Pepe's avatar

July 23, 2021

I Got My First Vaccine

I got my first vaccine against COVID-19 last Sunday. There weren't so many people as I expected, so it took only about fifteen minutes. I had had no sleep the previous night at all (what a fool), so I felt fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all. The second inoculation is three weeks later. I'll get it with enough sleep then.



I Got My First Vaccine

I got my first vaccine against COVID-19 last Sunday.

There weren't aso many people as I expected, so it took only about fifteen minutes.

I had had no sleep the previous night at all (what a fool), so I felt some fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all.

The second inoculation is three weeks later.

I'll get it with enough sleep then.

I Got My First Vaccine

I got my first vaccine against COVID-19 last Sunday.

There weren't so many people as I expected, so it took only about fifteen minutes.

There weren't aso many people as I expected, so it took only about fifteen minutes.

I had had no sleep at all the previous night (what a fool I am), so I felt fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all.

The second inoculation is three weeks later.

I'll get it with enough sleep then.

I had had no sleep the previous night at all (what a fool I am), so I felt fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all.

I had had no sleep the previous night at all (what a fool), so I felt fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all.

I had had no sleep the previous night at all (what a fool), so I felt some fear about possible troubles from it, but there was nothing but a slight pain in my arm after all.

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