Aiden's avatar

Jan. 23, 2021

The Best Time to Buy Electronics.

When is the best time to buy an electronic device? Electronics become outdated as soon as they are purchased. There is always a new version in short period. Someone says that the best time is when I need it or right before I die because after death there is no more a new version.

Although I have been a Windows person in whole life,  I'm considering to buy Mac Laptop. I think it's better than a windows laptop in the case that I have to focus on work or study. Lately, 13 inches M1 Mac laptop is released and there is the rumor that 14 inches Mac laptop will come. That is why I mediate whether I buy it now or later.

전자기기를 사기에 좋은 시점은 언제일까? 전자기기는 사자마자 구식이 된다. 항상 최신 버전이 나온다. 어떤 사람들은 최적의 시기는 본인이 필요할 때 또는 죽기 바로 전이라고 한다. 왜냐하면 죽음 이후에는 신 버전이 없기 때문이다.

나는 지금까지 윈도우를 사용해 왔지만, 맥북 구매를 고려하고 있다. 일이나 공부처럼 집중해야하는 경우에는 윈도우 노트북보다 좋다고 생각한다. 최근에 13인치 맥북이 나왔는데 14인치가 곧 출시될거라는 소문이 있다. 그래서 지금살지 나중에 살지 고민이다.


The Best Time to Buy Electronics.

When is the best time to buy an electronic device?

Electronics become outdated as soon as they are purchased.

There is always a newer version in a short period of time.

Someone says that the best time is when Iyou need it or right before Iyou die because after death there isare no more a new versions.

Although I have been a Windows person inmy whole life,  I'm considering to buy Mac Lbuying a Macbook. OR Although I have been a Windows person my whole life,  I'm considering buying an Apple laptop.

In English, we generally don't call it a 'Mac laptop.' It is referred to most commonly as a Macbook, though Apple laptop is acceptable as well.

I think it's better than a wWindows laptop in the case thatf I have to focus on work or study.

Lately,Recently, the 13 inches M1 Mac laptop ibook was released, and there is thea rumor that the 14 inches Mac laptopbook will come soon.

That is why I mediateam considering whether Ito buy it now or later.


Good job! :)

Aiden's avatar

Jan. 23, 2021


Although I have been a Windows person inmy whole life,  I'm considering to buy Mac Lbuying a Macbook. OR Although I have been a Windows person my whole life,  I'm considering buying an Apple laptop.

In English, we generally don't call it a 'Mac laptop.' It is referred to most commonly as a Macbook, though Apple laptop is acceptable as well.

Oh, I see. Thanks for corrections!

The Best Time to Buy Electronics.

There is always a newer version inafter a short period.

Someone saystold me that the best time isto buy something is either when I need it, or right before I die because after death there isare no more a new versions.

Although I have been a Windows person in whole life,  I'm considering to buy Macbuying an Apple Laptop.

In America, we usually refer to the computer company and their products as "Apple", "Mac" sounds outdated.

I think it'sthey're better than a windows laptop in the case thatf I have to focus on work or studying.

Lately, the 13 inches M1 Mac laptop ishas been released and, but there is thare rumors that 14 inches Mac laptop will comebe coming soon.

That is why I mediate'm wondering whether Ito buy it now or later.


This is pretty good so far. You're at least an intermediate level in English, you should bump up your status.

Aiden's avatar

Jan. 23, 2021


Thanks. But, I think it's too early to bump up my status. Thanks!

The Best Time to Buy Electronics.

When is the best time to buy an electronic device?

Electronics become outdated as soon as they are purchased.

There is always a new version in short period.

There is always a newer version inafter a short period.

There is always a newer version in a short period of time.

Someone says that the best time is when I need it or right before I die because after death there is no more a new version.

Someone saystold me that the best time isto buy something is either when I need it, or right before I die because after death there isare no more a new versions.

Someone says that the best time is when Iyou need it or right before Iyou die because after death there isare no more a new versions.

Although I have been a Windows person in whole life,  I'm considering to buy Mac Laptop.

Although I have been a Windows person in whole life,  I'm considering to buy Macbuying an Apple Laptop.

Although I have been a Windows person inmy whole life,  I'm considering to buy Mac Lbuying a Macbook. OR Although I have been a Windows person my whole life,  I'm considering buying an Apple laptop.

I think it's better than a windows laptop in the case that I have to focus on work or study.

I think it'sthey're better than a windows laptop in the case thatf I have to focus on work or studying.

I think it's better than a wWindows laptop in the case thatf I have to focus on work or study.

Lately, 13 inches M1 Mac laptop is released and there is the rumor that 14 inches Mac laptop will come.

Lately, the 13 inches M1 Mac laptop ishas been released and, but there is thare rumors that 14 inches Mac laptop will comebe coming soon.

Lately,Recently, the 13 inches M1 Mac laptop ibook was released, and there is thea rumor that the 14 inches Mac laptopbook will come soon.

That is why I mediate whether I buy it now or later.

That is why I mediate'm wondering whether Ito buy it now or later.

That is why I mediateam considering whether Ito buy it now or later.

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