kuo's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


I work at a workshop in university helping students making their models with digital fabricattions like lasercutting and 3Dprinting.

Altough this job is pretty stable and gives me paycheck with OK number on it, it is still not right up my alley.

As a industrial designer, I've been dreaming owning a studio for a long time. To approach that, finace and design portfolio are the two main topic that I must take care of.

That's why I have a 9-5 job, meanwhile design and learn at every nights and weekends.

right up my alley



I work atin a workshop inat a university helping students making their models with digital fabricattions like lasercutting and 3Dprinting.

Although this job is pretty stable and gives me paycheck with OK number on ita relatively good paycheck, it is still not right up my alley.

"with an OK number on it" is correct but doesn't sound very natural.

As a industrial designer, I've been dreaming of owning a studio for a long time.

To approachbe able to do that, finance and design portfolio are the two main topicareas that I must take care of.

That's why I have a 9-5 job, meanwhile I design and learn at every nights and weekends.


Great writing and I hope you get to have your own studio one day! :)

kuo's avatar

Nov. 15, 2022


Thank you!
Advanced english is such a must-have skill for me to present works and communicate with international clients. I'm still not up to snuff.


This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I work at a workshop in university helping students making their models with digital fabricattions like lasercutting and 3Dprinting.

I work atin a workshop inat a university helping students making their models with digital fabricattions like lasercutting and 3Dprinting.

Altough this job is pretty stable and gives me paycheck with OK number on it, it is still not right up my alley.

Although this job is pretty stable and gives me paycheck with OK number on ita relatively good paycheck, it is still not right up my alley.

"with an OK number on it" is correct but doesn't sound very natural.

As a industrial designer, I've been dreaming owning a studio for a long time.

As a industrial designer, I've been dreaming of owning a studio for a long time.

To approach that, finace and design portfolio are the two main topic that I must take care of.

To approachbe able to do that, finance and design portfolio are the two main topicareas that I must take care of.

That's why I have a 9-5 job, meanwhile design and learn at every nights and weekends.

That's why I have a 9-5 job, meanwhile I design and learn at every nights and weekends.

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