Tamochan's avatar

April 22, 2020

With No End In Sight

Today, a curry restaurant newly opened near our company. I saw many people stood in a line during lunch break. I wonder what the restaurant is thinking at such a hard time.
Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away from Tokyo and went over to the local area such as Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night. These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets. Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasing.
It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn't decrease.
The news said that a woman who is a receptionist at a golf course in Gifu prefecture got infected. The number of the infeced in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.
We're trying to conrol ourselves in every aspect to back to normal life as early as possible but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.
Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control not to go out and gather together. They don't have so much money from the beginning that they don't hang around so much.
I'm not going to do the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytime. Politicians show a good example. A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen. He said he got those masks several years ago from a trading company. He seems to have foresight.

今日、会社近くに新しいカレー屋が新規オープンしました。 昼休みは行列ができていました。 このご時勢に何を考えているのだろうと不思議に思います。
また、今週初めに、中高年男性が東京を離れ、静岡等の地方でゴルフを楽しんだり、夜は宴会を楽しんでいるというニュースが流れました。 バブルで甘い汁を吸ったこれらの初老人達は宴会時のコンパニオン嬢にもマスクをしないよう要請するであろう。 そして、彼らは容易に感染し、重症化したら病院に担ぎ込まれるのであろう。 医者や看護師が激増している感染者の完全対応に追われている病院へ。
私の周りでは若者が外出や集合の自粛を始めています。 彼らはもともとそんなにお金を持っていないのでそんなに遊べないのでしょう。
老人たたきをするつもりはありませんが、お金と時間に余裕がある連中はいつの時代もろくな事を考えないと思います。 政治家がいい見本でしょう。 ある県会議員が大量のマスクをネットオークションで売り、約900万円設けました。彼はそれらのマスクを数年前にある貿易会社から購入したそうです。彼は先見の明があるようですね。


With No End In Sight

Today, a curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

I saw many people stood in a line during lunch break.

I wonder what theat restaurant is thinking at such a hard time.

I really can’t explain this, I’m sorry! It just sounds a little more natural, but it isn’t too important.

Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away from Tokyo and went over to the local areas such as the Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night.

You don’t need to say “went” twice.
Use “such as” with the plural. Saying “the local area” (using “the”) suggests that that was the only place they went, which contradicts the use of “such as”, which suggests that they went to other places too, so you can’t use both.

These men who got an easy life in the Bubble era will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and the illness will become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasingcreasing number of infected (people).

It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn't decrease.

The news said that a woman who is a receptionist at a golf course in the Gifu prefecture got infected.

The number of the infeced in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

I think using “might” already puts it in the future; you don’t need to use “going to” as well.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect to get back to normal life as early as possible but suchwith such behaviour our efforts might be going to end in vain.

Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control not to go out and gather together.

They don't have so much money from the beginning thatso they don't hang around so much anyway.

I'm not going to do the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't always think good things anytime.

Politicians showare a good example.

A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

He said he got those masks several years ago from a trading company.

He seems to have foresight.

Tamochan's avatar

April 23, 2020


Thank you so much!

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

"Standing" sounds more natural here, but I know what you meant.

These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severeick, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasing.

It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn't decrease.

The news said that a woman who is a receptionist at a golf course in Gifu prefecture got infected.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect, to get back to normal life as early as possible, but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.

Politicians show a good example.

Tamochan's avatar

April 23, 2020


Thank you so much!

With No End In Sight

I wonder what the restaurant iwas thinking ato open in such a hard times.


Great story!

Tamochan's avatar

April 23, 2020


Thank you so much!

With No End In Sight

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

Right now, you are modifying the verb “opened” with the adverb “newly,” instead of modifying the noun “curry restaurant.” To describe the noun “curry restaurant” as new, place the adjective “new” before “curry restaurant.”

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

Because you are depicting a past continuous action, use “standing” instead of “stood.”
In this case, if people were “stood” there, it would be as if someone else placed them there. This is known as a past completed action. Another example of this in a sentence would be:
“I stood the eraser on its side.”
Here you would use stood, because you physically placed the eraser.

I wonder what the restaurant owner is thinking at such aduring these hard times.

Since “restaurant” in this case is an inanimate object, it cannot think. But its owner could!
You could also say:
“I wonder how the restaurant is doing during these hard times.”
Here “restaurant” refers to the business itself, which can be affected by external factors, like COVID-19. Also, I also use “during” instead of “in,” as “during” is a time phrase which implies a range of time.

Also, the news went around earlyier this week that many men past middle -age went awaytraveled from Tokyo and went over to the localto other areas, such as Shizuoka prefecture to, where they enjoyed golf and haveeld a banquet that night.

