kaelimaru's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


I hate to maltreat animals! I'm a softy. During my life, I probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it. When there is a spider inside my house, I try to not kill it even if some of them are kinda big and scary. Where I live, the species of spiders don’t bite at all. They are harmless. Generally, they go away by themselves.

However, I don't like to see a spider on my bedroom wall when I'm going to sleep. I’m always afraid it runs on me during the night. So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away through the window. Let’s say I only have made a few unintentional animal crimes.

I eat meat though. I’m not a vegetarian nor a vegan. I have never killed an animal that I have eaten. My grandmother's generation killed animals to eat, such as pigs, chickens and ducks. I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and then my animal instinct awakens.


I hate to malistreat animals!

During my life, I've probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it.

I’m always afraid it runsthat it could get on me during the night.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away through the window.

Let’s just say I only have made a few unintentional animal crimes.

I eat meat though.

I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and t. Then, my animal instinct awakens.

I hate to malistreat/abuse animals!

Whenever there is a spider inside my house, I try to not kill it even if some of them are kinda big and scary.

I’m always afraid it runs oncrawls all over me during the night.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away throughout the window.

Let’s say I only have madejust say that I have only committed a few unintentional animal crimes.

I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and. Only then will my animalistic instinct awakenss take over.

I hate to malmistreating animals!

I'm a softy.

During my life, I've probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it.

When there is a spider inside my house, I try to not kill it even if some of them are kinda big and scary.

Where I live, the species of spiders don’t bite at all.

They are harmless.

Generally, they go away by themselves.

However, I don't like to see a spider on my bedroom wall when I'm going to sleep.

I’m always afraid it runswill walk on me during the night.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it awayout through the window.

Let’s say I only have madeI think I can reasonably say I have only committed a few unintentional animal crimes.

I do eat meat though.

Using the "do [verb]" form here shows a contrast between your previous sentence and this one. "There are a few unintentional crimes I committed, *but* I do eat meat, which might be an 'intentional crime'."

I’m not a vegetarian nor a vegan.

I have never killed an animal that I have eaten.

My grandmother's generation killed animals to eat, such as pigs, chickens and ducks.

I guessdon't think I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m were starving and then my animal instinct awakensmy natural instincts took over.

"Unless perhaps I were starving" and putting the verb "awaken/take" in the past tense are the only grammatical corrections here, the rest is not wrong necessarily but I reworded it to sound more natural.


Je connais ce sentiment, pour les insectes envahissants, notamment les araignées, quand je suis obligé de choisir entre le déplacement et la tuerie, j'avoue que je finis par les tuer parfois mais je me sens toujours mal après... Ben là évidemment bien que nous soyons de même esprit pour ce qui est du traitement des animaux nous avons tous les deux les côtés qui ne correspondent pas à cet esprit-là. 😥

Sorry for writing somewhat selfishly in French, I'm very much out of practice and wanted to write something. I enjoyed reading your journal, it's a feeling I think many share.

kaelimaru's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


I guessdon't think I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m were starving and then my animal instinct awakensmy natural instincts took over.

Merci pour ton aide! Tu peux m'écrire en français, cela ne me dérange pas du tout si ça te fait plaisir. :)

Ton français est très bien! Tu peux dire "... soyons dans le même état d'esprit...".

C'est vrai que parfois les insectes sont un peu déroutants malgré leur petite taille, disons qu'ils se déplacent vite et disparaissent vite, c'est le plus effrayant dans l'histoire. J'ai toujours peur qu'ils se faufilent dans une de mes manches ou dans mon pantalon. Pourtant ma grand-mère disait toujours: ce n'est pas la petite bête qui va manger la grosse. :))))

itsmejohnc's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


Merci, c'est très gentil. Je suis bloqué un peu dans mon français, genre je maîtrise plus ou moins la grammaire mais les expressions les plus naturelles m'échappent, alors j'apprécie ta correction beaucoup! « être dans le même état d'esprit », je ne vais pas l'oublier de sitôt, celle-là !

En plus c'est vrai que disait ta grand-mère, on ne devrait pas trop se méfier de ces petites créatures (tant qu'elles ne sont pas venimeuses...) Dans la grande majorité des cas le prédateur c'est les humains, après tout 😅

I hate to malmistreating animals!

I’m always afraid it runswill crawl on me during the night.

Crawling is used instead of walking for most insects.


Overall you’ve done great! I’m glad that you do your best to not hurt spiders :)

kaelimaru's avatar

Nov. 14, 2022


Thank you very much for your help! :)))


I hate to maltreat animals!

I hate to malmistreating animals!

I hate to malmistreating animals!

I hate to malistreat/abuse animals!

I hate to malistreat animals!

I'm a softy.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

During my life, I probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it.

During my life, I've probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it.

During my life, I've probably crushed some insects while walking, without realizing it.

When there is a spider inside my house, I try to not kill it even if some of them are kinda big and scary.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Whenever there is a spider inside my house, I try to not kill it even if some of them are kinda big and scary.

Where I live, the species of spiders don’t bite at all.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

They are harmless.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

Generally, they go away by themselves.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

However, I don't like to see a spider on my bedroom wall when I'm going to sleep.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I’m always afraid it runs on me during the night.

I’m always afraid it runswill crawl on me during the night.

Crawling is used instead of walking for most insects.

I’m always afraid it runswill walk on me during the night.

I’m always afraid it runs oncrawls all over me during the night.

I’m always afraid it runsthat it could get on me during the night.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away through the window.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it awayout through the window.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away throughout the window.

So, I try to catch it with a jar and throw it away through the window.

Let’s say I only have made a few unintentional animal crimes.

Let’s say I only have madeI think I can reasonably say I have only committed a few unintentional animal crimes.

Let’s say I only have madejust say that I have only committed a few unintentional animal crimes.

Let’s just say I only have made a few unintentional animal crimes.

I eat meat though.

I do eat meat though.

Using the "do [verb]" form here shows a contrast between your previous sentence and this one. "There are a few unintentional crimes I committed, *but* I do eat meat, which might be an 'intentional crime'."

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I’m not a vegetarian nor a vegan.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I have never killed an animal that I have eaten.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

My grandmother's generation killed animals to eat, such as pigs, chickens and ducks.

This sentence has been marked as perfect!

I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and then my animal instinct awakens.

I guessdon't think I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m were starving and then my animal instinct awakensmy natural instincts took over.

"Unless perhaps I were starving" and putting the verb "awaken/take" in the past tense are the only grammatical corrections here, the rest is not wrong necessarily but I reworded it to sound more natural.

I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and. Only then will my animalistic instinct awakenss take over.

I guess I wouldn’t be capable of killing a chicken to eat unless perhaps I’m starving and t. Then, my animal instinct awakens.


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