Aug. 19, 2024
I will reschedule once more the post with words of the day (or the week, to be more precise): this time I intend to publish it on Wednesday without further delay. According to the well-known saying, Monday is a hard day, and I do not want to make tomorrow harder for me by writing a long post and for you by obliging you to read it. On the contrary, I suggest you get some food for thought, or the giggles, if you are disrespectful, from reading a unique book. Far be it from me to recommend you to read something like Mein Kampf, but I would like you to examine A Fairer World is Possible even though I suspect it has too much idealism of Thomas More's Utopia. Written in 2021, the book sheds some light on Turkish foreign policy which nowadays is inextricably linked with that of Russia. So, read and enjoy!
A fairer world is possible (from Your English Grail Channel)
Does the name of the channel have "channel" in it? If not, make the "Channel" lowercase.
I will reschedule once more the post with wthe Words of the dDay post yet again (or the week, to be more precise): t. This time I intend to publish it on Wednesday without further delay.
What you've written is correct - this is how I would write it.
According to the well-known saying, Monday is a hard day, and I do not want to make tomorrow harder for me by writing a long post and for you by obliging you to read it.
You could also say "As the saying goes"
On the contrary, I suggest you get some food for thought, or the giggles, if you are disrespectful, from reading a unique book.
Far be it from me to recommend that you to read something like "Mein Kampf", but I would like you to examine "A Fairer World is Possible" even though I suspect it has too much idealism of Thomas More's "Utopia".
"recommend you to" sounds a bit clunky.
I don't quite understand what you mean by the last part. Has it been inspired by the idealism of Utopia? If so, "too much idealism from Thomas". Does it just have idealism similar to Utopia? If so, "too much of the idealism found in Thomas" or "too much of the idealism typical of Thomas".
Written in 2021, the book sheds some light on Turkish foreign policy which nowadays is inextricably linked with that of Russia.
So, read and enjoy!
Very good, nicely written!
I will reschedule once more the post with words of the day (or the week, to be more precise): t. This time, I intend to publish it on Wednesday without further delay.
According to the well-known saying, “Monday is a hard day, and” I do not want to make tomorrow harder for me by writing a long post and for you by obliging you to read it.
On the contraryother hand, I suggest you get some food for thought, or the giggles, if you are disrespectful, from reading a unique book.
Far be it from me to recommend you to read something like Mein Kampf, but I would like you to examine A Fairer World is Possible even though I suspect it has too much idealism of Thomas More's Utopia.
Written in 2021, the book sheds some light on Turkish foreign policy which nowadays is inextricably linked with that of Russia.
So, readRead it and enjoy!
I will reschedule once more the post with words of the day (or the week, to be more precise): this time I intend to publish it on Wednesday without further delay. I will reschedule once more the post with words of the day (or the week, to be more precise) I will reschedule What you've written is correct - this is how I would write it. |
According to the well-known saying, Monday is a hard day, and I do not want to make tomorrow harder for me by writing a long post and for you by obliging you to read it. According to the According to the well-known saying, Monday is a hard day, and I do not want to make tomorrow harder for me by writing a long post and for you by obliging you to read it. You could also say "As the saying goes" |
On the contrary, I suggest you get some food for thought, or the giggles, if you are disrespectful, from reading a unique book. On the This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Far be it from me to recommend you to read something like Mein Kampf, but I would like you to examine A Fairer World is Possible even though I suspect it has too much idealism of Thomas More's Utopia.
Far be it from me to recommend that you "recommend you to" sounds a bit clunky. I don't quite understand what you mean by the last part. Has it been inspired by the idealism of Utopia? If so, "too much idealism from Thomas". Does it just have idealism similar to Utopia? If so, "too much of the idealism found in Thomas" or "too much of the idealism typical of Thomas". |
Written in 2021, the book sheds some light on Turkish foreign policy which nowadays is inextricably linked with that of Russia. Written in 2021, the book sheds This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
A fairer world is possible (from Your English Grail Channel) A fairer world is possible (from Your English Grail Channel) Does the name of the channel have "channel" in it? If not, make the "Channel" lowercase. |
So, read and enjoy!
This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
A fairer world is possible (from Your English Gral Channel) |
A fairer world is possible |
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