You may omit “the” from “the news.”
“Early this week” is not incorrect, but “earlier this week” sounds more natural and fluent.
“Middle-age” is a compound adjective, where two words combine to modify a noun, but act as one adjective. For these types of adjectives, a hyphen is placed between the two words.
“Went away from” isn’t necessarily incorrect either, but “traveled from” sounds more natural and would be used instead.
You say “such as Shizuoka.” “Such as” implies that this is just one example of where the men went. “To other areas” helps imply that they traveled to more than one area.
Also, I removed “local,” as Shizuoka seems quite far from Tokyo to me, though I may be wrong. Personally, I would use “local” if the example provided was Yokohama, or perhaps Chiba.
“Where they enjoyed golf and held a banquet that night” specifies that these are the activities of the specific group of men who visited Shizuoka. This prevents the reader from thinking that all the men who left Tokyo played golf and held banquets.
As we are talking about an event that happened prior to the present moment, “enjoy” and “have” would be in the past tense.
Furthermore, one typically “holds” a banquet, not “has” a banquet. This is a strange English thing; in this case, the verb “hold” means “to arrange or take part in.”
Using “that night” instead of “at night” helps clarify that they held a banquet one time. If that is not the case, you can ignore this.

These men, who gothad an easy life in Bubble era, will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

By placing a comma after “men” and before “era,” you would create an adjective clause. An adjective clause, which can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of the sentence, provides information about the subject of the sentence. (<— This sentence also has an adjective clause in it.)
In this case, the subject of your sentence is “these men,” and the adjective clause reveals that they had an easy life in the Bubble era.
“Naturally” was also misspelled. No big deal!

Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severe, and tly ill. Then they will be carried awaytaken to hospitals, where doctors and nurses are already fully occupied with dthe increalsing with the infected increasingnumber of infected.

I added “ill” to show in what manner the girls will become severe. I would also start a new sentence after “ill.”
“Carried away” isn’t incorrect, but native speakers would likely use “taken” or “transported” instead.
Adding “already” is not required, but can help show the severity of the situation and how dangerous those mens’ actions were.
“with dealing” is redundant and can be removed.
The infected are increasing, but native speakers would usually describe that by saying “the increasing number of infected.”

It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn'is not decreaseing.

The news also said that a woman, who is a receptionist at a golf course in Gifu prefecture got, became infected.

The news has said that middle-aged men have traveled from Tokyo, and is now saying that a woman from Gifu prefecture is sick as well. Here, we would then add “also.”
This sentence also had a great opportunity for a adjective clause!
Finally, I changed “got” to “became,” as this is slightly more formal.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

Because you used “the” before “number,” you do not need to use it again before “infected.” Also, infected was missing a ‘t’!
“Going to be” is redundant and can be removed.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect to bring back to normal life as earlysoon as possible, but such our efforts might be going to enday be in vain.

Control was missing a ‘t’!
“As early as possible” is not incorrect, but “as soon as possible” is a common phrase in English.
You could also say that your efforts “might end in vain,” but “may be in vain” is another common English phrase and sounds very fluent.

Young people around me have startsed to exercise their self-control to not to go out and gather together.

“Starts” should be past tense, “have started,” as they have started exercising self-control prior to the present moment.

They don't have aso much money from the beginning thatas before, so they docan't hang around soout as much.

I used “as before” instead of “from the beginning” because it clarifies that “before” means prior to COVID-19.
Also, I changed “hang around” to “hang out.” “Hang out” is simply more commonly spoken in English.

I'm not going to do theany elderly-bashing, but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytimeoften think of others.

You could also say “I’m not going to bash the elderly,” but either way, the message is clear.
I added a comma to help break up the sentence. As my teacher always said, “commas give you a chance to breathe!”
I’m unsure about the meaning of the last portion of your sentence, but based on what I read in the translation, it seems that those with plenty of time and money to waste would be described as inconsiderate.

Politicians showare a good example.

A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

You could say “a ton of masks” or “tons of masks,” depending if the member of the prefectural assembly sold one ton or more than one ton.

He said he got those masks several years ago from a trading company.

He seems to have foresight.


Excellent post! I loved hearing what you had to say, and reading what you are seeing around you. It was fascinating! I hope you stay safe from the virus during these troubling times.
Also, this was my first post to LangCorrect, so I apologize if my responses are too short or too long. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!
You’ve made me hungry for curry, too!

Tamochan's avatar

April 23, 2020


Thank you so much! Don't apologize! Your long explanations are very welcomed! They are wonderful. I can understand the differences.

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

with the past tense of a verb, the present tense is used in the later verb.

