sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024

A Chinese Restaurant (56)

There's a Chinese restaurant just opened six months ago in my town.

I went there two times.

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant lasts.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.











A Chinese Restaurant

There's a Chinese restaurant justnear me which had opened six months ago in my town.

We use "had" because, it is a situation that has already occurred in the past.

I went there two times.

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant would lasts.

Same here, it's in the past.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at theat place, every time itot, it would closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed too soon, so I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Thank you so much for your correction!

A Chinese Restaurant

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

I went there two times.

What you wrote is correct, but another way to say this is, "I've been there two times."

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

For some reason, ifevery time a restaurant opens at theis place, every time it closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go to it.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I would'll write about it here again.


Spooky! I hope it's not cursed either.

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Yes, spooky! Thank you so much for your correction!

There's a Chinese restaurant in my town that just opened six months ago in my town.

I went there two times.

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens atin the place, every time itat location, it always closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that ithe place might be cursed.

We already know you are talking about this location by now, so you can use a pronoun (it) instead of saying "this place"

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I wouldill write about it here again.


Keep me updated! I need to know if that restaurant is haunted!

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Yes, I will. Thank you so much for your correction!

A Chinese Restaurant

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

I went there two times.

You can also say "I went there twice."

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long theat restaurant will lasts.

For some reason, ifwhenever a restaurant opens at theis place, every time itit always closes within a year.

If you still want to use "every time" like that, you should move it to the end of the sentence like this: "it closes within a year, every time." Otherwise it sounds like you are about to mention something that happens each time the restaurant closes (example: "every time a restaurant closes, a new one takes its place.")

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, soon that I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.


There's a small Japantown near where I live that has a ton of foot traffic and is busy all the time, yet for some reason no one goes to this fairly large commercial complex that's just a bit further on the same street. It's as if there is an invisible force field keeping all of the pedestrians away. I've seen many restaurants come and go in that plaza. Some places like that can definitely feel cursed!

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Wow, interesting! Thank you so much for sharing the similar story. Thank you so much for your correction!

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

I whave beent there two times.

You can also say “twice“ instead of two times here to sound more natural.

The food was good, and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at theis place, every time it closes within a year every time.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but i. It closed soon, soon that I didn't get to go.


Nice job!

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Thank you so much for your correction!

A Chinese Restaurant

There's aMORE SUCCINCTLY: A Chinese restaurant in my town just opened six months ago in my town.

You came delete "There is . . . "

I wALSO POSSIBLE: I have beent there twice/two times.

Usually we say "twice."

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious that how long theat restaurant will lasts.

(future tense needed)

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closeCLEARER: Most restaurants in this area go out of business within a yeabetter.

Before theis Chinese restaurant, there was opened, a ramen shop, but existed there. However, it closed soon, so I didn't get to goo there.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I wouldill write about it here again.


Basically legal. Many restaurants go out business within two years in the town where I live. It is hard work to keep a successful restaurant thriving.

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


I see. I understand. Thank you so much for your correction! Thank you for the new word "out of business" and "thriving"!

A Chinese Restaurant

There' is a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

I went there two times.

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious thaabout how long the restaurant lasts.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Thank you so much for your correction!

There's aA Chinese restaurant just opened six months ago in my town.

This sounds more natural.

I went there two times.

I went there twice. / I have been there twice.

The food was good and I liked it.

However, I'm curious thato know how long the restaurant will lasts.

For some reason, ifevery time a restaurant opens at theat place, every time it closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soonquickly, so I didn't get to go.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

I hope it's not.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I would write about it here again.


Very interesting!

kapnCrunch's avatar

March 4, 2024


I forgot one correction in the last sentence. It should be like this:
If the Chinese restaurant closes, I WILL write about it here again.

sachisachi's avatar

March 4, 2024


Thank you so much for your correction!

A Chinese Restaurant

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

There's a Chinese restaurant just opened six months ago in my town.

There's aA Chinese restaurant just opened six months ago in my town.

This sounds more natural.

There' is a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

There's aMORE SUCCINCTLY: A Chinese restaurant in my town just opened six months ago in my town.

You came delete "There is . . . "

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

There's a Chinese restaurant in my town that just opened six months ago in my town.

There's a Chinese restaurant that just opened six months ago in my town.

There's a Chinese restaurant justnear me which had opened six months ago in my town.

We use "had" because, it is a situation that has already occurred in the past.

I went there two times.

I went there two times.

Alternatives: I went there twice. / I have been there twice.

I went there two times.

I wALSO POSSIBLE: I have beent there twice/two times.

Usually we say "twice."

I whave beent there two times.

You can also say “twice“ instead of two times here to sound more natural.

I went there two times.

You can also say "I went there twice."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I went there two times.

What you wrote is correct, but another way to say this is, "I've been there two times."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The food was good and I liked it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

The food was good, and I liked it.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant lasts.

However, I'm curious thato know how long the restaurant will lasts.

However, I'm curious thaabout how long the restaurant lasts.

However, I'm curious that how long theat restaurant will lasts.

(future tense needed)

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

However, I'm curious that how long theat restaurant will lasts.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant will lasts.

However, I'm curious that how long the restaurant would lasts.

Same here, it's in the past.

My friend told me that the place might be cursed.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My friend told me that ithe place might be cursed.

We already know you are talking about this location by now, so you can use a pronoun (it) instead of saying "this place"

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

A Chinese Restaurant (56)

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closes within a year.

For some reason, ifevery time a restaurant opens at theat place, every time it closes within a year.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closes within a year.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at the place, every time it closeCLEARER: Most restaurants in this area go out of business within a yeabetter.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at theis place, every time it closes within a year every time.

For some reason, ifwhenever a restaurant opens at theis place, every time itit always closes within a year.

If you still want to use "every time" like that, you should move it to the end of the sentence like this: "it closes within a year, every time." Otherwise it sounds like you are about to mention something that happens each time the restaurant closes (example: "every time a restaurant closes, a new one takes its place.")

For some reason, if a restaurant opens atin the place, every time itat location, it always closes within a year.

For some reason, ifevery time a restaurant opens at theis place, every time it closes within a year.

For some reason, if a restaurant opens at theat place, every time itot, it would closes within a year.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

Before theis Chinese restaurant, there was opened, a ramen shop, but existed there. However, it closed soon, so I didn't get to goo there.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soonquickly, so I didn't get to go.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but i. It closed soon, soon that I didn't get to go.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, soon that I didn't get to go.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed soon, so I didn't get to go to it.

Before the Chinese restaurant, there was a ramen shop, but it closed too soon, so I didn't get to go.

I hope it's not.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I would write about it here again.

If the Chinese restaurant closed, I would write about it here again.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I wouldill write about it here again.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I wouldill write about it here again.

If the Chinese restaurant closeds, I would'll write about it here again.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

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