Ducky's avatar

Jan. 20, 2022

"Mel i Mató"

Today I will tell you about a typical Catalan dessert. It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to do. The "Mel" is honey. You can use the honey that you like. At home, We use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good. On the other hand, the "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and white cheese. The honey is droped over the cheese and is ate with a little spoon. It is very nice of taste. Well, how I told at first, is very simple to do if you buy the "mato" already done.


"Mel i Mató"

Today I will tell you about a typical Catalan dessert.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to doeasy to make.

The "Mel" is honey.

You can use the honey that you likewhichever honey you prefer.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" thatwhich is very good.

On the other hand, tThe "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and whitcottage cheese.

"On the other hand" doesn't really work since you're not contrasting the cheese with the honey; they compliment each other.
As for the "very fresh and white": I think you're referring to something similar to cottage cheese - I might of course be wrong.

The honey is dropedYou drip/drizzle the honey over the cheese and is ateeat it with a little teaspoon.

It itastes very nice of taste/good.

Well, how I tolas I said at first, is very simple to domake if you buy the "mato" already done.


Thank you for sharing :)

Ducky's avatar

Jan. 20, 2022


On the other hand, tThe "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and whitcottage cheese.

"On the other hand" doesn't really work since you're not contrasting the cheese with the honey; they compliment each other.
As for the "very fresh and white": I think you're referring to something similar to cottage cheese - I might of course be wrong.

Yes, it is similar.

"Mel i Mató"

Today I will tell you about a typical Catalan dessert.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to do.make.

The "Mel" is honey.

You can use theany honey that you like.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good.

On the other hand, the "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and white cheese.

The honey is droped over the cheese and is eaten with a little spoon.

It is very nice of taste.

Well, how I told at first,as I first said, it is very simple to domake, particularly if you buy the "mato" already done.

Today I will tell you about a typical Catalan dessert.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to domake.

The "Mel" is honey.

You can use thewhichever honey that you like.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good.

On the other hand, the "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and white cheese.

The honey is dropped over the cheese and it is eaten with a little spoon.

Without the "it" the "is eaten" refers to just the honey instead of the whole dessert.

It itastes very nice of taste.

Well, howas I told you at first, is very simple to domake if you buy the "mato" already done.


Honey and cheese sounds interesting. I hope I can try it one day!

Ducky's avatar

Jan. 21, 2022


Thanks a lot for you comment and feedback.

"Mel i Mató"

Today I will tell you about a typical Catalan dessert.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to do.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to doeasy to make.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to domake.

It is called "Mel i mató" and is very simple to do.make.

The "Mel" is honey.

The "Mel" is honey.

You can use the honey that you like.

You can use the honey that you likewhichever honey you prefer.

You can use thewhichever honey that you like.

You can use theany honey that you like.

At home, We use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" thatwhich is very good.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good.

At home, Wwe use a kind named "Honey of a Thousand Flowers" that is very good.

On the other hand, the "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and white cheese.

On the other hand, tThe "Mató" is a kind of very fresh and whitcottage cheese.

The honey is droped over the cheese and is ate with a little spoon.

The honey is dropedYou drip/drizzle the honey over the cheese and is ateeat it with a little teaspoon.

The honey is dropped over the cheese and it is eaten with a little spoon.

The honey is droped over the cheese and is eaten with a little spoon.

It is very nice of taste.

It itastes very nice of taste/good.

It itastes very nice of taste.

Well, how I told at first, is very simple to do if you buy the "mato" already done.

Well, how I tolas I said at first, is very simple to domake if you buy the "mato" already done.

Well, howas I told you at first, is very simple to domake if you buy the "mato" already done.

Well, how I told at first,as I first said, it is very simple to domake, particularly if you buy the "mato" already done.

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