I wonder what the restaurant iwas thinking at such a hard time.

Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away fromleft Tokyo and went over to the local areas such as Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night.

"went away from" is too long and "left" sounds better, using "such as" indicates that multiple local areas are involved.

These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutturally ask their companion girls to not to wear masks at the banquets.

Consequently, they will easily get an infected ion which cand become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected cases increasing.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead ofgo further ahead than the other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

We're trying to conrol ourselves in every aspect to back to go back to normal life as early as possible but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.

removed a few unnecessary words.

Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control to not to go out and gather together.

They don't have so much money from the beginning thatso they don't hang around so much.

I'm not going to dobash the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytimmore.

Politicians showare a good example.

A member of the prefecturale assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.


I mostly made corrections so the sentences would sound better and make more sense. Good job at this, keep writing!

Tamochan's avatar

April 23, 2020


Thank you so much!

With No End In Sight

Today, a curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

Today, a new curry restaurant newly opened near our company.

I saw many people stood in a line during lunch break.

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

I saw many people stoodanding in a line during lunch break.

I wonder what the restaurant is thinking at such a hard time.

I wonder what the restaurant iwas thinking at such a hard time.

I wonder what the restaurant owner is thinking at such aduring these hard times.

I wonder what the restaurant iwas thinking ato open in such a hard times.

I wonder what theat restaurant is thinking at such a hard time.

Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away from Tokyo and went over to the local area such as Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night.

Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away fromleft Tokyo and went over to the local areas such as Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night.

Also, the news went around earlyier this week that many men past middle -age went awaytraveled from Tokyo and went over to the localto other areas, such as Shizuoka prefecture to, where they enjoyed golf and haveeld a banquet that night.

Also, the news went around early this week that many men past middle age went away from Tokyo and went over to the local areas such as the Shizuoka prefecture to enjoy golf and have a banquet at night.

These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutturally ask their companion girls to not to wear masks at the banquets.

These men who got an easy life in Bubble era will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

These men, who gothad an easy life in Bubble era, will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

These men who got an easy life in the Bubble era will narutturally ask companion girls not to wear masks at the banquets.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasing.

Consequently, they will easily get an infected ion which cand become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected cases increasing.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severeick, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasing.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and become severe, and tly ill. Then they will be carried awaytaken to hospitals, where doctors and nurses are already fully occupied with dthe increalsing with the infected increasingnumber of infected.

Consequently, they will easily get infected and the illness will become severe, and then they will be carried away to hospitals where doctors and nurses are fully occupied with dealing with the infected increasingcreasing number of infected (people).

It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn't decrease.

It's no wonder that the number of the infected doesn'is not decreaseing.

The news said that a woman who is a receptionist at a golf course in Gifu prefecture got infected.

The news also said that a woman, who is a receptionist at a golf course in Gifu prefecture got, became infected.

The news said that a woman who is a receptionist at a golf course in the Gifu prefecture got infected.

The number of the infeced in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead ofgo further ahead than the other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

The number of the infected in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

The number of the infeced in Shizuoka and Gifu might be going to be far ahead of other prefectures in a couple of weeks.

We're trying to conrol ourselves in every aspect to back to normal life as early as possible but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.

We're trying to conrol ourselves in every aspect to back to go back to normal life as early as possible but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect to bring back to normal life as earlysoon as possible, but such our efforts might be going to enday be in vain.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect, to get back to normal life as early as possible, but such our efforts might be going to end in vain.

We're trying to control ourselves in every aspect to get back to normal life as early as possible but suchwith such behaviour our efforts might be going to end in vain.

Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control not to go out and gather together.

Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control to not to go out and gather together.

Young people around me have startsed to exercise their self-control to not to go out and gather together.

Young people around me starts to exercise their self-control not to go out and gather together.

They don't have so much money from the beginning that they don't hang around so much.

They don't have so much money from the beginning thatso they don't hang around so much.

They don't have aso much money from the beginning thatas before, so they docan't hang around soout as much.

They don't have so much money from the beginning thatso they don't hang around so much anyway.

I'm not going to do the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytime.

I'm not going to dobash the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytimmore.

I'm not going to do theany elderly-bashing, but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't think good things anytimeoften think of others.

I'm not going to do the elderly-bashing but I think those who have plenty of time and money to waste don't always think good things anytime.

Politicians show a good example.

Politicians showare a good example.

Politicians showare a good example.

Politicians showare a good example.

A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

A member of the prefecturale assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

A member of the prefectural assembly sold a tons of masks at an extremely high price on an online auction and got around 9 million yen.

He said he got those masks several years ago from a trading company.

He seems to have foresight.

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