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Oct. 14, 2022

Please review my essay


Marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business.

To what extent do agree or disagree?

My essay:

People have different views about which factors contribute the most to a successful business. Some people assert that they are marketing and promotion. I mostly disagree as the quality of its products or services can be a more crucial factor.

A firm can significantly benefit from appropriate promotional and marketing strategies. Companies can undertake market research and therefore identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services. After that, they can deploy many types of advertising, including sending emails or using pop-up ads, to connect with such consumers and persuade them to make purchases. Sales promotions such as giving out free samples or buy-one-get-one can also be used to increase customers’ interest or demand.

However, product or service quality plays a more vital role in business success. It can give companies a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market where customers have a lot of options. In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if customers’ expectation is not met, they will quickly look for alternatives. To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continue to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products. So, quality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchases in the future. Furthermore, providing a high-quality product can be an effective and inexpensive alternative method for advertising. This is because its consumers can recommend it to others or post good reviews on various platforms, thus incentivizing purchases.

In conclusion, well-thought-out promotion and marketing plans can help organizations reach and attract their prospects. Nevertheless, quality products or services seem to be more critical for succeeding in business as they can lead to high customer retention, contributing to long-term revenue and profitability.


Please review my essay

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People have different views about which factors contribute the most to a successful business.

Some people assert that they most important factors are marketing and promotion.

I mostly disagree, as the quality of ita business's products or services can be a more crucial factor.

A firm can significantly benefit from appropriate promotional and marketing strategies.

Companies can undertake market research and thereforeto identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services.

After that, they can deploy manydifferent types of advertising, - including sending emails or using pop-up ads, - to connect with suchthese consumers and persuade them to make a purchases.

Sales promotions, such as giving out free samples or buy-one-get-one, can also be used to increase customers’ interest or demand.

However, product or service quality plays a more vital role in business success.

ItMaintaining a standard of high quality can give companies a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market where customers have a lot of options.

In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if the customer's expectation iss are not met, they will quickly look for alternatives.

To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continues to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products.

"Apple" is singular, so you need to use the singular form "continues"

So, quality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchasesupport the business in the future.

Furthermore, providing a high-quality product can be an effective and inexpensive alternative method forto advertising.

This is because its consumers can recommend it to others or post good reviews on various platforms, thus incentivizing purchases.

In conclusion, well-thought-out promotion and marketing plans can help organizations reach and attract their prospects.

Nevertheless, quality products or services seem to be more critical for succeeding in business as they can lead to high customer retention, contributing to long-term revenue and profitability.


Very well written! I enjoyed reading your essay.

People have different views about which factors contribute the most to a successful business.

Some people assert that they are marketing and promotion.

I mostly disagree as the quality of its products or services can be a more crucial factor.

A firm can significantly benefit from appropriate promotional and marketing strategies.

Companies can undertake market research and thereforein order to identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services.

After that, they can deploy many types of advertising, including sending emails or using pop-up ads, to connect with such consumers and persuade them to make purchases.

Sales promotions such as giving out free samples or buy-one-get-one can also be used to increase customers’ interest or demand.

However, product or service quality plays a more vital role in business success.

It can give companies a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market where customers have a lot of options.

In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if customers’ expectation iss are not met, they will quickly look for alternatives.

To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continues to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products.

So, qQuality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchases in the future.

The two "so"s are a bit awkward.

Furthermore, providing a high-quality product can be an effective and inexpensive alternative method for advertising.

This is because its consumers can recommend it to others or post good reviews on various platforms, thus incentivizing purchases.

In conclusion, well-thought-out promotion and marketing plans can help organizations reach and attract their prospects.

Nevertheless, quality products or services seem to be more critical for succeeding in business as they can lead to high customer retention, contributing to long-term revenue and profitability.


This is about the level of correction I would expect to make if I was editing a college assignment. Good job!

Please review my essay


Marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business.

To what extent do agree or disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

My essay:

People have different views about which factors contribute the most to a successful business.

Some people assert that they are marketing and promotion.

Some people assert that they most important factors are marketing and promotion.

I mostly disagree as the quality of its products or services can be a more crucial factor.

I mostly disagree, as the quality of ita business's products or services can be a more crucial factor.

A firm can significantly benefit from appropriate promotional and marketing strategies.

Companies can undertake market research and therefore identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services.

Companies can undertake market research and thereforeto identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services.

Companies can undertake market research and thereforein order to identify segments of consumers that will be interested in their products or services.

After that, they can deploy many types of advertising, including sending emails or using pop-up ads, to connect with such consumers and persuade them to make purchases.

After that, they can deploy manydifferent types of advertising, - including sending emails or using pop-up ads, - to connect with suchthese consumers and persuade them to make a purchases.

Sales promotions such as giving out free samples or buy-one-get-one can also be used to increase customers’ interest or demand.

Sales promotions, such as giving out free samples or buy-one-get-one, can also be used to increase customers’ interest or demand.

However, product or service quality plays a more vital role in business success.

It can give companies a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market where customers have a lot of options.

ItMaintaining a standard of high quality can give companies a competitive advantage in today’s crowded market where customers have a lot of options.

In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if customers’ expectation is not met, they will quickly look for alternatives.

In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if the customer's expectation iss are not met, they will quickly look for alternatives.

In contrast, even with excellent marketing strategies, if customers’ expectation iss are not met, they will quickly look for alternatives.

To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continue to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products.

To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continues to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products.

To illustrate this, for more than two decades, Apple continues to dominate the premium smartphone market because it has relentlessly delivered superior products.

So, quality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchases in the future.

So, quality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchasesupport the business in the future.

So, qQuality is critical to retain customers’ loyalty so they continue to make purchases in the future.

Furthermore, providing a high-quality product can be an effective and inexpensive alternative method for advertising.

Furthermore, providing a high-quality product can be an effective and inexpensive alternative method forto advertising.

This is because its consumers can recommend it to others or post good reviews on various platforms, thus incentivizing purchases.

This is because its consumers can recommend it to others or post good reviews on various platforms, thus incentivizing purchases.

In conclusion, well-thought-out promotion and marketing plans can help organizations reach and attract their prospects.

Nevertheless, quality products or services seem to be more critical for succeeding in business as they can lead to high customer retention, contributing to long-term revenue and profitability.

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