leksanrel's avatar

June 10, 2021

Would you go into the past or the future?

If I could time travel, I would go to the future. Time travel to the past can change our history, and it is way more difficult than time travel to the future. Also, I am a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy genres, so the answer is obvious.


Would you go into the past or the future?

If I could time travel, I would go to the future.

Time travel to the past can change our history, and it is way more difficult than time travel to the future.

Also, I am a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy genres, so the answer is obvious.

Would you go into the past or the future?

If I could time travel, I would go to the future.

Time travel to the past can change our history, and it is way more difficult than time travel to the future.

Also, I am a big fan of sci-fi and fantasy genres, so the answer is obvious.

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