July 27, 2023
"Thank you for reading. If my writing does not look natural, please feel free to rewrite it to make it more natural as if it was written by locals."
Not knowing when it started, I started to watch “Hikaru No Go” every year. The first time I watched it, even though I did not know the rules of Go, I binge-watched the series within 3-4 days.
The fact that we do not need to wait in front of the TV to wait for the next episode and that we can just binge-watch shows we like, what an era to live in.
I did not expect myself to be that into “Hikaru No Go”. For people who do not even understand Go to be able to appreciate the show is simply amazing. Opening theme, BGM, character arcs and story are top notch, it’s so good that I believe anyone who watches the show will not be able to resist to binge-watch the entire show.
アニメの人気が高まり、関連商品の販売量が増える、この現象たくさんがある。例えば、《Initial D》のかけでAE86の販売量が増えた、《ヒカルの碁》同じ通りだ。このアニメのかけで日本棋院にプロになりに行った人高くなった。
There are popular anime shows that made their by-product’s sales go up, for example, the popularity of “Initial D” made sales of AE86 spiked; “Hikaru No Go” is no different, it encouraged a lot of youngster to join Nihonkiin to become a Pro.
Recently, I’m rewatching “Hikaru No Go”. Sometimes when I play the OP of “Hikaru No Go” whilst I’m playing Go, despite I’m not good at the game, such feeling is still amazing.
Thank you for reading. If my writing does not look natural, please feel free to rewrite it to make it more natural as if it was written by locals.
Not knowing when it started, I started to watch “Hikaru No Go” every year. The first time I watched it, even though I did not know the rules of Go, I binge-watched the series within 3-4 days. The fact that we do not need to wait in front of the TV to wait for the next episode and that we can just binge-watch shows we like, what an era to live in.
I did not expect myself to be that into “Hikaru No Go”. For people who do not even understand Go to be able to appreciate the show is simply amazing. Opening theme, BGM, character arcs and story are top notch, it’s so good that I believe anyone who watches the show will not be able to resist to binge-watch the entire show. There are popular anime shows that made their by-product’s sales go up, for example, the popularity of “Initial D” made sales of AE86 spiked; “Hikaru No Go” is no different, it encouraged a lot of youngster to join Nihonkiin to become a Pro.
Recently, I’m rewatching “Hikaru No Go”. Sometimes when I play the OP of “Hikaru No Go” whilst I’m playing Go, despite I’m not good at the game, such feeling is still amazing.
Ididnotexpectmyselftobethatinto“HikaruNoGo”.ForpeoplewhodonotevenunderstandGotobeabletoappreciatetheshowissimplyamazing.Openingtheme,BGM,characterarcsandstoryaretopnotch,it’ssogoodthatIbelieveanyonewhowatchestheshowwillnotbeabletoresisttobinge-watchtheentireshow. アニメの人気が高まり、関連商品の販売量が増える、この現象たくさんがある。
Therearepopularanimeshowsthatmadetheirby-product’ssalesgoup,forexample,thepopularityof“InitialD”madesalesofAE86spiked;“HikaruNoGo”isnodifferent,itencouragedalotofyoungstertojoinNihonkiintobecomeaPro. 最近、《ヒカルの碁》を再視聴している。
《ヒカルの碁》 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
「お読みいただきありがとうございます。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
もし私の文章が自然でないようでしたら、地元に書いたような自然な文章に書き直していただいて構いません。 もし私の文章が自然でないようでしたら、 |
」 "Thankyouforreading.Ifmywritingdoesnotlooknatural,pleasefeelfreetorewriteittomakeitmorenaturalasifitwaswrittenbylocals." いつから始またかわからない、毎年必ず《ヒカルの碁》を見る。 |
初めてこのアニメを見たとき、囲碁のことがさっぱりわからなかったけど、知らず知らずのうちに三四日で見終わってしまった。 初めてこのアニメを見たとき、囲碁のことがさっぱりわからなかったけど、知らず知らずのうちに三、四日で見終わってしまった。 |
Notknowingwhenitstarted,Istartedtowatch“HikaruNoGo”everyyear.ThefirsttimeIwatchedit,eventhoughIdidnotknowtherulesofGo,Ibinge-watchedtheserieswithin3-4days. もう毎週テレビの前に次のエピソードを待つことがない、この時代本当にいいです。 |
ThefactthatwedonotneedtowaitinfrontoftheTVtowaitforthenextepisodeandthatwecanjustbinge-watchshowswelike,whataneratolivein. 《ヒカルの碁》にそこまでにハマっているのは想像以外のことだった。 ThefactthatwedonotneedtowaitinfrontoftheTVtowaitforthenextepisodeandthatwecanjustbinge-watchshowswelike,whataneratolivein. |
囲碁のことまったくわからない人も物語を楽しむができる、これはすごすぎると思う。 囲碁のことがまったくわからない人も物語を楽しむができる、これはすごすぎると思う。 |
OPとBGMとか、キャラクターとか、ストーリー、《ヒカルの碁》は誰でも見ているうちにやめられなくなるほど素晴らしい。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
Ididnotexpectmyselftobethatinto“HikaruNoGo”.ForpeoplewhodonotevenunderstandGotobeabletoappreciatetheshowissimplyamazing.Openingtheme,BGM,characterarcsandstoryaretopnotch,it’ssogoodthatIbelieveanyonewhowatchestheshowwillnotbeabletoresisttobinge-watchtheentireshow. アニメの人気が高まり、関連商品の販売量が増える、この現象たくさんがある。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
例えば、《InitialD》のかけでAE86の販売量が増えた、《ヒカルの碁》同じ通りだ。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
このアニメのかけで日本棋院にプロになりに行った人高くなった。 このアニメのおかけで日本棋院にプロになりに行った人 |
Therearepopularanimeshowsthatmadetheirby-product’ssalesgoup,forexample,thepopularityof“InitialD”madesalesofAE86spiked;“HikaruNoGo”isnodifferent,itencouragedalotofyoungstertojoinNihonkiintobecomeaPro. 最近、《ヒカルの碁》を再視聴している。 This sentence has been marked as perfect! |
囲碁が上手ではないけど、毎回《ヒカルの碁》のOPを聞きながら、石を打つこの感じ本当にいいだと思う。 囲碁が上手ではないけど、毎回《ヒカルの碁》のOPを聞きながら、石を打つこの感じが本当にいい |
Recently,I’mrewatching“HikaruNoGo”.SometimeswhenIplaytheOPof“HikaruNoGo”whilstI’mplayingGo,despiteI’mnotgoodatthegame,suchfeelingisstillamazing. |
Notknowingwhenitstarted,Istartedtowatch“HikaruNoGo”everyyear.ThefirsttimeIwatchedit,eventhoughIdidnotknowtherulesofGo,Ibinge-watchedtheserieswithin3-4days. もう毎週テレビの前に次のエピソードを待つこと必要がない、この時代本当にいいです。 Notknowingwhenitstarted,Istartedtowatch“HikaruNoGo”everyyear.ThefirsttimeIwatchedit,eventhoughIdidnotknowtherulesofGo,Ibinge-watchedtheserieswithin3-4days. |
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