basiliomagno's avatar

Oct. 9, 2021

No correction so far

I haven't got any correction for my last two entries. I can imagine that the amount of people learning English is way more bigger than in other languages, so there aren't enough for correcting all. Although, I have seen that most people learning Spanish speak English natively. And don't know if it's so in the other languages.
Today I feel tired. I think this will be enough. I hope someone will correct this little one entry.


No corrections so far

I haven't gotten any corrections for my last two entries.

I can imagine that the amount of people learning English is way more biglarger than in other languages, so there aren't enough forpeople to correcting them all.

more bigger→larger - I personally thought that "larger" would sound better than "more bigger" in this case.
I added the word "people" because though I could tell you were implying that you were talking about other people, you did not explicitly add the word.

Although, I have seen that most people learning Spanish speak English natively.

And don't know if it's so in the other languages.

Today I feel tired.

I think this will be enough.

I hope someone will correct this one little one entry.

Switched the order of the words.


Despite some minor grammatical mistakes, your entry was very easy to read and understand. I hope you have better luck in the future finding people to correct your entries ^_^

basiliomagno's avatar

Oct. 10, 2021


Thank you so much!

No correction so far

No corrections so far

I haven't got any correction for my last two entries.

I haven't gotten any corrections for my last two entries.

I can imagine that the amount of people learning English is way more bigger than in other languages, so there aren't enough for correcting all.

I can imagine that the amount of people learning English is way more biglarger than in other languages, so there aren't enough forpeople to correcting them all.

Although, I have seen that most people learning Spanish speak English natively.

And don't know if it's so in the other languages.

Today I feel tired.

I think this will be enough.

I hope someone will correct this little one entry.

I hope someone will correct this one little one entry.

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