newcreation's avatar

Jan. 20, 2022


Question 1: what do you say when clothes are dried and you're taking them down the washing line? Take the clothes off the washing line?

Question 2 . without beating around the bush lets put the ideas on the table.


Take the clothes off the washing line?

Yes that is correct

Question 1: what do you say when clothes are driedy and you're taking them down the washingfrom the clothes line?

Where I'm from (northeastern United States), we say "clothes line" or just "line". I don't know if "washing line" is correct in other places.

Take the clothes off the washing line?

without beating around the bush, let's put the ideas on the table.

There are no specific usage errors here, but I can't imagine anyone ever saying this.

newcreation's avatar

Jan. 20, 2022


Question 1: what do you say when clothes are driedy and you're taking them down the washingfrom the clothes line?

Where I'm from (northeastern United States), we say "clothes line" or just "line". I don't know if "washing line" is correct in other places.

Thanks for that clarification! I tended to use American English in the past but now Im surrounded by british english I dont even know which one is which.


How do you say when clothes are dried and you're taking them down the washing line?

Take the clothes off the washing line?

Take the clothes off the washing line?

Take the clothes off the washing line?

Question 1: what do you say when clothes are dried and you're taking them down the washing line?

Question 1: what do you say when clothes are driedy and you're taking them down the washingfrom the clothes line?

Question 2 .

without beating around the bush lets put the ideas on the table.

without beating around the bush, let's put the ideas on the table.

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