Co's avatar

Sept. 5, 2024

1 step to confident writing

After read a “Around the world on 80 days” J. Wern, I think - do I want to be a detective on second reality? And my answer is more no, than yes. I like a puzzle, human psychology and chase at sport, but I agree that it is so difficult be in move constantly, not for your wish.


After I read a “Around the wWorld oin 80 dDays” J. W,” by Jules Verne, I think - dought: "Do I want to be a detective oin secondanother reality?"

The author's name in English is Jules Verne and whereas there are cases you can write their first initial i.e. "J. Verne", it's not really common in regular speech and writing.

And mMy answer is more no,leans toward no rather than yes.

I like a puzzles, human psychology, and chase at sporting things, but I agree that it is so difficult be ion the move constantly, not for your wishagainst your [own] will.


Exploring things and solving puzzles can be exciting, but I do agree that being a detective may be tiring.

Co's avatar

Sept. 6, 2024


Thank you, especially that explained how to correctly used the author’s name

1 sA Step to cWrite Confident writingly

After read aing, “Around the wWorld oin 80 dDays, ” by J. Wern, I think - doasked myself if I want to be a detective onin a second reality?.

And mMy answer ileans more towards no, than yes.

I like a puzzles, human psychology and chase ating as a sport, but I agree that it is so difficult be in movto be constantly, not for your moving against my wishll.

Co's avatar

Sept. 5, 2024


thank you 😊

marblemenow's avatar

Sept. 5, 2024


You're welcome.

1 step to confident writing

1 sA Step to cWrite Confident writingly

After read a “Around the world on 80 days” J. Wern, I think - do I want to be a detective on second reality?

After read aing, “Around the wWorld oin 80 dDays, ” by J. Wern, I think - doasked myself if I want to be a detective onin a second reality?.

After I read a “Around the wWorld oin 80 dDays” J. W,” by Jules Verne, I think - dought: "Do I want to be a detective oin secondanother reality?"

The author's name in English is Jules Verne and whereas there are cases you can write their first initial i.e. "J. Verne", it's not really common in regular speech and writing.

And my answer is more no, than yes.

And mMy answer ileans more towards no, than yes.

And mMy answer is more no,leans toward no rather than yes.

I like a puzzle, human psychology and chase at sport, but I agree that it is so difficult be in move constantly, not for your wish.

I like a puzzles, human psychology and chase ating as a sport, but I agree that it is so difficult be in movto be constantly, not for your moving against my wishll.

I like a puzzles, human psychology, and chase at sporting things, but I agree that it is so difficult be ion the move constantly, not for your wishagainst your [own] will.

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