basiliomagno's avatar

Aug. 9, 2021

Thoughts without images?

Aristotle on his De Anima said that no thought can be without image. What he meant was that it is impossible for the human mind to think without referring in some sense to the world. In this case, world should be understood both as the material world, perceived by the senses, and as the conceptual world, perceived by the imagination and known by the intellect. The senses are the place on which the material objects are found. We realized there are things in the world because these things interfere with our senses: the blue of the sea hinders the vain way that goes straight from the eye to the still-non-perceived horizon. The meeting between the material world and our body causes images that the ancients called phantoms. These are the memories of the perceived things, which can be arranged without any rule. For, whereas the world is ruled by the logic and the natural laws, the mind have no external law. In the mind, one can try to imagines things that contradict the laws of the world.
The problem is that still in the latter case the mind works with images, with phantoms it took from the senses. When thinking of a squared circle, the mind mixed the concepts it created from the experience of real circles and squares. Although, there were philosophers who thought that it is possible to have ideas without images taken from the senses. That kind of intellection is that of the mystics. For them the truest knowledge comes directly from God, avoiding so any corporeal interference.


Thoughts without images?

Aristotle oin his De Anima said that no thought can be without image.

What he meant was that it is impossible for the human mind to think without referring in some sense to the world around us.

a common expression in this context

In this case, the world should be understood both as the material world, perceived by the senses, and as the conceptual world, perceived by the imagination and known by the intellect.

the world always has definite article because it refers to the world we all know

The senses are the place on which thwhere material objects are founperceived.

place where / plural nouns without an article for things in general

We realized there are things in the world because these things interfere with our senses: the blue of the sea hinders the vain way that goes straight from the eyeeye from going straight to the still-non-perceived horizon.

realize, present tense for general actions / vain not necessary here and hinder from + continuous

The meeting between the material world and our body causes images that the ancients called phantoms.

These are the memories of the perceived things, which can be arranged without any rule.

For, whereas the world is ruled by the logic and the natural laws, the mind have no external law.

no definite article for general concepts

In the mind, one can try to imagines things that contradict the laws of the world.

here the laws is correct because you say which laws, the laws of the world

The problem is that still in the latter case the mind still works with images, with phantoms it took from the senses.

word order

When thinking of a squared circle, the mind mixed the concepts it created from the experience of real circles and squares.

AlthoughHowever, there were philosophers who thought that it is possible to have ideas without images taken from the senses.

however is a bigger contrast

That kind of intellectionual activity is that of the mystics.

intellection is not a word

For them the truest knowledge comes directly from God, thus avoiding so any corporeal interference.


This looks like a lot of corrections but they are small points. This article is well written and clearly explained

basiliomagno's avatar

Aug. 13, 2021


Thank you!

Thoughts without images?

Aristotle on his De Anima said that no thought can be without image.

Aristotle oin his De Anima said that no thought can be without image.

What he meant was that it is impossible for the human mind to think without referring in some sense to the world.

What he meant was that it is impossible for the human mind to think without referring in some sense to the world around us.

In this case, world should be understood both as the material world, perceived by the senses, and as the conceptual world, perceived by the imagination and known by the intellect.

In this case, the world should be understood both as the material world, perceived by the senses, and as the conceptual world, perceived by the imagination and known by the intellect.

The senses are the place on which the material objects are found.

The senses are the place on which thwhere material objects are founperceived.

We realized there are things in the world because these things interfere with our senses: the blue of the sea hinders the vain way that goes straight from the eye to the still-non-perceived horizon.

We realized there are things in the world because these things interfere with our senses: the blue of the sea hinders the vain way that goes straight from the eyeeye from going straight to the still-non-perceived horizon.

The meeting between the material world and our body causes images that the ancients called phantoms.

These are the memories of the perceived things, which can be arranged without any rule.

For, whereas the world is ruled by the logic and the natural laws, the mind have no external law.

For, whereas the world is ruled by the logic and the natural laws, the mind have no external law.

In the mind, one can try to imagines things that contradict the laws of the world.

In the mind, one can try to imagines things that contradict the laws of the world.

The problem is that still in the latter case the mind works with images, with phantoms it took from the senses.

The problem is that still in the latter case the mind still works with images, with phantoms it took from the senses.

When thinking of a squared circle, the mind mixed the concepts it created from the experience of real circles and squares.

Although, there were philosophers who thought that it is possible to have ideas without images taken from the senses.

AlthoughHowever, there were philosophers who thought that it is possible to have ideas without images taken from the senses.

That kind of intellection is that of the mystics.

That kind of intellectionual activity is that of the mystics.

For them the truest knowledge comes directly from God, avoiding so any corporeal interference.

For them the truest knowledge comes directly from God, thus avoiding so any corporeal interference.

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