SanHang's avatar

Aug. 3, 2020

The effect of the climate change #2

Growing climate change is the cost of human progress, in my opinion. Climate change will be a roadblock of human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future. In the previous decade, the increasingly bad climate quality has led to irreversible changes around the world. For example, glaciers are melting, the ozone layer is thinning and natural resources are declining. The unlimited use of free natural resources has, to say the least, become more dangerous than it was when it first started. It has been made that human feverishly chase the benefits without any cost. Undermining limited natural resources and polluting the ocean, looks like a signal that humans will be sliding the earth into an abyss of an apocalypse. But on the other hand, human aggression toward nature could contribute to society and a thriving economic market.


The effects of the climate change #2

Climate change will be a roadblock tof human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

For example, glaciers are melting, the ozone layer is thinning and natural resources are declining.

The effect of the climate change #2

Growing climate change is the cost of human progress, in my opinion.

Climate change will be a roadblock tof human's progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.


In the previous decade, the increasingly badpoor climate quality has led to irreversible changes around the world.

For example, glaciers are melting, the ozone layer is thinning and natural resources are declining.

The unlimitcontrolled use of free natural resources has, to say the least, become more dangerous than it was when it first started.


It has been madeis clear that humans feverishly chase the benefits without anyconsidering the cost.


UnderminingDepletion of limited natural resources and pollutingon of the ocean, looks seem like a signals that humans will be slidare causing the earth to fall into an abyss of anmal apocalypse.

But on the other hand, human aggression towardinterference with nature could contribute to society and a thriving economic market.y


The effects of the climate change #2

Growing climate change is the cost of human progress, in my opinion.

Climate change will be a roadblock ofor human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

In the previous decade, the increasingly bad climate quality has led to irreversible changes around the world.

For example, glaciers are melting, the ozone layer is thinning and natural resources are declining.

The unlimited use of free natural resources has, to say the least, become more dangerous than it was when it first started.

It has been made that humanHumans have feverishly chased the benefits without any cost.

UnderminDepleting limited natural resources and polluting the ocean, looks like a signal that humans will be sliding the earth into anthe abyss of an apocalypse.


Good job using some powerful language like "aggression" and "abyss" here. It makes it clear this is a perilous situation that you're very concerned about. Great word choice!

The effect of the climate change #2

The effect of the climate change #2

The effects of the climate change #2

The effects of the climate change #2

Growing climate change is the cost of human progress, in my opinion.

Climate change will be a roadblock of human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

Climate change will be a roadblock tof human's progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

Climate change will be a roadblock tof human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

Climate change will be a roadblock ofor human' progress, and this issue will be worse in the future.

In the previous decade, the increasingly bad climate quality has led to irreversible changes around the world.

In the previous decade, the increasingly badpoor climate quality has led to irreversible changes around the world.

For example, glaciers are melting, the ozone layer is thinning and natural resources are declining.

The unlimited use of free natural resources has, to say the least, become more dangerous than it was when it first started.

The unlimitcontrolled use of free natural resources has, to say the least, become more dangerous than it was when it first started.

It has been made that human feverishly chase the benefits without any cost.

It has been madeis clear that humans feverishly chase the benefits without anyconsidering the cost.

It has been made that humanHumans have feverishly chased the benefits without any cost.

Undermining limited natural resources and polluting the ocean, looks like a signal that humans will be sliding the earth into an abyss of an apocalypse.

UnderminingDepletion of limited natural resources and pollutingon of the ocean, looks seem like a signals that humans will be slidare causing the earth to fall into an abyss of anmal apocalypse.

UnderminDepleting limited natural resources and polluting the ocean, looks like a signal that humans will be sliding the earth into anthe abyss of an apocalypse.

But on the other hand, human aggression toward nature could contribute to society and a thriving economic market.

But on the other hand, human aggression towardinterference with nature could contribute to society and a thriving economic market.y

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