Tamochan's avatar

May 7, 2020

House Cleaning

Until yesterday we were on the Golden week holidays in Japan, but we couldn't go out. My wife and I decided to do a house cleaning. We cleaned every nook and cranny of the rooms. During the cleaning, my wife happend to find several letters I wrote to her before we got married. Back then I was transferred to Fukuoka branch office and sometimes wrote to her in Tokyo. I got upset and said to her,
Me: Why you still keep them! Throw them away! I'm embarrassed!!
Wife: No way! These're useful.
M: Give those back to me! I'll throw away!
W: These are mine. Don't touch them.
If I get a fact that you cheat on me, I'll distribute them with your full name to all people in Japan. I'll take these hostage for something happening in the future.

She ginned and hide them somewhere. I sobbed and regretted that we did a house cleaning. She had entirely forgotten putting the letters there but dug up them because of the cleaning. I should've watched TV quietly rather than cleaning.

昨日までゴールデンウィーク連休でしたが、我が家はどこにも出かけませんでした。 妻と私は家掃除をすることにしました。 部屋の隅々を掃除しました。 掃除中、結婚前に私が書いた手紙を妻が偶然見つけ出しました。 当時、私は福岡支社に転勤となり、東京にいる彼女に手紙を書いてました。 私は焦って言いました。

妻はニヤッと笑って、それらをどこかへ隠しました。 私はすすり泣きし、家掃除をしたことを後悔しました。 妻はそこに手紙を置いていたことをすっかり忘れていました。 それなのに掃除で掘り出してしまいました。 掃除なんかせず、おとなしくテレビを見ていればよかった。


House Cleaning

Up until yesterday we were onit was the Golden wWeek holidays in Japan, but we couldn't go out.

"We were on holiday" is more when you personally take a vacation. "It was Christmas/Easter/New Years." It is more general.

My wife and I decided to do a house cleaningclean the house.

Nothing technically wrong, but I would suggest a more active sentence here.

We cleaned every nook and cranny of the rooms.

During thWhile cleaning, my wife happend to find several letters I wrote to her before we got married.

Once again, not wrong, but a more active sentence. ('During an event', but 'While doing something')

Back then I was transferred to the Fukuoka branch office and sometimes wrote to her in Tokyo.

I got upset and said to her,

Me: Why do you still keep them!

Throw them away!

I'm embarrassed!!

Wife: No way!

These' are useful.

Not common to use a conjunction for 'these are.'

M: Give those back to me!

I'll throw them away!

Need the subject here

W: These are mine.

Don't touch them.

If I get a facfind out that you cheat on me, I'll distribute them with your full name to all people in Japan.

"find out that you cheat" means ongoing, many times. "find out that you cheated" means more one (or more) time(s) in the past.

I'll takeep these hostage forin case something happenings in the future.

Hostage is more for people.

She grinned and hide them somewhere.

I sobbed and regretted that we did a house cleaningving cleaned the house.

She had entirely forgotten putting the letters there but dug up them because of the cleaning.

I should've watched TV quietly rather than cleaning.


Nice job! I can understand you well, and most of your grammar isn't wrong. I just tried to give you some tips to sound more native!

Tamochan's avatar

May 7, 2020


Thank you so much! I didn't know "there are" cannot be used a conjunction. I learned it.


Seems fine to me.

Tamochan's avatar

May 8, 2020


Thank you so much for checking!

House Cleaning

Until yesterday we were on the Golden week holidays in Japan, but we couldn't go out.

Up until yesterday we were onit was the Golden wWeek holidays in Japan, but we couldn't go out.

My wife and I decided to do a house cleaning.

My wife and I decided to do a house cleaningclean the house.

We cleaned every nook and cranny of the rooms.

During the cleaning, my wife happend to find several letters I wrote to her before we got married.

During thWhile cleaning, my wife happend to find several letters I wrote to her before we got married.

Back then I was transferred to Fukuoka branch office and sometimes wrote to her in Tokyo.

Back then I was transferred to the Fukuoka branch office and sometimes wrote to her in Tokyo.

I got upset and said to her,

Me: Why you still keep them!

Me: Why do you still keep them!

Throw them away!

I'm embarrassed!!

Wife: No way!

These're useful.

These' are useful.

M: Give those back to me!

I'll throw away!

I'll throw them away!

W: These are mine.

Don't touch them.

If I get a fact that you cheat on me, I'll distribute them with your full name to all people in Japan.

If I get a facfind out that you cheat on me, I'll distribute them with your full name to all people in Japan.

I'll take these hostage for something happening in the future.

I'll takeep these hostage forin case something happenings in the future.

She ginned and hide them somewhere.

She grinned and hide them somewhere.

I sobbed and regretted that we did a house cleaning.

I sobbed and regretted that we did a house cleaningving cleaned the house.

She had entirely forgotten putting the letters there but dug up them because of the cleaning.

I should've watched TV quietly rather than cleaning.

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