April 19, 2023
這個月我特別忙。我的兩個小群沒被選上,我們就不能表演。我跟這兩個小群準備兩個不同的電子遊戲的歌曲。我跟一群練習《Song of the Ancients》,另外一个群练习《Heritors of Arcadia》。《Song of the Ancients》是從 《Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139》,《Heritors of Arcadia》是從《Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia》.
I was particularly busy this month. The two groups I was in weren't selected for the concert, so we weren't able to perform. I was in two groups preparing two different pieces of video game music. I was practicing "Song of the Ancients" with one group and "Heritors of Arcadia" in another group. "Song of the Ancients" is from "Nier Replicant ver.1.22474487139" and "Heritors of Arcadia" is from "Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia".
两个小群? I didn't get the meaning of this word. I guess you want to say your programs?
I guess it's the same meaning as the previous one?
我跟一群同学練習《Song of the Ancients》,另外一个群的同学练习《Heritors of Arcadia》。
《Song of the Ancients》是從源于 《Nier Replicant ver.》
From.. another piece of work?
1.22474487139》,《Heritors of Arcadia》是從源于《Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia》.
Nice! 写的很好 很有趣
日記 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
這個月我特別忙。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
我的兩個小群沒被選上,我們就不能表演。 我的兩個小群沒被選上,我們就不能表演。 两个小群? I didn't get the meaning of this word. I guess you want to say your programs? |
我跟這兩個小群準備兩個不同的電子遊戲的歌曲。 我跟這兩個小群準備兩個不同的電子遊戲的歌曲。 I guess it's the same meaning as the previous one? |
我跟一群練習《Song of the Ancients》,另外一个群练习《Heritors of Arcadia》。 我跟一群同学練習《Song of the Ancients》,另外一个群的同学练习《Heritors of Arcadia》。 |
《Song of the Ancients》是從 《Nier Replicant ver. 《Song of the Ancients》 From.. another piece of work? |
1.22474487139》,《Heritors of Arcadia》是從《Fire Emblem: Shadows of Valentia》. 1.22474487139》,《Heritors of Arcadia》 |
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