Ducky's avatar

April 12, 2022

I don't Like in the Trailers

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film. I think explain to much is an error. A lot of times, the trailer show an important part of the plot, so I lose interest to watch the movie. All the trailers should to finish to the half.


I don't Llike in the Ttrailers

En català solem fer servir l'article amb els substantius. Això en anglès no es fa sempre. Quan parlem d'una cosa específica, sí, per exemple: I like cats (m'agraden els gats, en general), I like the cat (m'agrada el gat, un gat en específic). També, ves amb compte amb les majúscules.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

Ací tenim un bon exemple del que explicava abans. "No odie els tràilers, però sí que odie els tràilers que..." ara que has especificat quin tipus de tràiler, pots utilitzar l'article. Això no obstant, seria millor substituir el segon "tràilers" per "ones": I don't hate trailers, but I hate the ones... Que en català seria substituir-ho per un pronom: No odio els tràilers, però odie els que... "Spoil" va sense s per la persona, i el "me" s'ha d'omitir.

I think that explaining too much is an errorwrong/a mistake/unacceptable.

To és una preposició, too és un adverb. To es fa servir per a formar l'infinitiu, per exemple: "What to do?" o: "I'm going to school." Too es fa servir en aquestes situacions: "I have had too much to eat" , "It's too loud"... "Error" sona estrany, t'he proposat unes alternatives.

A lot of times, the trailers show an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

Lose interest és un phrasal verb que va seguit de "in": I lost interest in reading; She lost interest in me. També, "trailers" és preferible ací. Si hagueres dit "the trailer", hauría d'estar el verb en singular: "shows", amb una s. Però no estàs parlant d'un tràiler en específic, així que millor fes servir el plural com a manera de generalitzar.

All the tEvery trailer /Trailers should to finish to the halfway.

No acabe d'entendre molt bé la frase. Si vols dir que els tràilers només haurien d'ensenyar la primera meitat de la pel·lícula, podries dir això: "Trailers should only show the first half of the film."


Molt bé (: T'escric un petit paràgraf en anglès i et dic que en pense.
I agree! This happened to me recently, funnily enough. I'm watching a show on Netflix which I discovered by watching a trailer. In the trailer it shows the death of a character. This character doesn't die until the last episode of season one! And it's a very important part of the plot. So I spent all season one knowing how this character would die. In the scene where the character was about to die, I knew what was coming, so I wasn't shocked when it eventually happened.
Comentaris generals del teu text:
S'ha entés bé tot el que dius menys la última frase, i coses que has de millorar són:
L'ús de l'article "the"
Les preposicions "to"
Calcs del català a l'anglès: "spoils me", només cal "spoils"
Very well done and keep on learning!

Ducky's avatar

April 19, 2022


Moltes gràcies. Aquesta correcció teva ha sigut tot un luxe. Respecte als trailers, molt sovint mostren massa detalls de l'argument. Quan dic que haurien d'acabar a la meitat, em refereixo precisament a això, a què haurien d'explicar la meitat del que expliquen.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film for me.

aquí debes prescindir del artículo.

I think that explaining too much is an error.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

All the trailers should to finish to the half.

No entiendo esta parte.

Ducky's avatar

April 13, 2022


All the trailers should to finish to the half.

No entiendo esta parte.

I mean that trailers should last the half of time because towards the end they end up explaining too much of the plot.

Ducky's avatar

April 13, 2022


Thank you.

applebubble's avatar

April 13, 2022


I mean that trailers should last the half of time because towards the end they end up explaining too much of the plot.

"The length of trailers should be cut short by half."

What I don't Llike in the Trailers.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I think explaining too much is an error.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

All the trailers should sto finish to thep at the first half.


Pretty good! You don't need "the" before trailer when you're speaking generally. If you were talking about a specific trailer you could use "the trailer".

Ducky's avatar

April 13, 2022


Thank you so much.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I think explaining too much is an error.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

Ducky's avatar

April 13, 2022



I don't Like in the Trailers

I don't Llike in the Ttrailers

What I don't Llike in the Trailers.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film for me.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I don't hate the trailers, but I hate the trailers that show too much and spoils me the film.

I think explain to much is an error.

I think that explaining too much is an errorwrong/a mistake/unacceptable.

I think that explaining too much is an error.

I think explaining too much is an error.

I think explaining too much is an error.

A lot of times, the trailer show an important part of the plot, so I lose interest to watch the movie.

A lot of times, the trailers show an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

A lot of times, the trailer shows an important part of the plot, so I lose interest toin watching the movie.

All the trailers should to finish to the half.

All the tEvery trailer /Trailers should to finish to the halfway.

All the trailers should to finish to the half.

All the trailers should sto finish to thep at the first half.

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