ricky's avatar

Feb. 1, 2021

Make sentences 6

1. Stuck
We always get stuck in a traffic jam during peak time.
I am stuck for words.
We need to stick to these rules.
2. Brace
You need to brace yourself for future challenges.
3. Buoy
We need to buoy our incomes.
4. Tote
Everyone totes their phone no matter where they go.
5. Fractious
I always lose my temper and become fractious.
6. Shatter
Please, don’t shatter my beliefs.
7. Bay
Just keep the war between two countries at bay.
8. Weather
My father’s face was weathered by ages.
9. Shuffle
I feel nervous so I shuffle around uncomfortably.
10. Inch
I inched forward to my classroom.


We always get stuck in a traffic jam during peak time.

I am stuck for words.

We need to stick to these rules.

You need to brace yourself for future challenges.

We need to buoy our incomes.

Everyone totes their phone no matter where they go.

I always lose my temper and become fractious.

Please, don’t shatter my beliefs.

Just keep the war between two countries at bay.

My father’s face was weathered by ages.

"Age" should be singular, not plural.

I feel nervous so I shuffle around uncomfortably.

I inched forward toward my classroom.


Most of your sentences were grammatically correct, but a couple of them could use some some stylistic changes. I'm from Canada and here's some advice to sound more fluent in Canadian English, at least:
- The verb "buoy" and the adjective "fractious" are very fancy and would not commonly be used by the average native speaker in informal speech and writing.
- "I am at a loss for words" is a much more common expression than "I am stuck for words."

Keep up the good work.

ricky's avatar

Feb. 2, 2021


Thank you so much~

Make sentences 6

1. Stuck

We always get stuck in a traffic jam during peak time.

I am stuck for words.

We need to stick to these rules.

2. Brace

You need to brace yourself for future challenges.

3. Buoy

We need to buoy our incomes.

4. Tote

Everyone totes their phone no matter where they go.

5. Fractious

I always lose my temper and become fractious.

6. Shatter

Please, don’t shatter my beliefs.

7. Bay

Just keep the war between two countries at bay.

8. Weather

My father’s face was weathered by ages.

My father’s face was weathered by ages.

9. Shuffle

I feel nervous so I shuffle around uncomfortably.



I inched forward to my classroom.

I inched forward toward my classroom.

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