SummerTeaWater's avatar

Dec. 4, 2021

Jeju Island

Jeju Island where is the biggest island in Korea is very beautiful.

Because of beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine, not only Korean people, but also Chinese and Japanese people are like to visit the island.

Ten years ago, my college friends and I visited the island and traveled around the island by bicycle.

The distance around the island was more than 240 km.

For three days, we rode there, and it made me very tired by the over face.

But I could have many interesting memories.

The tangerines were more delicious during riding, I ate a Horse Meat Bulgoji very first time.

And the most impressing moment for me was when I saw shooting stars while I was riding my bike midnight.

If I have a chance again, I will go there to ride the bike once again.


Jeju Island

Jeju Island where is, the biggest island in Korea, is very beautiful.

Because of the beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine, not only Korean people, but also Chinese and Japanese people, are likely to visit the island.

Ten years ago, my college friends and I visited the island and traveled around the island by bicycle.

The distance around the island was more than 240 km.

For three days, we rode there, and it made me very tired by the over face.

What did you mean when you said "by the over face"? May I ask for the word in your original language that you were trying to translate?

But I could havmade many interesting memories.

Technically, starting sentences with conjunctions is okay, but it may be considered an error depending on the audience. It is usually used to dramatically emphasise contract. In this specific example though, it is better to connect this to the previous sentence with a comma.

The tangerines I had were more delicious duringif I ate them while riding,. I also ate a Horse Meat Bulgoji for the very first time.

And the most impressingve moment for me was when I saw shooting stars while I was riding my bike during midnight.

If I have a chance again, I will go there to ride thea bike once again.


Great work! I love your story-telling style.

SummerTeaWater's avatar

Dec. 5, 2021


Thank you so much.

Jeju Island

Jeju Island where is the biggest island in Korea is very beautiful.

Jeju Island where is, the biggest island in Korea, is very beautiful.

Because of beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine, not only Korean people, but also Chinese and Japanese people are like to visit the island.

Because of the beautiful scenery and delicious cuisine, not only Korean people, but also Chinese and Japanese people, are likely to visit the island.

Ten years ago, my college friends and I visited the island and traveled around the island by bicycle.

The distance around the island was more than 240 km.

For three days, we rode there, and it made me very tired by the over face.

For three days, we rode there, and it made me very tired by the over face.

But I could have many interesting memories.

But I could havmade many interesting memories.

The tangerines were more delicious during riding, I ate a Horse Meat Bulgoji very first time.

The tangerines I had were more delicious duringif I ate them while riding,. I also ate a Horse Meat Bulgoji for the very first time.

And the most impressing moment for me was when I saw shooting stars while I was riding my bike midnight.

And the most impressingve moment for me was when I saw shooting stars while I was riding my bike during midnight.

If I have a chance again, I will go there to ride the bike once again.

If I have a chance again, I will go there to ride thea bike once again.

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