July 25, 2024
Two days after give the results of my son´s medical exams, I think that the God´s time is perfect.
I don´t say the results was perfect, however I keep the hope and fe that the Sebastian´s doctor will find the adequate treatment for him.
48 hours after I feel that all road of my life was prepared for facing this challenge. I hope God stay with me always and he give me the wisdom and resilient for take the better decition.
Today is a new day, and today and tomorrow I will trust in God.
I have faith that betters days will come and my son will be well, always together and with God
A beautiful and hopefull day
Two days after being given the results of my son´'s medical exams, I thinkfeel that the God´s time iing was perfect.
I don´t saymean that the results wasere perfect, however I keep the hope and fe that the Sebastian´'s doctor will find thean adequate treatment for him.
48 hours lafter, I feel that all roadpaths of my life washad prepared forme to facinge this challenge.
I hope God will stay with me always and he give me the wisdom and resilient for take thce to make better decitsions.
Today is a new day, and today and tomorrow I will trust in God.
I have faith that betters days will come and my son will be well, always together and with God
A beautiful and hopefull day
Two days after gI received the results of my son´’s medical exams, I think that the God´’s time iing was perfect.
I don´can’t say the results wasere perfect, however I keep the hope and fe thataith theat Sebastian´’s doctor will find the adequatebest treatment for him.
48 hours lafter, I feelt that all road of my life washad prepared me for facing this challenge.
I hope God will stay with me always and hHe will give me the wisdom and resilient for tce to make the better decitionst choice.
I have faith that betters days will come and my son will be well, always together and with God.
I wish you and your son good fortune!
A beautiful an hopefull day A beautiful and hopeful A beautiful and hopeful |
Two days after give the results of my son´s medical exams, I think that the God´s time is perfect. Two days after Two days after being given the results of my son |
I don´t say the results was perfect, however I keep the hope and fe that the Sebastian´s doctor will find the adequate treatment for him. I I don´t |
48 hours after I feel that all road of my life was prepared for facing this challenge. 48 hours la 48 hours la |
I hope God stay with me always and he give me the wisdom and resilient for take the better decition. I hope God will stay with me always and I hope God will stay with me always and |
Today is a new day, and today and tomorrow I will trust in God. Today is a new day, and today and tomorrow I will trust in God. |
I have faith that betters days will come and my son will be well, always together and with God I have faith that better I have faith that better |
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