lethanhhang's avatar

Oct. 13, 2022

please review my essay


Companies should provide sports and social facilities for local communities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that public facilities for sports and social activities should be provided by businesses. I mostly disagree as this should be the responsibility of governments.

There are several reasons that justify organizations’ provision of communal facilities. They typically gain profit from the community, so it is important for them to give back in one way or another. This can help the public see their brands in a more positive light, fostering relationships and support from the local area. Consequently, consumers may choose their products preferentially over competitors. However, providing public facilities can leave a more lasting impact on potential consumers than other ways such as donating and doing charities. In particular, a company can build a park in the area where its target customers live, so they can make use of it along with their families for many years. This results in a long-lasting reminder of the company’s good deeds.

However, it is the duty of governments, not the business sector, to provide communal facilities. Indeed, corporate social responsibility is already fulfilled by paying taxes, and their net profit may not be enough for building such facilities. In contrast, the purposes of government are to safeguard the public interest, and their revenue from corporate and personal income tax should be allocated to provide and upgrade facilities for the public. In addition, states have the authority to regulate land use, so they are able to identify potential locations and undertake large-scale projects more easily than businesses.

In conclusion, while supplying communal facilities for sports and social activities can help organizations improve their brand’s image and boost sales, it is actually the duty of the government to fund this by making use of tax revenue and their control over land.


please review my essay


Companies should provide sports and social facilities for local communities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that public facilities for sports and social activities should be provided by businesses.

I mostly disagree as this should be the responsibility of governments.

There are several reasons that justify organizations’ provision of communal facilities.

They typically gain profit from the community, so it is important for them to give back in one way or another.

This can help the public see their brands in a more positive light, fostering relationships and support from the local area.

Consequently, consumers may choose their products preferentially over competitors'.

However, providing public facilities can leave a more lasting impact on potential consumers thanin contrast to other ways, such as donating and doing charities.

In particular, a company can build a park in the area where its target customers live, so they can make use of it along with their families for many years.

This results in a long-lasting reminder of the company’s good deeds.

However, it is the duty of governments, not the business sector, to provide communal facilities.

Indeed, corporate social responsibility is already fulfilled by paying taxes, and their net profit may not be enough for building such facilities.

In contrast, the purposes of government are to safeguard the public interest, and their revenue from corporate and personal income tax should be allocated to provide and upgrade facilities for the public.

In conclusion, while supplying communal facilities for sports and social activities can help organizations improve their brand’s image and boost sales, it is actually the duty of the government to fund this by making use of tax revenue and their control over land.



lethanhhang's avatar

Oct. 13, 2022


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I greatly appreciate your kindness.

please review my essay


Companies should provide sports and social facilities for local communities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think that public facilities for sports and social activities should be provided by businesses.

I mostly disagree as this should be the responsibility of governments.

There are several reasons that justify organizations’ provision of communal facilities.

They typically gain profit from the community, so it is important for them to give back in one way or another.

This can help the public see their brands in a more positive light, fostering relationships and support from the local area.

Consequently, consumers may choose their products preferentially over competitors.

Consequently, consumers may choose their products preferentially over competitors'.

However, providing public facilities can leave a more lasting impact on potential consumers than other ways such as donating and doing charities.

However, providing public facilities can leave a more lasting impact on potential consumers thanin contrast to other ways, such as donating and doing charities.

In particular, a company can build a park in the area where its target customers live, so they can make use of it along with their families for many years.

This results in a long-lasting reminder of the company’s good deeds.

However, it is the duty of governments, not the business sector, to provide communal facilities.

Indeed, corporate social responsibility is already fulfilled by paying taxes, and their net profit may not be enough for building such facilities.

In contrast, the purposes of government are to safeguard the public interest, and their revenue from corporate and personal income tax should be allocated to provide and upgrade facilities for the public.

In addition, states have the authority to regulate land use, so they are able to identify potential locations and undertake large-scale projects more easily than businesses.

In conclusion, while supplying communal facilities for sports and social activities can help organizations improve their brand’s image and boost sales, it is actually the duty of the government to fund this by making use of tax revenue and their control over land.

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