maartijn's avatar

July 11, 2021

Sentences 165: Stick, Bee's Knees, Gaslight

She had explained it in detail and I still got the wrong end of the stick and spoiled the task.
She's really the bee's knees in accounting.
He was untrue to his husband and then gaslighted him into thinking that it was his fault.


Sentences 165: Stick, Bee's Knees, Gaslight

She had explained it in detail and I still got the wrong end of the stick and spoiled the task.

She's really the bee's knees in accounting.

He was untrue to his husband and then gaslighted him into thinking that it was his fault.


Maybe "disloyal" would be a better choice for the last one though.
No one says bees knees anymore.
"wrong end of the stick" is more like when someone betrayed you. Its grammatically ok.

Sentences 165: Stick, Bee's Knees, Gaslight

She had explained it in detail and I still got the wrong end of the stick and spoiled the task.

She's really the bee's knees in accounting.

He was untrue to his husband and then gaslighted him into thinking that it was his fault.

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