use both learnt and learned but learned is supposedly seen as more correct.

After scrolling through the app for a while, I went to the canteen having lunch.

After scrolling through the app for a while, I went to the canteen havingto have lunch.

if you went to the canteen having lunch, it implies that you were currently having lunch while you went there. but more likely i'm assuming you meant you went to the canteen for the purpose of (to) have lunch there.

A lovely aunt, about 45 years old, as a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costume was pretty.

A lovely auntwoman, about 45 years old, as a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costumeoutfit was pretty.

Seems odd to refer to somebody as an aunt when you aren't related to them? that's all. somebody having a sibling who has a kid just doesn't make someone worthy of having the title "aunt" in any given situation by any person, i'm assuming this is some cultural difference lol also, costume implies you were dressed up. like in a cosplay or for halloween or something. which wasn't too long ago so maybe you were in a costume! but i think outfit is what you'd be more likely to mean the other 11 months of the year lol, it refers to your general appearance and clothing.

A lovely aunt, abrout 45nd fourty-five years old, asnd a staffer in the canteen, told to me that my costume was pretty.

And she even served me more food than another one.

And she even served me more food than another onethers.

"another one" makes it sound like she gave you more food than a single other person, which is likely to happen to anybody in a lunch line staffed by real people. human error :p "the others" says that she gave you more food than every other person she gave food to. Although, i think to say "she served me more food than every other person / everyone else" makes it kinda aggressive, like as if she gave you 2 or 3 times as much food. so "the others" i think is the best version

And she even served me more food than another onethers.

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