maartijn's avatar

July 8, 2021

Sentences 162: Chalk And Cheese, Hale And Hearty, Muck

Me and my brother are like chalk and cheese. We have really nothing in common.
He's 88 years old, but still hale and hearty.
The farmer collected all the muck and put it on his fields.


Sentences 162: Chalk And Cheese, Hale And Hearty, Muck

Me and my brother are like chalk and cheese.

We have really nothing in common.

He's 88 years old, but still hale and hearty.

The farmer collected all the muck and put it on his fields.

maartijn's avatar

July 11, 2021



Sentences 162: Chalk And Cheese, Hale And Hearty, Muck

Me and my brother are like chalk and cheese.

We have really nothing in common.

He's 88 years old, but still hale and hearty.

The farmer collected all the muck and put it on his fields.

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