Inesssssss's avatar

Jan. 18, 2023

A Book about The Brain

Finally, I finished the book name Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind which written by a Norwegian scientist. In this book, the author reveal the newest studys about tissues, systems and funtions of the brain. Not like the other popular science books, this one is more fun and easy to read. The theories were using in the reality world and closed linked with our personal life. For example, it showed that we got a natural navigate system in our barin, but as the guiden system were created, it will negate our own natural system. And more and more fun fact intrige me to read it through. The author is not only the broadcaster of science facts, but also the broadcaster of the curiosity. I was enjoying reading that.


A Book about The Brain

Finally, I finished the book name d "Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind," which is written by a Norwegian scientist.

Titles are typically put in quotation marks (or in italics) so they don't get confused with the sentence.

In this book, the author reveals the newest studyies about tissues, systems and functions of the brain.

Not Unlike the other popular science books, this one is more fun and easy to read.

The theories were usingbased in the reality world and closedly linked with our persointernal life.

I'm not too clear what you mean here. For this correction I'm assuming by 'reality' you mean the physical world, and by 'private' you mean the internal world in our heads.

For example, it showed that we gothave a natural navigateion system in our barain, but as the guiden system were created, it will negatlearn deliberate methods for guidance, these will replace our own natural system.

Once again, I'm not too certain what you mean. For this correction I have assumed you are talking about literally finding your way (navigating).

And more and more the fun facts intrigeued me to read it throughcontinue reading.

The author is not only the broadcaster of sciencdoesn't just share facts, butthey also the broadcaster ofshares their curiosity.

"Broadcasting" is an odd usage when it comes to books.

I was enjoyinged reading thait.


Sounds an interesting book!

Inesssssss's avatar

Jan. 19, 2023


The author is not only the broadcaster of sciencdoesn't just share facts, butthey also the broadcaster ofshares their curiosity.

I stucked in choose a proper word so translated it directly from Chinese.>.<

Finally, I finished the book name "Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind" which written by a Norwegian scientist.

If you can't use italics for book titles, you could use ""

In this book, the author reveal the newest studyies about tissues, systems and functions of the brain.

A Book about The Brain

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Finally, I finished the book name Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind which written by a Norwegian scientist.

Finally, I finished the book name "Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind" which written by a Norwegian scientist.

If you can't use italics for book titles, you could use ""

Finally, I finished the book name d "Your Superstar Brain, Unlocking the Secrets of the Human Mind," which is written by a Norwegian scientist.

Titles are typically put in quotation marks (or in italics) so they don't get confused with the sentence.

In this book, the author reveal the newest studys about tissues, systems and funtions of the brain.

In this book, the author reveal the newest studyies about tissues, systems and functions of the brain.

In this book, the author reveals the newest studyies about tissues, systems and functions of the brain.

Not like the other popular science books, this one is more fun and easy to read.

Not Unlike the other popular science books, this one is more fun and easy to read.

The theories were using in the reality world and closed linked with our personal life.

The theories were usingbased in the reality world and closedly linked with our persointernal life.

I'm not too clear what you mean here. For this correction I'm assuming by 'reality' you mean the physical world, and by 'private' you mean the internal world in our heads.

For example, it showed that we got a natural navigate system in our barin, but as the guiden system were created, it will negate our own natural system.

For example, it showed that we gothave a natural navigateion system in our barain, but as the guiden system were created, it will negatlearn deliberate methods for guidance, these will replace our own natural system.

Once again, I'm not too certain what you mean. For this correction I have assumed you are talking about literally finding your way (navigating).

And more and more fun fact intrige me to read it through.

And more and more the fun facts intrigeued me to read it throughcontinue reading.

The author is not only the broadcaster of science facts, but also the broadcaster of the curiosity.

The author is not only the broadcaster of sciencdoesn't just share facts, butthey also the broadcaster ofshares their curiosity.

"Broadcasting" is an odd usage when it comes to books.

I was enjoying reading that.

I was enjoyinged reading thait.

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