SummerTeaWater's avatar

April 25, 2022

Read My Old Journals

I read 60 journals that I wrote them last two months.

I have a journal book that I have written down in the morning.

That journals werer to make my routines in the morning, and I think it is quite successful.

For two months, I thought about learning English a lot.

Sometimes, I was worried about stressful days.

However, it was very helpful to keep my mind calm.

Today I have written 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them at least a year.


Reading My Old Journals

I read 60 journals that I wrote in them last two months.

I have a journal book that I have writtenwhere I write them down in the morning.

ThatI write journals werer to make my routines in the morning, and I think it isthey are quite successful.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here

For two months, I thought about learning English a lot.

Sometimes, I was worried about stressful days.

However, it was very helpful to keep my mind calm.

Today, I have written my 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them for at least a year.


Good writing, keep learning!

SummerTeaWater's avatar

April 26, 2022


Thank you very much.

I read the 60 journals that I wrote them last two months.

I have a journal book that I have written dowbeen writing in in the morning.

or: I [write/have been writing] in my journal every morning.

That journals werer to makeestablish my routines in the morning, and I think it iwas quite successful.

or: I used the journals to record my morning routine, and I think it has been useful.

If you want to use successful you could say that you were successful in following the routine you set for yourself.

For two months, I thought about learning English a lot.

Sometimes, I was worried about stressful days.

However, it was very helpful to keep my mind calm.

Today I have written my 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them for at least a year.


Congrats on the consistency!

SummerTeaWater's avatar

April 26, 2022


Thank you very much.

Read My Old Journals

Reading My Old Journals

I read 60 journals that I wrote them last two months.

I read the 60 journals that I wrote them last two months.

I read 60 journals that I wrote in them last two months.

I have a journal book that I have written down in the morning.

I have a journal book that I have written dowbeen writing in in the morning.

I have a journal book that I have writtenwhere I write them down in the morning.

That journals werer to make my routines in the morning, and I think it is quite successful.

ThatI write journals werer to make my routines in the morning, and I think it isthey are quite successful.

That journals werer to makeestablish my routines in the morning, and I think it iwas quite successful.

For two months, I thought about learning English a lot.

Sometimes, I was worried about stressful days.

However, it was very helpful to keep my mind calm.

Today I have written 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them at least a year.

Today, I have written my 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them for at least a year.

Today I have written my 72nd journal , and I will keep writing them for at least a year.

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