maartijn's avatar

July 10, 2021

Sentences 164: On The Hoof, Revere, Runt

I just did this task on the hoof as my main work was something else.
I have been revering her lifetime achievement since many years.
He called her runt and said she had nothing to say and I told him to stop being rude and accept her as she is.


I have been reveringrevered her for many years, because of the depth of her lifetime achievement since many years.

Revere is is not something typically expressed in continuous tense.

He called her runt and said she had nothing to say and I told him to stop being rude and accept her as she is.

This is not at all the context in which this word would be used. Examples of better usage include:
“The tiny black cat was the runt of the litter.”
“That big bully picked on him, because he was the runt of the class.”
“When I was little I was a runt, but I filled out as a teenager.”

It has to do with physical size and weakness.

maartijn's avatar

July 11, 2021



Sentences 164:


Sentences 164: On The Hoof, Revere, Runt

I just did this task on the hoof as my main work was something else.

I have been revering her lifetime achievement since many years.

I have been reveringrevered her for many years, because of the depth of her lifetime achievement since many years.

He called her runt and said she had nothing to say and I told him to stop being rude and accept her as she is.

He called her runt and said she had nothing to say and I told him to stop being rude and accept her as she is.

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