Jack's avatar

Jan. 12, 2021

Translation Practice.

I now know that Mandarin means not only “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊
During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was grand and sacred. On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put some tribute on the table then kneeled, kowtowed and “许愿”. At that time, kids were not allowed to talk nonsense. “许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hope the wishes inside people’s hearts to come true during the new year. Of course, all the wishes were supposed to not be spoken out, you should keep them in yourself. Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, the wishes basically were beautiful things about health, peace, happiness and wealth. When I grow up, personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it is superstitious and that happy lives should be gained by hard work. I didn’t expect Canada to have so few holidays, and only one holiday with a day off. From this point, China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada. China has seven holidays each year. They are New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with seven days off.


I now know that Mandarin means not only means “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊

Actually, you cannot use Mandarin alone to represent an orange. It is an adjective and must be used together with the noun - "Mandarin oranges." Most Americans don't know that a Mandarin orange is in fact a variety of tangerine.

However, when you use Mandarin to represent the main dialect in China, it is a noun, therefore, it can be used as a stand alone word.

During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was always grand and sacred.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put some tribute on the table then kneeled,ay tribute to our ancestors by putting a bowl of fruit on the altar and then we would kowtowed and “许愿”.

At that time, kids were not allowed to talk nonsense.

This sentence is grammatically correct, but it implies that kids are not allowed to talk nonsense back then, but they could talk nonsense now. I don't think that is what you meant to say.

“许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hrepresents making wishes. People thmake wishes inside people’s hearts toand hope they will come true during the new year.

Of course, all thThese wishes weare supposed to not be spoken out, you shouldnot meant to be spoken out loud, as you're suppose to keep them into yourself.

Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, the wishes basically werePeople generally wish for beautiful things about, such as health, peace, happiness and wealth.

When INow that I'm a grown up, I personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it isthey are superstitious and I also think that happy liveiness should be gained by hard work.

I didn’t expect Canada to have so few holidays, and that only one holiday with a day offis a paid holiday.

There are two problems with this sentence:
1) What does Canadian holidays have to do with the word Mandarin and Chinese New Year? You're now introducing a new topic without a real closure to the other topics.
2) The sentence is not accurate. In fact, Canada has 9 paid holidays.

FromIf this point,was true, then China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada.

China has seven holidays each year.

They are New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with could last between one to seven days. By far, Chinese New Year has the longest duration of seven days off.

Jack's avatar

Jan. 14, 2021


I didn’t expect Canada to have so few holidays, and that only one holiday with a day offis a paid holiday.

There are two problems with this sentence:
1) What does Canadian holidays have to do with the word Mandarin and Chinese New Year? You're now introducing a new topic without a real closure to the other topics.
2) The sentence is not accurate. In fact, Canada has 9 paid holidays.

A language partner told me that in Canada, there is only a holiday which is new year’s holiday and with one day off.

Jack's avatar

Jan. 14, 2021


So many new words here. I have to go through a long study journey. Thank you very much.

nschafer888's avatar

Jan. 14, 2021



nschafer888's avatar

Jan. 14, 2021


Your language partner might be confused. Maybe he is thinking of another country?

Jack's avatar

Jan. 14, 2021


It turned out that we misunderstood each other.

Translation Practice.

I now know that Mandarin means not only means “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊


During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was grand and sacred.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put somevarious tributes on the table thenand kneeled, kowtowed, and “许愿”.

都是model verbs。它们比较特殊的规矩就是后面的动词要用base form。

At that time, kids were not allowed to talk nonsense.

“许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hope the wishes inside people’s hearts towhen people make a wish that they hope will come true during the new year.

make resolutions不可以完全包含许愿的意思。resolution比wish会更强,是一个人要特别努力和奋斗才能实现的事情(一般都是关于提高自己)而wish会和祝家人身体健康或一些美好的想法相关。

Of course, all the wishes weare supposed to not be spoken out, you should keep them inbe kept to yourself.

“keep it to yourself” 是一个更常见的形态。

Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, their wishes basically werewere commonly beautiful things about health, peace, happiness, and wealth.


WhenAfter I groew up, I personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it is superstitious and that h. Happy lives should be gained by hard work.

When I grow up 是等我长大,因为你已经长大了我们就用past tense。
happy lives是另外一个想法,所以要变成一句话。

FromIn this poinaspect, China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada.

China has seven holidays each year.

把它练到下一个句子,因为它们相关 :)

Theywhich are New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day.

Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with seven days off.



下次翻译时只要注意一下把相关的思路连起来,word order,以及不要填extra的词来描述一件事就会写得更好!

Jack's avatar

Jan. 12, 2021



Jack's avatar

Jan. 12, 2021


China has seven holidays each year.

把它练到下一个句子,因为它们相关 :)


Translation Practice.

I now know that Mandarin means not only “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊

I now know that Mandarin means not only means “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊

I now know that Mandarin means not only means “普通话” but also “橘子”🍊

During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was grand and sacred.

During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was grand and sacred.

During my childhood, the Chinese New Year was always grand and sacred.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put some tribute on the table then kneeled, kowtowed and “许愿”.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put somevarious tributes on the table thenand kneeled, kowtowed, and “许愿”.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, my mom would put some tribute on the table then kneeled,ay tribute to our ancestors by putting a bowl of fruit on the altar and then we would kowtowed and “许愿”.

At that time, kids were not allowed to talk nonsense.

At that time, kids were not allowed to talk nonsense.

“许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hope the wishes inside people’s hearts to come true during the new year.

“许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hope the wishes inside people’s hearts towhen people make a wish that they hope will come true during the new year.

“许愿” is “make resolutions” that means to hrepresents making wishes. People thmake wishes inside people’s hearts toand hope they will come true during the new year.

Of course, all the wishes were supposed to not be spoken out, you should keep them in yourself.

Of course, all the wishes weare supposed to not be spoken out, you should keep them inbe kept to yourself.

Of course, all thThese wishes weare supposed to not be spoken out, you shouldnot meant to be spoken out loud, as you're suppose to keep them into yourself.

Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, the wishes basically were beautiful things about health, peace, happiness and wealth.

Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, their wishes basically werewere commonly beautiful things about health, peace, happiness, and wealth.

Although people didn’t speak their wishes out, the wishes basically werePeople generally wish for beautiful things about, such as health, peace, happiness and wealth.

When I grow up, personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it is superstitious and that happy lives should be gained by hard work.

WhenAfter I groew up, I personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it is superstitious and that h. Happy lives should be gained by hard work.

When INow that I'm a grown up, I personally I don’t do these kinds of things because I think it isthey are superstitious and I also think that happy liveiness should be gained by hard work.

I didn’t expect Canada to have so few holidays, and only one holiday with a day off.

I didn’t expect Canada to have so few holidays, and that only one holiday with a day offis a paid holiday.

From this point, China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada.

FromIn this poinaspect, China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada.

FromIf this point,was true, then China hasn’t been doing worse than Canada.

China has seven holidays each year.

China has seven holidays each year.

They are New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day.

Theywhich are New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Tomb Sweeping Day, May Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and National Day.

Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with seven days off.

Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with seven days off.

Each holidays vary from one to seven days, and the longest one is Chinese New Year, with could last between one to seven days. By far, Chinese New Year has the longest duration of seven days off.

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