thinkmore's avatar

Nov. 24, 2020

Home gardening

I seeded kujo green onions in planters. Kujo green onions are one of Kyoto vegetables. I like eating it with ramen. My dad gave me the seed and soil the other day. I had planters because I had grown parsley on my balcony. It's fun to grow plants. I water them every day. I'm excited to see the growth every morning.

プランターに九条ねぎを植えました。 九条ねぎは京都の野菜のひとつです。私はそれをラーメンにのせて一緒に食べるのが好きです。 先日、父が種と土をくれました。 私は以前ベランダでパセリを育てたことがあるので、プランターを持っていました。 植物を育てるのは楽しいです。 毎日水をやります。 毎朝、植物の成長を見るのが楽しみです。


I seedplanted kujo green onion seeds in planterots.

I'm not sure what you mean by "planters" but I'm assuming you mean pots. "Planters" is a noun, describing a person who plants.

Kujo green onions are one of Kyoto's vegetables.

I had plantersd them because I had growngrew parsley before on my balcony.

I'm excited to see their growth every morning.

the growth and their growth both work.
I just wrote "their" growth to specify the growth of the new Kujo green onion seeds you recently planted.


It's so great you were able to grow parsley and started to plant green onion! You must have a green thumb (means you're good at planting and take care of plants well)! I have tried to grow lavender flowers that a friend gave me but both times I tried, I accidentally ended up killing them :(. It's amazing to see them grow each and every day! Keep up the good work!

thinkmore's avatar

Nov. 24, 2020


Thank you! Yes, "pot" is what I meant. The parsley didn't grow well, and I ended up killing them too. You like growing plants, right? Why not grow another plant? :D

curiosity345's avatar

Nov. 24, 2020


Hi! I did try to grow another plant, but that one died too... :(. I got busy with school work and I think it's a bit too cold now for me to start growing another plant. I'll try once it gets warmer again :). Thank you for the encouragement!
Do you take pictures or record the growth process of your plants?

Home gardening

I seeded kujo green onions in planters.

I seedplanted kujo green onion seeds in planterots.

Kujo green onions are one of Kyoto vegetables.

Kujo green onions are one of Kyoto's vegetables.

I like eating it with ramen.

My dad gave me the seed and soil the other day.

I had planters because I have grown parsley on my balcony.

It's fun to grow plants.

I water them every day.

I'm excited to see the growth every morning.

I'm excited to see their growth every morning.

I had planters because I had grown parsley on my balcony.

I had plantersd them because I had growngrew parsley before on my balcony.

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